Hey everyone,

We wanted to let everyone know that Basho is celebrating Erlang 
Workshop '13 at its offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Friday, 
September 27 at 8:00pm. Please RSVP if you're interested:


This event is open to the public and Basho will provide food and 
beverage. We will be hosting Kostis Sagonas from Uppsala University 
who will be giving a talk on Concuerror, a testing tool that supports 
development of concurrent Erlang programs.


Kostis Sagonas
Uppsala University and National Technical University of Athens

Concurrent programs are notoriously difficult to get completely error
free. This, sadly, is as true in Erlang as it is in other languages.
Specific process interleavings that occur only rarely can result in
unexpected errors that manage to puzzle and surprise even expert
programmers. Furthermore concurrency-related errors are often difficult
to reproduce.

This talk will show some examples of such errors. More importantly, it
will introduce Concuerror, a systematic testing (aka stateless model
checking) tool that supports the test-driven development of concurrent
Erlang programs in order to detect early and eliminate the vast majority
of concurrency-related errors (e.g. data races, unexpected crashes,
deadlocks, etc.) that may occur in their execution. A salient feature of
Concuerror is that it is completely automatic and works out of the box
with existing (Eunit) test suites and in principle finds all concurrency
related errors that are triggered by a specific test. In addition, the
tool shows execution traces that lead to errors, it can
deterministically replay them, and comes with a variety of options to
speed up the exploration of possible interleavings. The talk will also
include a live demo and, hopefully, lots of interaction with the audience.

Christopher Meiklejohn
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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