Re: OS X Source Compile Woes

2012-08-07 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Jeff, For erlang_js to build correctly on OS X Mountain Lion, you need to rebuild Erlang as 64-bit. Instructions for doing the following can be found here: Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, August 7

Re: OS X Source Compile Woes

2012-08-07 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Sweet, glad to hear it! On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Jeff Kirkell wrote: > Chris, > > That did it. I did have to completely remove Erlang and reinstall but it now > works. > > Thanks. > > On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Kelly McLaughlin (> wrote: > > Jeff,

Re: Riak Control

2012-09-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
know if you're still running into problems. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn On Friday, September 21, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Pavel Kogan wrote: > Hi fellows, > > I have cluster of 2 physical Riak nodes (I know it is not enough) running on > CentOS 6. > Now I am trying to co

Re: Riak Control

2012-09-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Perfect, thank you! -- Christopher Meiklejohn On Saturday, September 22, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Pavel Kogan wrote: > Hi Christopher, > > Thanks a lot, it is works now. > > Pavel > > > > On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 2:47 AM, Christopher Meiklejohn > mailto:cmeikle

Re: ANN: riak-js 0.9.0 released

2012-11-13 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > Are you published in npm? > > npm install riak is for the mranney version. It appears you mistyped the library name: npm install riak-js - Chris

Fw: Gem versions?

2012-11-27 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
2, and the latest version of that gem is 1.0.0.beta. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Forwarded message: > From: Martin Streicher > To: Christopher Meiklejohn > Date: Monday, November 26, 2012 8:52:22 PM > Subject: Re: Gem versions? > > > The specific version was

Re: Gem versions?

2012-11-28 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Martin, Just checking in to make sure you're all set and haven't run into further issues. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Martin Streicher wrote: > > My rspec tests pass with version 1.0.0.beta. And the code seems to

Fw: Riak Control

2012-11-29 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
d in Riak 1.2 for staging changes, as well as provide better ways to visualize handoff, ring status and view statistics of cluster performance. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Ripple logs

2013-01-31 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
directly on each node > to narrow. > Hi Martin, Can you clarify what you mean by "bad results"? I don't believe Ripple has exactly what you are looking for, as most of the operations it's going to perform are using the pure ruby riak client for performing get/put

Re: Riak Data-UI

2013-02-06 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ed in hearing which features of Futon you find most useful and what you're looking for in a UI for Riak. Thanks! - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Chad Engler wrote: > Hey guys, > > I've

Re: Riak Data-UI

2013-02-11 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ed for each of these on the GitHub project, which will be publicly visible. Thanks for being part of the community, and do not hesitate to contact me (on list preferably, for the benefit of the community) if you have any further questions or feedback. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Sof

Re: Riak Data-UI

2013-02-14 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Chad, I've started sketching out contribution instructions and guidelines here: I'd appreciate any feedback on how this could be clearer, or more helpful. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engi

Re: Riak Data-UI

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hey Chad, I just want to let you know that I'm opening a bunch of issues on Riak Control with the tag "Introductory", which are smaller items which need to be addressed if you're interested in contributing. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Bas

Re: Installing riak-control

2013-03-12 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
{keyfile, "/path/to/key/file"} Let me know if that doesn't work for you. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Kevin Burton wrote: > I was following the instructions for setting up riak-co

Re: Using Fog with Ruby

2013-04-08 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ing is because the host is used to generate the HMAC which authenticates each request. Please let me know if you have any other questions. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list ria

Re: Using Fog with Ruby

2013-04-08 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
On Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Christopher Meiklejohn wrote: > On Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Hector Castro wrote: > > Hi Michael, > > > > I believe that you are seeing this error because the `cs_root_host` > > Riak CS configuration option a

Re: Can't create a user

2013-06-30 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
s the app.config for your Riak CS installation? - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, July 1, 2013 at 2:11 AM, Guy Morton wrote: > I am going to s3.myriakcs.

