109K in ISR
On Mar 28, 4:23 am, mdipierro wrote:
> When you google "web2py" how may hits do you get? from which country?
> When I do it from the US I get ~106,000. The number has been steady
> for one year. Before that is was much higher ~600,000.
> When I did it from India the number was abo
In chapter 2, on the code example of "Special Attributes, Methods and
Operators", we have
class MyList(object)
def __init__(self, *a): self.a = a
def __len__(self): return len(self.a)
def __getitem__(self, i): return self.a[i]
def __setitem__(self, i, j): self.a[i] = j
b = MyLi
return self.a[i]
> def __setitem__(self, i, j): self.a[i] = j
> b=MyList(3,4,5)
> print b[1]
> b[1]=7#self-explanatory
> print b.a
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM, guruyaya wrote:
> > In chapter 2, on the code example of "Special Attributes, Methods and
> > Ope
s not defined
2. This happens when I use the interactive shell from the admin panel:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/guruyaya/python/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line 3216, in
rows = resp
Oh. Ok.
Thanks for your reply.
On Sep 21, 10:24 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> when you use the console you must use the -M option to execute your
> models.
> The problem with the web based shell is well known and I do not have a
> fix jet. sorry.
> Massimo
> On Sep 2
Quoting chapter 8:
If "object" is a tablename then the permission can refer to the entire
table (record_id==0) or to a specific record (record_id>0).
My guess it should be:
If "object" is a tablename then the permission can refer to the entire
table (record_id>0) or to a specific record (record_id=
Much clearer. Thanks!
On Sep 22, 1:10 pm, cjrh wrote:
> On Sep 22, 11:47 am, ron_m wrote:
> > No, I think you are possibly looking at the meaning of record_id in a
> > different way than intended.
> Documentation edited to be explicit here.
I'm working on the admin translation to hebrew, and I've found this
admin disabled because not supported on google APPS engine
should be google APP engine (no s at the end of app). Right?
Sure. Sent
On Sep 22, 3:49 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> yes. Can you send me a patch to fix it?
> On Sep 22, 7:53 am, guruyaya wrote:
> > I'm working on the admin translation to hebrew, and I've found this
> > line:
> > admin disabled because not
I'm curious, what is populate for, anyway?
On Sep 30, 3:13 am, Richard wrote:
> thanks - didn't know about that free plan.
> Pity they haven't translated everything to English.
> On Sep 29, 8:13 am, Jose wrote:
> > On 25 ago, 00:15, Kevin wrote:
> > > You can remove gluon/contrib/populate
Oh, awsome! I see there's Hebrew and RTL support, in the admin! Who is
this fine work?
Sorry. I just like the attention.
On Oct 2, 10:50 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Changelog:
> markmin2latex
> markmin2pdf
> Storage getfirst, getlast, getall by Kevin and Nathan
> db(db.table), db(db.table.id) both s
I'm not sure, but isn't this method open to Cross site scripting? I
can create an image tag with the http://.../check with ease!
On Oct 6, 8:26 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Say you have a table
> db.define_table('item',Field('name'),Field('check','boolean',default=False))
> you can have two control
> No the check action never creates any record. it just allows you to
> edit if you have access...
OK, Imagine that.
Say I have a "show my email to the world" boolean on my blog. Say I'm
allowing pictures in my comments, for registered users. Now the
attacker, puts this tag:
One thing I like on cakePHP, over other frameworks (there actually is
only one), is the hooks they have on saving and loading data events.
beforeSave, and afterSave are my favorite. For example:
1. Say I have a fulltext search engine, like pyLucene, and I want to
make sure it's updated whenever a d
I happen to like to new logo. It looks like very slick. The offers on
the google docs are problematic, as they are rectangles, not squares
(or even almost squares). Imagine using it as a desktop icon, or as a
favicon, and I think you'll see the problem.
