As for what you said, pbreit - this is acctually a copy paste of the
book. The version installed is 1.97.1

As for your your 2nd suggestion
>>> db.item.total_price.compute = lambda r: float(r['unit_price']) * 
>>> float(r['quantity'])
>>> r = db.item.insert(unit_price=1.99, quantity=3)
>>> r.total_price
>>> db.commit()
>>> db(>0).select();
<gluon.dal.Rows object at 0x17f2450>
>>> db(>0).select()[1]
<Row {'total_price': '5.97', 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
0x17f1c80>, 'unit_price': 1.99, 'id': 2, 'delete_record': <function
<lambda> at 0x17f1cf8>, 'quantity': 3}>
>>> db([0];
<Row {'total_price': '5.97', 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
0x17f1b18>, 'unit_price': 1.99, 'id': 2, 'delete_record': <function
<lambda> at 0x17f1d70>, 'quantity': 3}>
>>> db(;
>>> db.commit()
>>> db(>0).select()[1]
<Row {'total_price': '5.97', 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
<Row {'total_price': '5.97', 'update_record': <function <lambda> at
0x17f1f50>, 'unit_price': 1.99, 'id': 2, 'delete_record': <function
<lambda> at 0x17f7050>, 'quantity': 12}>

So nothing yet...
On Jul 14, 11:18 pm, pbreit <> wrote:
> That definitely looks like it should work according to the book.
> What do you get when you do it exactly like the book?
> >>> db.define_table('item',
>         Field 
> <>('unit_price','double'),
>         Field 
> <>('quantity','integer'),
>         Field <>('total_price',
>             compute=lambda r: r['unit_price']*r['quantity']))
> >>> r = db.item.insert(unit_price=1.99, quantity=5)
> >>> print r.total_price
> What version of Web2py? Do you get different behavior if you pull the
> compute out of the table def?
> db.item.total_price.compute = lambda r: r['unit_price']*r['quantity']
> How about:
> db.item.total_price.compute = lambda r: float(r['unit_price']) *
> float(r['quantity'])

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