Hi Pavel,

Did you get this sorted out yet? 

It looks like your SSL configuration has the certificate pointing towards the 
signing request, and not the actual certificate file.  The cacertfile is only 
necessary if your certificate issuer requires the use of an intermediary 

Let me know if you're still running into problems.

- Chris 

Christopher Meiklejohn

On Friday, September 21, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Pavel Kogan wrote:

> Hi fellows,
> I have cluster of 2 physical Riak nodes (I know it is not enough) running on 
> CentOS 6.
> Now I am trying to configure Riak control - did everything according to 
> instructions:
> 1) Enabled HTTPS in app.config
>     {https, [{"", 8069 }]} 
> 2) Generated SSL certificate using this instructions 
> (http://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_test_certificate.html) like a parrot.  
> 3) Enabled SSL in app.config
>    {ssl, [
>              {certfile, "/etc/riak/server.csr"},
>              {cacertfile, "/etc/riak/server.crt"},
>              {keyfile, "/etc/riak/server.key"}
>            ]},
> 4) Enabled riak control in app.config for user guest
> 5) Restarted Riak on same node with riak stop + riak start 
> Trying to browse from my PC https://server_ip:8069/admin 
> (https://iweb59.iweb.cortica.com:8069/admin) without any success.
> Does anyone know what/where can be the problem? 
> Regards,
>    Pavel
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