Hi Chad, 

We decided to focus our development on Riak Control moving forward on 
administration features, specifically understanding how your cluster is 
performing, managing node addition and removal and visualizing distribution of 
data throughout the ring.

However, I'd be very interested in hearing which features of Futon you find 
most useful and what you're looking for in a UI for Riak.


- Chris 

Christopher Meiklejohn
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Chad Engler wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I've found that with CouchDB an interface like Futon is extremely helpful. I 
> understand that Riak Control was going to have object-browsing features, but 
> they have been pushed-back and/or abandoned. Is there a data browser out 
> there that is easy to use and provides features similar to Futon? I've looked 
> at Rekon, and it just isn't very useful IMO.
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chad Engler
> Telephony Programmer
> PATLive
> 1.800.775.7790 x746
> chad.eng...@patlive.com (mailto:chad.eng...@patlive.com)
> Hosted Communications | Friendly Service www.patlive.com 
> (http://www.patlive.com/)
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