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-06-30 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
d further help (any of us should be able to!) - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, July 1, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Guy Morton wrote: > Also, I just found this - riak-cs-control... None of the install/config > documents I saw previously menti

Re: Can't create a user

2013-06-30 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
I'm happy to help if you can email me (direct, please) your app.config files from riak-cs-control, stanchion, and riak-cs. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, July 1, 2013 at 2:38 AM, Guy Morton wrote: > Is there anyone you

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
basho/riak_cs_control/issues/31 - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Guy Morton wrote: > Hi Chris > > The video didn't include any information that I hadn't figured out. My > problem is that I

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
he user listing here: - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Guy Morton wrote: > Done, and all apps restarted. No difference. > > Here's what I g

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Guy, When you say nothing starts, can you provide the output of running something like 'riak console' so we can try to figure out what is happening? - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Guy Mo

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
app.config file with the desired IP configuration (not the loopback) 3. Try starting riak using the 'riak console' command. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Guy Morton wrote: > root@usidentity0

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Are you on IRC right now? I'm online and it might be easier to walk through this. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Guy Morton wrote: > I ran risk stop first. Is there no other possible cause

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
The 'reip' command should only be required when the node name changes, not when the bind interfaces change. If you've only changed the settings in app.config, and not vm.args, this shouldn't be necessary. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Tech

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
I'll be online as long as I can stay awake as I'm EDT. :) Hit me up when you're done. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Guy Morton wrote: > When's good to catch you on IR

Re: Riak-CS-Control

2013-07-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Toby Corkindale wrote: > I'm in the same timezone as Guy, I think. > Give me a yell later if you're still stuck and the

Re: reducing n_val

2013-07-16 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
e that the fallback virtual node will be started on the same physical node that originally hosted the third primary, however, it will be a different virtual node and backend directory as these are parameterized based on partition identifier and node. - Chris -- Christophe

[ANN] Riak 1.4.1

2013-08-05 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
:// Users who prefer to build from source, use the riak-1.4.1 tag from Thanks, -Team Basho -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users

Re: Yokozuna 0.8.0 release on omnios - no Yokozuna, no Riak Control

2013-08-14 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Dave, Can you provide the tag, or SHA, that you've built Riak from? - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Dave Martorana wrote: > Hi all, > > I have Riak building on omnios, with Erla

Re: Javascript MapReduce fails Erlang succeeds

2013-08-16 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Doug, Can you provide more information as to how you build the image with Vagrant so I can try to reproduce it? The configuration alone isn't going to be enough as this appears to be a systems related issue. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies

Re: Javascript MapReduce fails Erlang succeeds

2013-08-16 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
;:{"language":"erlang","module":"riak_kv_mapreduce","function":"map_object_value"}} ] }' Can you please provide which operating system, build, and package version of Riak you are running? - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn So

Re: Javascript MapReduce fails Erlang succeeds

2013-08-16 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
;query":[{"map":{"language":"erlang","module":"riak_kv_mapreduce","function":"map_object_value"}} ] }' Specifically, '-4536-9048-87ef2e48ddda' in the failed JavaScript command vs '-50d7-45

Re: Javascript MapReduce fails Erlang succeeds

2013-08-29 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Doug, That's correct. Do you know the names of all of your keys? If so, it should be pretty trivial to write a script to read the values from the data store, decode, and re-encode using your favorite JSON library. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technol

Re: Riak control on HTTP (not HTTPS)

2013-09-18 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
is redirecting me to HTTPS. Yes, this is possible if you disable the authentication. It will only redirect to SSL when the authentication is set to 'user list' instead of 'none' to ensure you don't expose credentials over an unencrypted channel. - Chris -- Chr

Re: Riak control on HTTP (not HTTPS)

2013-09-18 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
I've opened an issue for this: Thanks! - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Guido Medina wrote: > Now it is working, maybe to be added to a wish

Re: riak control and memory usage

2013-09-18 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> Someone has an idea whats causing this? Error logs are empty. This bug has been fixed on the 1.4 and master branches: - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc.

Erlang Workshop '13 Party

2013-09-25 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
live demo and, hopefully, lots of interaction with the audience. -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Control display memory usage

2013-09-30 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
This bug has been fixed on the master and 1.4 branches, but has not made it into one of our packages yet. My apologies for the trouble. - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, September 30, 2013 at 11:36 AM, nicolasc wrote: > Dear

Re: Riak Control display memory usage

2013-09-30 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Nicolas, As we are still investigating another bug with the memory reporting [1], I would wait for the next packaged release of Riak. - Chris [1] -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, September

Re: rekon question

2013-10-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Alex, Can you provide a screenshot of what you are experiencing? Thanks, Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Alex Rice wrote: > Hi all, if rekon lists "undefined" for all attributes and val

