The first is an option. But thinking of other models, like questions and the best answer, will still be a problem. I thought of a validator, that will go something like this:
db.define_table('story', Field('title'), Field('description', 'text'), ) db.define_table('chapter', Field('title'), Field('tale', 'text'), Field('story_id',db.story) Field('is_first_chapter','boolean', default=false) ) db.chapter.is_first_chapter.requires = IS_ONLY_ONE_IN_GROUP(group='story_id',only_one_value=true,others_value=false); I'll try and write this validator sometime this weekend, and see how it goes. On Apr 6, 11:36 pm, pbreit <> wrote: > Or I could see keeping track of which chapter_number a chapter is in the > chapter table (do chapters only belong to one book?).