On Tuesday 27 May 2003 15:34, Ed Kasky wrote:
> At 04:49 PM Tuesday, 5/27/2003, Ben M. VanWagner wrote -=>
> >All the active members of this list should apologize to every idiot who
> >makes this kind of complaint in the wrong place.
> This is an issue that I deal with all the time and some of the more
> experienced SA users have to deal with me about ;-)
> IMHO, it comes down to the fact that some folks think a computer should be
> turned on and should work just the way they want it to out of the box and
> can't understand when it doesn't.  Nor do they want to take the time to
> figure it out.
> I doubt his isp just installed SA without warning people what was coming
> and what they could expect.  What are the chances that all their customers
> read that email?

The reason is that for most, plug 'n' play is a religious experience.  They've 
been told by Bill Gates that they can just turn their computers on and 
everything will be simply wonderful.

As for what his ISP may have told him via email, I doubt that he read past a 
line that said something about reducing spam.

Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Robin Lynn Frank - Director of Operations - Paradigm-Omega, LLC
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