Re: rekon question

2013-10-02 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Yes, you are correct. This is directly related to displaying siblings. I've filed an issue on GitHub regarding the problem. [1] [1] - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Re: Unable to configure Riak-CS-Control to manage users

2013-10-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
The reason for the hostname having to be equal on both hosts is because the HMAC which is generated as part of the S3 API uses this information. The following document contains more information. - Chris -- Christopher

Re: Unable to configure Riak-CS-Control to manage users

2013-10-14 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Siddhu, I've opened an issue to track this feature request: Thank you! - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Monday, October 14, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin wrote: > On Thu

Re: Storing JSON via Erlang Client

2013-10-17 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
I'd also recommend jsx [1], which doesn't require wrapping your objects in struct tuples. [1] - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Eric Redmond wrote: >

Re: Riak Control cannot show the RAM Usage

2013-10-27 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
2 - Chris -- Christopher Meiklejohn Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. On Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 11:34 AM, goofansu wrote: > Erlang version: R15B01 > Riak version: 1.4.2 > > I installed a riak cluster accoding to > > &g

Re: riak_pipe_fitting error

2014-10-25 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi, Can you please send the map-reduce job you tried to run and I would be happy to debug it. Chris > On Oct 25, 2014, at 22:51, Oleksiy Krivoshey wrote: > > Hi! > > Once in a few days I got the following error in my Riak cluster: > > 2014-10-25 03:01:23.731 [error] <0.221.0> Supervisor ri

Re: riak_pipe_fitting error

2014-10-26 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
unction: 'map_get_old_processed_files', > language: 'erlang', > keep: true, > arg: from.toDate().toISOString() > } > }] > }; > > The bucket is of a custom type, but nothing special, just sets a LevelDB >

Re: how to run riak_core (and consequently riak pg)

2014-10-31 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
On Oct 29, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Hristo Asenov wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I stumbled upon an application, Riak PG > (, that I want to run on my boxes. > It's main dependancy is riak_core, which needs to be started before riak_pg > runs. When I make a rele

Re: Java MR

2014-11-23 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Mohan, Can you describe what are you looking for more specifically? I’m having trouble making the connection between matrix multiplication and what you are actually want to store inside of Riak? Thanks, - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc

Re: Riak Data Type + Search

2014-12-01 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn Updating/creating a map with a register in it: Executing this with the client: Performing a searc

Re: Riak Data Type + Search

2014-12-01 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
latest/dev/search/search-data-types/> > It appears that the lack of Erlang examples in that particular document page should be resolved. Thanks, Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. cmeiklej...@basho.com_

Re: Java MR

2014-12-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
he output? Thanks, Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Java MR

2014-12-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ooks like you’re not inspecting RiakFuture when the future is completed — can you try inspecting the future using isSuccess() to be sure the values have been written successfully? <http://basho.github.i

Re: Java MR

2014-12-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
efault bucket type), HTTP client used by curl is running job & > fetching data. > > So problem must be with Java Client version 2.0 Do you mind trying this example with Java without Groovy? When you run the 1.4 MR job, are you running it with Java or with Groovy? Thanks, - Chris

Re: Java MR

2014-12-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
nilla Java MR job, that would simplify the debugging. Thanks! - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Do Riak handle abandoned process identifier ?

2014-12-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
riod of inactivity. If you’re opening and closing riakc_pb_socket connections at various places in your application — maybe consider using a connection pool for maintaining a known set of open connections that you use for issuing requests? Thanks, Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior

Re: store/delete of key possible in MR

2014-12-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Dec 9, 2014, at 11:55 AM, niedomnie wrote: > > is it possible to delete or store new key alongside MR job? > in JavaScript? > any example? Do you mean and write keys from within a MapReduce job? - Christopher Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Te

Re: handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

2014-12-15 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
anch which we’re tracking through this issue: Adding {handoff_ip, "”} to your rel/vars.config should resolve the issue after rebuilding your devrel. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. cmeikl

Re: map-db

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Ildar Alishev wrote: > Hello everyone. > > Have a few questions concerning connecting Erlang (it is client) and Riak > 2.0.2 > > so question is. > > i have created and compiled two functions using erlang > > -module(unity). > -export([map_phase/3, reduce_phase/2]

Re: Link Walking and Security

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:07 PM, José Ghislain Quenum wrote: > Then, > where can one find pointers or documentation about alternative design to > link walking? Hi Jose, I personally like to think of link walking as one solution that could be used to solve many different problems. Can you clari

