OK, Oddly I didn't see the quistion I asked, and the aswer until I
posted the 2nd. God help google groups.
Anyway, thanks for your answers. I imagine I'll find the time to
handle 1 and 2 this weekend.

On Apr 29, 6:47 am, guruyaya <guruy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seem like my last post was not published for some reason, so I'll
> issue the same issues again.
> 1. There are several strings in the admin panel, that don't use the T
> function to make them available for translate. Is there a reason? If
> not, I'm willing to put the effort and locate these strings, so
> translation will be available.
> 2. I put an effort, and translated the admin panel to hebrew (well,
> the parts that are open for translation, anyway). Is there a way to
> make it available on the official version, or for the very least,
> available on the site?
> 3. Can I, somehow, make a language force a different or additional css
> file? To be more specific, I'd like to create a site that allows RTL
> languages, and that requires a diffrent set of css definitions.
> 4. Is there a standard way to force a language other then the browser
> reports (like using a certain cookie), or do I have to include a
> mechanism for it myself?
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