One thing I like on cakePHP, over other frameworks (there actually is only one), is the hooks they have on saving and loading data events. beforeSave, and afterSave are my favorite. For example: 1. Say I have a fulltext search engine, like pyLucene, and I want to make sure it's updated whenever a data is saved on my server. 2. Say I have a website, that generates buttons for donations. I want the button to be updated whenever I change any of it's data: the project name, the amount needed to be donated, the date and so on. I want it cached, not made on the fly. If I had a way to say "every time you change something in a model, create a banner file", that would make my life much easier. 3. Say I create a web app, with all the settings saved in the database. I also want to create an object that holds all the settings, to avoid queries every time I need a setting read (like the $vbulletin var on... well vBulletin).
Is there a way to do that on cake? and if not... do you think there should be?