Forwarded message:
> From: Darren Haken <>
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 6:56:14 AM
> Subject: Riak Control
> Hi,
> When will Riak Control support running Map Reduce queries?
> The GitHub page states coming soon.
> Regards,
> Darren

Hi Darren,

I've actually forwarded this email to the riak-users group to get better 
visibility on the issue as I feel your question is very important to the future 
of Riak Control.

It's been discussed that the future of Riak Control is in configuration and 
administration of your cluster, over the ability to provide a full query-engine 
for your cluster in the browser. Building a fully-featured MapReduce interface 
is quite an undertaking, especially if we want to provide the ability to author 
both types of jobs, specify inputs based on 2i or Search queries, visualize the 
results in a meaningful way as well as view progress of currently running jobs. 
The usefulness of this feature also seems to diminish as developers become more 
experienced with performing queries in this manner, and as their cluster grows 
in size.

I'm happy to discuss the feature further, and I'd love to hear the use case you 
have for a MapReduce feature in Riak Control. It might be something we haven't 
thought about!

Thinking towards the future, I'm hoping to continue to build out the cluster 
management page to use the new API provided in Riak 1.2 for staging changes, as 
well as provide better ways to visualize handoff, ring status and view 
statistics of cluster performance.

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn 

riak-users mailing list

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