Overall - I like the new design. After gettin
I think B is the best option, but... Hummm.. what happend to that
beutiful logo that we had when the new website was first presented
(the w with the p in it)? I missed the point when it was replaced, and
it would have been my choise, if it was an option.
On Oct 12, 6:03 am, mdipierro wrote:
> P.S
Everytime I say "web2py will never be easier to develop with", you
make me a liar. Amazing.
On Oct 21, 7:43 pm, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> This is very handy. I got an error on step 1 with Python 2.6. I think
> line 62 of wizard.py should be:
> from gluon.contrib.simplejson import loads
> On Oct 21,
I think a button with a plus sign, near every table field, is more in
intuitive, the enter. Don't remove the enter, just add the plus sign
If you don't do that, for the very least, explain that adding another
field is done with enter as well.
On Oct 22, 10:36 am, dederocks wrote:
> Thanks fo
I'm not sure how to attach files here, but I've created a patch that
creates a dropdown with all possible languages on the admin. Anyone
wants it?
On Nov 10, 2:53 pm, Stefan Scholl wrote:
> I know, but I don't want to use one browser for development (English)
> and one for the rest (German).
On another topic: Your server returns "text/plain" content type on
these plugins. Is there a chance you can find a way to change w2p file
to return an "application/zip" content type?
On Nov 7, 11:54 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> And if you do not see that it is because you must upgrade the admin
> inte
So I decided to create a scaleable version of the web2py logo.
Enjoy it if you want
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send ema
Is it possible to edit a plugin file, after I created it? Clicking on
the plugin from the app menu, just gives me the list of the projects
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
latest admin. At the bottom of th design page
> > you should be able to click on plugin, see and edit the plugin files.
> > On Nov 12, 6:01 pm, guruyaya wrote:
> > > Is it possible to edit a plugin file, after I created it? Clicking on
> > > the plugin from the
view of this app:
7. Be surprised to see:
ost recent call last):
File "/home/guruyaya/python/web2py-read-only/gluon/restricted.py",
line 184, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/guruyaya/python/web2py-read-only/applications/welcome/
models/db.py", line 31, in
#x27;ll test it before, my
> > > > daughter
> > > > probably woke me up (teething).
> > > > On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:37 PM, mdipierro
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > I will hit you with a thank you. This is the second bug you fou
OK, I've signed it. It's hanging on my wall for all to see.
Anything else you want done with it?
On Dec 11, 6:45 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If you are a web2py contributor or wish to be one, please sign this
> contract:
> http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/agreement.pdf
> Only contributors
Did you update Mercurial?
On Dec 31 2009, 5:52 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The correct behaviour is the latter. Which version ever caused the
> former behavior?
> Massimo
> On Dec 31, 4:24 am, szimszon wrote:
> > Hello!
> > Possible I found a bug.
> > It's the "[id]" thing with crud next ur
I have several issues concerning internationalization, that I'd like
to present.
1. There are several strings on the administrator panel, that don't
use the T function, and therefor cannot be translated. Is that on
purpose? If not, I am willing to take the time, locate those strings,
and make them
Seem like my last post was not published for some reason, so I'll
issue the same issues again.
1. There are several strings in the admin panel, that don't use the T
function to make them available for translate. Is there a reason? If
not, I'm willing to put the effort and locate these strings, so
OK, Oddly I didn't see the quistion I asked, and the aswer until I
posted the 2nd. God help google groups.
Anyway, thanks for your answers. I imagine I'll find the time to
handle 1 and 2 this weekend.
On Apr 29, 6:47 am, guruyaya wrote:
> Seem like my last post was not published fo
I did some work on web2py admin interface. Mainly opening the design
template for translations, by adding the T function to strings. I'd
like to submit it as a path. Who do I address? Should I publish it
Thanks id advance
You received th
Sure. You can just go like this
requires=IS_EMAIL(error_message=T("Must be a vaild email"))
You need to do this to every validator you have.
(I didn't write the full syntax, but I'm quite sure you understand it.
