On Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Christopher Meiklejohn wrote:
> On Monday, April 8, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Hector Castro wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> > 
> > I believe that you are seeing this error because the `cs_root_host`
> > Riak CS configuration option and `:host` (in the script's
> > configuration map) are not the same. Once you update `cs_root_host`,
> > make sure that you restart Riak CS for the changes to take effect.
> Hi Michael,
> Another alternative is to configure proxy_port and proxy_host in your Fog 
> connection setup to point to your Riak CS instance, and use the default host 
> of RiakCS which is s3.amazonaws.com (http://s3.amazonaws.com).
> The reason this is failing is because the host is used to generate the HMAC 
> which authenticates each request.
> Please let me know if you have any other questions
Eek, I confused s3 client and fog.  

Here's a correct example of how to use the proxy in Fog.

@client = Fog::RiakCS::Provisioning.new(
  :riakcs_access_key_id => KEY
  :riakcs_secret_access_key => SECRET
  :host => 's3.amazonaws.com',
  :port => 80,
  :connection_options => {
    :proxy => 'http://localhost:8080',

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

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