Re: map-db

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 12:41 PM, Ildar Alishev wrote: > > Hi Christopher, > > thank you for your answer. > Honestly we work with ugameDb and order is next > > we start executing code (using C# in Unity3d), it goes to ugame db, than > after ugamedb it goes to Riak(i think ugameDB use RIAK), a

Re: Link Walking and Security

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 12:21 PM, José Ghislain Quenum > wrote: > > well the application I am developing is Collaboration support tool. You have > a bunch of concepts (organization, project, collaboration activities, events, > etc). Some of these concepts are connected. So, I could have modeled

Re: map-db

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 2:07 PM, Ildar Alishev wrote: > > Hello Christopher, > > i have asked question to Muchdifferent, and they says that they don’t support > 2.0.x version of Riak, soo it means that i should downgrade my version to > 1.4.2 how i can do it > Hi Ildar, Here’s more i

Re: Link Walking and Security

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 1:23 PM, José Ghislain Quenum > wrote: > > Thanks Chris for your email. MR is the way I do my link walking actually. > However, I was assuming that the links entry in the meta part of an object > was going to disappear. Please correct me on that if I am wrong. Otherwise

Re: Link Walking and Security

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 4:41 PM, José Ghislain Quenum > wrote: > > thanks again for your clarifications and pointers. I will take a look at > them. There is just one point that you left out. Will there still be the > links entry in the object meta so that I can store links and walk them > manu

Re: Link Walking and Security

2015-01-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 21, 2015, at 4:43 PM, José Ghislain Quenum > wrote: > > great! > thanks a bunch > José Anytime. - Chris ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: using g-counter for sequence number synchronization

2015-01-26 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ter: [{pid1, 1}, {pid2, 2}], Sum: 3 These both share the same sum, but should represent unique operations, right? Did I understand correctly? Thanks, - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. cmeiklej...@basho.com_

Re: @RiakIndex annotated field is not stored as part of value

2015-01-26 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 09:45, Santi Kumar wrote: > > Hi > I'm defining a field of an object as 2i index with @RiakIndex. While creating > the object I initialised both the values and stored the object against the > key of that object and stored against the index. > > In a separate thread anot

Re: using g-counter for sequence number synchronization

2015-01-26 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
d-k-ordered-unique-id-generator-in-erlang/> However, these mechanisms while unique, are not comparable, so you’ll need an arbitration mechanism if you wish to generate a total order over these identifiers. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, In

Re: @RiakIndex annotated field is not stored as part of value

2015-01-26 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
hen I'm writing the object I'm losing the association . > > So Is there any thing I'm missing to make it part of the object state. That > way as you said, When I read-modify-write, the tag value exist all the time. > > Hi Santi, I’m having trouble following y

Re: @RiakIndex annotated field is not stored as part of value

2015-01-27 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
share? That will assist in debugging the issue. Thanks, - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Build otp_src_R16B02-basho5 on Heroku

2015-02-03 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
condary_bootstrap_build] Error 2 > Heroku’s dyno's provide a read-only filesystem. There are two locations that provide ephemeral storage, specifically documented here [1], where you need to compile Erlang. Thanks, - Chris [1]

Re: Build otp_src_R16B02-basho5 on Heroku

2015-02-05 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
n' > erlc -W +debug_info +inline +warn_unused_import +warn_exported_vars > -o../ebin hipe_rtl.erl > /app/otp_src_R16B02-basho5/lib/hipe/rtl/../ebin/hipe_rtl.bea#: error writing > file You’re clearly having a problem writing a file, but I’m not sure why. I’m able

Re: Mapred unable to find keys that use bucket types

2015-02-05 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
to use mapred with newly introduced bucket > types when I want only specific keys and not the full scan of a bucket? Hi Mikhail, You’ll need to specify the bucket type as part of the bucket name when performing the map reduce, for example, for inputs for the “maps” bucket type and “users” bu

Re: Mapred unable to find keys that use bucket types

2015-02-05 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> {modfun, rc_mapred, map_kv_pairs}, none, true}]). > but this one fails with the result {ok,[{0,[{error,notfound}]}]}: > riakc_pb_socket:mapred(Pid, > [{{<<"bucket_type">>,<<"bucket">>},<>}],[{map, {modfun, rc_mapred, > map_kv_pairs}, none, true

Re: Build otp_src_R16B02-basho5 on Heroku

2015-02-06 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
on Heroku myself, but I’d imagine a normal ./configure && make && make install will work, once you identify the right paths to use for —prefix, etc. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. cmeiklej...@basho.com__

Re: Adding nodes to cluster

2015-02-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ercentage of the data gets moved between nodes multiple times. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list http://lists.basho

Re: Adding nodes to cluster

2015-02-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ng Riak 1.4, you should retune write_buffer, read_cache, and max_open_files. [1] [1] - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc.