Oh, and I'm not home, so it's not really tested, but I recall this is
the syntax).
I'd like to know if there's a function that returns the current
language in use. I cannot read this from the headers, as it could be
that the user language is being forced. The process of analyzing the
language from the accepted language is problematic, as it can change
in the course of time.
> On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 6:08 AM, guruyaya wrote:
> > I'd like to know if there's a function that returns the current
> > language in use. I cannot read this from the headers, as it could be
> > that the user language is being forced. The process of analyzing
I think there will be a problem, in case I have a none standart
setting in my browser. If I don't have English defined in my browser,
only Italian, for example, it will throw an error, even if I wrote
T.current_languages=['en','en-en'], trying to read the accepted
On May 11, 11:59 pm, m
OK, that should solve it. Think I'd rather having the first language
on the current_languages list be returned, but hay - you cannot get
On May 12, 11:12 am, Álvaro Justen [Turicas]
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:07 AM, guruyaya wrote:
> > I think there will
I've inspected web2py cookies, and I think I'm on to a problem.
Say, I'm going into a public internet cafe. I'm getting into a web2py
websute, that use the default auth. I'm looking at the cookie data,
saving it
then, I'm sitting in the next chair, and some other guy goes to the
same website, and l
settings.logout_onlogout=lambda user:
> os.unlink(response.session_filename)
> This will delete the session and will force a new session cookie next
> request.
> On Nov 12, 4:42 pm, guruyaya wrote:
> > I've inspected web2py cookies, and I think I'm on to a problem.
I think you missed on this paticular scenerio.
If I can sniff the traffic, I must have access to the router that
holds the data. That means, I'm on a place in the routing table, that
gets this packet, and that means I can make my IP be the same as the
user in the far end of the communication. So, i
Ummm... you know that it's an opening for xss... right?
It's not a big deal if everything else is done right in the website,
but I can force an admin to impersonate someone else, by creating an
image in my website, with src that goes:
You should really
I'm working with postgres, and I play a lot with the databases. Problem is,
I get into lots of situations when I cannot use fake migration, because the
DB is not in the right state yet, but I cannot use real migration, as the
db files are not set right.
What I readlly want, is a way to make web2
ets a ticket that goes:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/guruyaya/tmp/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 209, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/guruyaya/tmp/web2py/applications/welcome/controllers/default.py"
Attaching a suggested patch and calling it a day. Good night
On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:12:15 PM UTC+3, guruyaya wrote:
> This problem occured on the latest stable release to, but I'll describe it
> on trunk
> 1. pull the latest trunk from hg
> 2. run web2py
I'm trying to figure out how to use the built in auth.wiki feature.
I read the markmin syntax allows expending the syntax using the "extra"
tag. Is there a way to implement it in auth.wiki? where should the de of
the extra functionality be?
*Is there a guide containing all options for this feat
I need to create a performance sensative application. For this reason, I
want to skip creating sessions. Just simple request and reply. Is there a
way to do that, or web2py just comes with sessions, and I cannot skip it?
Thanks in advance
You received this message because you are
I think the best way to address this problem is using the A tag, like this:
stored_code = A(request.vars.the_link, _href=request.vars.the_link)
or, if you insist
stored_code = XML("%(link)s" % {'link':
PS - I sure hope it's not a code sample, cauz you're just screeming for
I have some script I'm running via linux cron, using web2py panel, like so
web2py.py -S app -M -R application/app/scripts/myscript.py
When It starts, it shows these lines:
No handlers could be found for logger "web2py"
web2py Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2013
Say I would like to create a project that uses eBay as a database. One of
the things I'm dreaming of, is making ad hook storage engine, for the
purpose of reading eBay listings. I'm not looking to hack DAL for this
purpose (and make upgrades hard), but to extend DAL, and use it's built ins
to s
Silly plugin, actually, but someone will probably use it. I needed it.
Takes the current T object, and makes a version of it available to JS.
Should just work after installtion.
