I could be wrong, but I don't think I remember any discussions that go
out of line, in this forum. I don't remember any politics discussions,
any religious or scientific, that went out of line.
Is this, really a such a big problem that requires it's own policy? We
don't need this policy, just as much as we don't need a sexual
harassment policy.  just like we don't need a policy for the
restaurants we go together.
IMHO most of us are internet educated enough, to ignore signatures, as
long as they are not a big hate message. My guess is most of the
people know the limits, when they ask themselves "Can I afford to
loose a code, written by someone who is offended from this line?" This
will probably give you a good estimate to what to write and what not.

On Oct 12, 3:59 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> Hope nobody gets offended by this email and I have no option but bring
> it up because I have received few emails on the topic.
> This is a multinational, multicultural community and this is a very
> good thing. We want to keep it this way. Each of us has different
> believes. Some people have expressed their believes (political,
> religious, metaphysical) but occasionally when this conflicts with
> believes of another person, the other person may feel offended. It has
> happened.
> I do not think anybody has been doing anything wrong, because 1) we
> have no policy about this; 2) because nobody ever tried to convince
> anybody else on matters not related to the mailing list topic. In
> those cases when religious or political statement was made, it was
> done in the form of a signature.
> Do we need a policy about this?
> Do we want see other people political/religious/philosophical
> statements in there emails?
> The problem with this issue is that everybody has a different
> sensibility threshold. I too have mine. For example I would be very
> uncomfortable if anybody were to post statements objecting what I
> consider basic scientific truths.
> Perhaps having a policy that says we should make no political/
> religious/philosophical statements is the simplest policy to
> implement.  Or perhaps just being aware of this problem is sufficient
> and people will act differently. Of course this problem cannot be
> solved completely as new users would not always be aware of policy.
> And there always be exceptions (what if a user if building a software
> that is connected to his/her belief).
> I this point I am not suggesting a policy on this, I am just telling
> everybody there is an issue. Some people have been raising it
> privately. You may want to think twice about what you put in your
> emails. You may get more people to help you if you are neutral.
> There is one policy I will be enforcing though (which is related but
> does not solve thee issue above):
> ------
> If I see any statement that will appear discriminatory towards any
> group of people, I will demand an apology and, depending on the
> severity or lack of apology, I will ban the user who posted the
> statement. (for the record. to my knowledge, this has never happend).
> ------
> Massimo

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