Re: Riak client returnTerm and regexp

2015-02-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Erlang shell with ‘re:compile’ and ‘re:run.’ [1] Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-09 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
access the riak-control admin panel? Thank you! Hi! How did you install Riak? Was it direct from GitHub? If so, can you run dev/dev1/bin/riak console and attempt to load the page again and let me know if you get an error in the console? Thanks! - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-10 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
anch, specifically the last released version, tag riak-2.0.4. Sorry about the inconvenience. Thanks! - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-10 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
checkout riak-2.0.4 $ make devrel - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 1.4 vs riak 1.2

2015-02-10 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
// - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-12 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> Thank you! > > > > > > Then how should I pull the right code for tag riak-2.0.4? Could you > > > please show me the concrete command? Thank you! > > > > From a clean clone, just run the following: > > > > $ git checkout riak-2.0.4 > > $

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-12 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
> Hi Christopher, > > > > > > Thank you! > > > > > > Then how should I pull the right code for tag riak-2.0.4? Could you > > > please show me the concrete command? Thank you! > > > > From a clean clone, just run the following: > >

Re: How to access riak control panel?

2015-02-12 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
{rebar_core,process_commands,2,[]}, > {rebar,main,1,[]}]}} > make: *** [generate] Error 1 Oops. It looks like the make stage target doesn’t actually build with the deps. Run ‘make’ before ‘make stage’. - Chris Christopher Meiklejo

Re: [Riak KV] Adding new algorithm

2015-02-13 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ar are you looking to change? With that information, we may be able to point you in the right direction. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.

Re: [Riak KV] Adding new algorithm

2015-02-13 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
thing along the lines of causal consistency (or non-monotonic snapshot isolation), you’ll most likely need to write a new coordinator mechanism and perform significant rewrites of the kv_vnode, as some of these mechanisms require locking, and the ability to store multiple versions of keys in the

Re: Secondary index in riak

2015-02-19 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ject? If so, you should be able to just read the object and rewrite it without the index metadata. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.bash

Re: Secondary index in riak

2015-02-19 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ct do merge of object+indexes. This may be more > appropriate if you have big objects and want to "save" bandwidth > > Option 1 is definitely simpler though. Option 1 is the safest, least error-prone method for performing this. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software En

Re: Riak 1.3.1 high swap usage

2015-02-19 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
consider moving to one of the later Riak releases, which have better performance characteristics. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.bash

Re: examples of map reduce in post commit hook

2015-02-19 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
ily overload your cluster. What are you trying to use MapReduce to do? - Chris [1]: Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users

Re: examples of map reduce in post commit hook

2015-02-19 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
his externally, or identifying a method for pre-bucket’ing the data given the rate of ingestion. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list http

Re: Data modelling questions

2015-02-21 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
could provide additional information on how you plan on querying both the original and aggregated values. Querying is usually the most difficult part to get right in Riak, and your query pattern will be very important in establishing the best way to lay out this data on disk. - Chris Christ

Re: Using Riak for Data with many Entities and Relationships

2015-03-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
’s important to make sure your application can resolve these situations at read time. - Christopher [1] [2] [3]

Re: Query on Riak Search in a cluster of 3 nodes behind ELB is giving different result everytime

2015-03-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
tance of Riak. Any insight? Hi Santi, Can you provide information regarding what versions of Riak you are running? - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technologies, Inc. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-u

Re: Client get 503 response from riak server

2015-03-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
sing Riak CS. - Christopher [1] [2] [3]

Re: Prometheus stats gathering for Riak? Riak CS?

2015-03-23 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
Hi Toby, I looked around and it doesn’t appear that this exists yet. However, if you take up implementing this yourself, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might come up with. - Chris Christopher Meiklejohn Senior Software Engineer Basho Technol

Re: riak search java client - sql injection

2015-03-23 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn
n the same class of attacks it’s possible for a user to add additional criteria to the query given the way you’ve written your search query. I highly recommend you sanitize your inputs before passing them to the query builder. - Chris [1] Christopher

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