Use it for good, and grate forturne will come to you soon!!!
I'm not sure about this. You think of perfect solutions, when most people will
settle for simpler solution, that may not be perfect. I imagine a line in the
model, that updates a datetime field, every time a user does something in the
website, and then finding out who had his last activity in th
I've used it myself, but note this certificate is not insured in any
way, and it allows a pretty weak protection, in the free edition. It
also fails to work with wget (you can add some extra params to make it
work with wget, but most people don't want this hussle).
The quiestion is, what is this ce
Sahna Tova Umetuka!
On Jan 2, 12:01 pm, Martín Mulone wrote:
> late but happy new year!
> 2012/1/1 Massimo Di Pierro
> > Happy new year everybody!
> --
> http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar
Were the web2py book refrences deigned to work? If so - they are not.
For example, click here:
and click on the link that says "web2py"
it leads nowhere. Niether any of the refrences
I create a file in the models, and never commit it, called 0-
settings.py, that goes
w2p_settings['dbcon'] = 'whatevent://me:mypass@myhost/mydb'
then, on db.py
db = DAL(w2p_settings['dbcon'])
except NameError:
db = DAL('somedb://someotherguy:hispassword@otherhost/somedb')
this has so
in chapter 6, at the section talking about "Copy data from one db into
db = DAL('postgresql://username:password@hocalhost/mydb')
Probably meant
db = DAL('postgres://username:password@localhost/mydb')
I wrote this function, to help out with a project I'm working on, that
has an extensive use of the common filter functionality (describes in
chapter 6 of the web2py book).
Say you have a blog, containing active, and inactive posts:
I've made a mistake in my tip, please replace:
db.comment._common_filter = inherit_common_filter(db, db.comment)
db.comment._common_filter = inherit_common_filter(db,
Sorry for this one.
On Jan 29, 10:46 am, guruyaya wrote:
> I wrote this function, to help
Say you have a response.menu, that goes
response.menu = [
(T('Home'), False, URL('default','index'), [
(T('Looged In stuff'), False, URL('default','index'))
(T('Logged in menu'), False, URL('default','index'), [
(T('Menu Item'), False, URL('default','index'))
This is beutiful. Just beutiful
On Feb 6, 8:54 pm, leone wrote:
> Fine!http://www.globaleaks.org/
I think inner select belongs are not supported by GAE, but using an
array, is. Can anyone confirm what I just said (read the code, didn't
test it).
On 21 פברואר, 08:06, "Peter G." wrote:
> I'm trying to obtain a set of rows whose ID values belongs in rows'
> fields of another table.
> Here's t
It's been quite some time since the last official release. There are
several features in trunk, that I'd love to use, but I cannot use
unstable releases (like trunk). when are we seeing another version?
I'm looking for a way to create a command line script, that will
enable me to send all possible params for a certin request
(originating ip, requested app, requested controller and so on), and
get the HTML output (or, if possible, an object containing the full
response, including header options). I
> web2py.py -S myapp/mycontroller -M -N -R myscript.py), you can do:
> html = response.render('mycontroller/myfunction.html', myfunction())
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, February 21, 2012 8:39:51 AM UTC-5, guruyaya wrote:
Think you can clone it via mercurial here:
On 17 מרץ, 11:00, praveen krishna wrote:
> Hii,
> Where can I get the URL or package of pyMantis app to instal in web2py.I
> have tried in http://pymantis.org/but I am unable to find .
Hi Massimo
For some strange reason the update language mechanism leave out some
empty strings. I'm not sure why this bug occurs, my guess is, it's one
of the crazy things I'm doing in this project.
I was wondering, why an empty string in the translation file, won't
return the default string? It doe
On Sep 8, 5:59 am, wwwgong wrote:
> Congratulations!
> more details from
> here:http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source-software/bossie-awards-2011-th...
Ummm, why are you using [[ for links and images instead of just one
[ ? It doesn't work for me, when I user the [[ syntax.
