Hi Dave, 

Can you provide the tag, or SHA, that you've built Riak from?

- Chris 

Christopher Meiklejohn
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Dave Martorana wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have Riak building on omnios, with Erlang R15B02, and Oracle JDK 1.7.0_25.
> Everything appears to be building just fine. However... even though I have 
> Yokozuna and Riak Control enabled in my app.config, neither are able to be 
> used or - it seems - start up. I can confirm that kv is working fine. 
> app.config: https://gist.github.com/themartorana/eb503f1d7fca798fc6c3 
> console.log: https://gist.github.com/themartorana/7c517c0ba5549c35540a
> Oddly, console.log doesn't show any mention of Riak Control. It does show the 
> startup line for Solr at the end. However, the webapp only has the following 
> links: 
> riak_kv_wm_buckets
> riak_kv_wm_buckets
> riak_kv_wm_counter
> riak_kv_wm_index
> riak_kv_wm_keylist
> riak_kv_wm_link_walker
> riak_kv_wm_link_walker
> riak_kv_wm_mapred
> riak_kv_wm_object
> riak_kv_wm_object
> riak_kv_wm_ping
> riak_kv_wm_props
> riak_kv_wm_stats
> There is no admin/control, and no yz. Any attempt to link to /yz/* or /admin 
> results in a 404. 
> I'm at a bit of a loss. There is nothing in error.log or crash.log. 
> yokozuna.jar builds fine. Riak Control appears to be built fine. 
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Dave 
> P.S. - I have also built the git rz-yz-merge-1.4.0 branch of the riak repo on 
> github just to be sure. Same result. Building Riak from master - while 
> obviously not having Yokozuna - does have Riak Control enabled. Thanks! 
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