On Sep 11, 1:36 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> No. It makes the view. You just return it.
> On Sep 10, 3:53 pm, António Ramos wrote:
> > Humm, dont i need a
Well, oddly it works the other way for me. I'll look into it later
On Sep 12, 3:20 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> markmin requires [[...]] not [...]
> On Sep 11, 2:29 pm, guruyaya wrote:
> > Ummm, why are you using [[ for links
I think your browser is set with french by default. Look into your
browser settings.
On Sep 15, 11:08 am, Zhe Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to find something in web2py book, but everything is in French now.
> (Wasn't like this yesterday)
> I am sure I have set my browser to English, anything wron
-1 for breaking compatibility. I can see the need here and there, but
I have some apps running on web2py, and thinking that I'll have to
make sure they work aain, just because we got to a rounded number - is
unthinkable. When web2py moves to python 3 - it'll make sense to
reexamine all features. Bu
I've just D/L vcms to try. It works well on 1.98.2, but not throws an
exception on the home page. Here's the ticket details:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/guruyaya/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 194, in
exec ccode in environment
File &q
etter idea what's going on here.
On Sep 21, 9:29 pm, guruyaya wrote:
> I've just D/L vcms to try. It works well on 1.98.2, but not throws an
> exception on the home page. Here's the ticket details:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/guruya
Well... no. Most of the client side projects are not as backward
compatible as web2py. Upgrading the JS / CSS files automaticly, can
create problems. I can also make changes in my client-side files, that
I wouldn't want web2py to overrun them.
On Sep 27, 7:51 pm, apple wrote:
> I sometimes have
The list does not give you the name of it's creator
You should enable editing
Allow other users to suggest more options
Instead of 3 lines, and a plus, create one, and onfocus, automaticly
create another line. This will create a better flow.
Are you planning to open source this app?
On Oc
Hummm... multiple databases won't work this way.
On Aug 18, 7:28 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> basically we almost get rid of appadmin completely and just do
> @auth.requires_membership('admin')
> def appadmin():
> return dict(form=SQLFORM.grid(db[request.args(0)]))
> On Aug 18, 12:26 p
Let me start by saying that I LOVE migrations. It makes development so
much easier. For me, it's the number 1 web2py killer feature: the fact
I don't have to think of databses while developing.
But in a production enviroment, migrations takes time and reasources.
I wouldn't want to run migration on
On Oct 7, 3:34 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> I guess this finally relieves me from the non-disclosure agreement ;-)
> web2py has already been running on GAE+SQL since March:
> http://web2py-tests.appspot.com/mysql/tests
> All web2py apps can now run GAE. Just use a connection
Don't forget on table creation and alteration.
On Oct 11, 11:57 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Would be nice to have some global events in web2py workflow. I can imagine
> some useful hooks:
> workflow global events:
> onrequest # before the execution of action/model
> prerender # after the execu
On Oct 12, 4:18 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> As I said, the problem is not the names or when they should be called.
> The problem is. What should be input and the output of each of these
> functions?
Whenever I'm in a problem with a full stack web framework, I think to
myself "what would cake
I could be wrong, but I don't think I remember any discussions that go
out of line, in this forum. I don't remember any politics discussions,
any religious or scientific, that went out of line.
Is this, really a such a big problem that requires it's own policy? We
don't need this policy, just as mu
While I can avoid using python 2.4, it will break the backward
compatebility policy web2py has. I'm not sure that all web2py users
are part of these discussions.
The main thing I have to say here, is I'll need to know more about the
price, in order to give my +1 for this one. What do you mean impro
Every since the demo of EMTE, I'm fascinated by the option of using
comet sockets to do real time processing. Yet I cannot find any
domestication on the usage of comet sockets in web2py.
Can you help direct me to anything that has to do with this issue?
Thanks in advance
On Mar 17, 6:41 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> give it a try:
> ## 1.94.1
> - moderniz 1.17
> - web2py no longer saves session if no change, this makes it up up to
> 10x faster for simple actions
> - experimental REST API
> - better support for MSSQL NOT NULL
> - small bug fixes
I've been looking around http://www.web2py.com/poweredby section, and
decided to go into one of the websites. I don't get why it asked me to
log in, but I can understand this is website policy. The problem I had
was this.
Examine this url:
On Apr 5, 4:14 pm, Massimo Di Pierro
> was a design issue. changed.
> On Apr 5, 4:15 am, Kenneth Lundström
> wrote:
> > Why is there no link to poweredby page on the frontpage or did I miss it?
> > That sounds strange that you have to login, I don t know why. But if you
> >
Here's a simplified version of a model I'm working on:
Field('description', 'text'),
Field('first_chapter', db.chapter)
Field('tale', 'text'),
As you can ima
The first is an option. But thinking of other models, like questions
and the best answer, will still be a problem.
I thought of a validator, that will go something like this:
Field('description', 'text'),
OK, my head is starting to give small smokes signals from thinking of
how to build this validator. I can, for now, count on the fact that
the first chapter is the first row. And yet, I'm quite sure I'll have
to think of something sometime soon.
On Apr 7, 7:51 am, guruyaya wrote:
_chapter for that story_id.
> On Apr 6, 9:29 pm,guruyaya wrote:
> > Here's a simplified version of a model I'm working on:
> > db.define_table('story',
> > Field('title'),
> > Field(
chapters for the story have been flagged as first; if not auto flag
> the one being saved.
> If a subsequent chapter (marked as first) is saved then set all others
> to false.
> Not perfect but just a thought...
> On Apr 8, 8:05 am,guruyaya wrote:
Take this example
db.define_table('table1', Field('title));
Now I want to write a validator that makes sure Both table2 and
I should have been ready for this one. Guess I'll just have to work
with "onvalidation".
On Apr 11, 12:18 am, Massimo Di Pierro
> sorry you cannot have a join in a validator.
> I think this qualifies as an XY problem. ;-)
> Massimo
> On
Loved it. I can think of skipping eclipse for small projects with this
editor, which I cannot do with the current one (it's cool, but not
that cool).
On May 7, 7:34 pm, Shishir Ramam wrote:
> the autocompletion (seemed to be setup only for javascript in the demo), is
> really cool!
> -shishir
This is an impressive piece of work. WOW!
On Jun 14, 3:24 pm, Alexandre Strzelewicz
> Sorry to spam just a bit but here are a mini tutorial to launch
> Skytoop with web2py :
> http://blog.hemca.com/?p=878
> (See you soon ! I will do a benchmark using Web2py with FastCGI and
> NGINX vs
This is run on a web2py shell:
>>> db.define_table('item',
... Field('unit_price','double'),
... Field('quantity','integer'),
... Field('total_price',
... compute=lambda r: r['unit_price']*r['quantity']))
>>> r = db.item.insert(unit_price=1.99, quantity=5
12:54 am, niknok wrote:
> You're checking it from the shell. Do a db.commit() before checking
> for total_price.
> On Jul 15, 3:37 am, guruyaya wrote:
> > This is run on a web2py shell:
> > >>> db.
As for what you said, pbreit - this is acctually a copy paste of the
book. The version installed is 1.97.1
As for your your 2nd suggestion
>>> db.item.total_price.compute = lambda r: float(r['unit_price']) *
>>> float(r['quantity'])
>>> r = db.item.insert(unit_price=1.99, quantity=3)
>>> r.total_
, but it gives me this exception:
File "/home/guruyaya/sat/web2py/applications/locwall/views/default/
index.html", line 105
response.write("\n''')}}\n", esc
Not sure about what I'm saying right now, but I giving a wild guess:
the{{=user.skype}} with space is not url encoded (does not replace
space with %20). I tried the A helper just now, and it does not
urlencode either (that's something that should be fixed, maybe I'll
find the time for it). The thin
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