Re: Differing results from same index query

2011-12-23 Thread Rusty Klophaus
ng Ready: true >> >> == Ownership Handoff >> == >> No pending changes. >> >> == Unreachable Nodes >> == >> All nodes are up and reachab

Re: Differing results from same index query

2011-12-21 Thread Rusty Klophaus
ing list > > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Search?

2011-12-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
nabled_search.. is there something else i have to do? > > > Shuhao > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyi

Re: Binary vs Integer secondary index speed

2011-12-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Secondary Index Query across multiple buckets

2011-12-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
un a mapred/index query. > > -- > Jeremy > > > > On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Rusty Klophaus wrote: > >> Hi Jeremy, >> >> Currently, Secondary Indexes are scoped per bucket. There is no good way >> to run a Secondary Index query across mult

Re: Using the special $key field for range queries across keys

2011-12-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
s field is the > object's key, so this field allows an application to perform range queries > across the keys in a bucket. > > What is the REST API to use this special field? And what would be the the > corresponding read URI? > > Thanks, > Izhar. > ____

Re: Secondary Index Query across multiple buckets

2011-12-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
>> I'm looking to run an index query with bucket/index pairs. >> >> -- >> Jeremy >> > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > >

Re: Riak search performance FUD

2011-11-30 Thread Rusty Klophaus
pplication-upon-riak-part-1.html#axzz1enL4I6KTl > [3] > > > > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list &

Re: 2i Values

2011-11-18 Thread Rusty Klophaus
e query > against the score_int index and return both the list of keys (“foo”) and > the value of the index I queried (“5”). > > ** ** > > ** ** > > ** ** > > *From:* Rusty Klophaus [] > *Sent:* Friday, November 18, 2011 10:43 AM > *

Re: 2i Values

2011-11-18 Thread Rusty Klophaus
be accessed in a reduce function without loading the > document? > > Thanks, > Tim > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > >

Re: Secondary Indexes - Feedback?

2011-11-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
part 2 is turning those keys into objects, and part 3 is filtering those objects. Are all parts too slow for your application, or is only a specific part of the query too slow? Hope that makes sense, this is a nuanced point. -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.*

Re: Secondary Indexes - Feedback?

2011-11-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
nerate all the > keys in a given range. > Pagination is one clear case where this would be useful. Are you facing any other scenarios where this is necessary? Also, are you always looking for top X results, where X is known before the query starts? Or does X change depending on the resul

Secondary Indexes - Feedback?

2011-11-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
f not, why not? Any concerns? - What is your wish list for the future of Secondary Indexes? Please feel free to respond either publicly or privately to this email, and thanks for your help! Best, Rusty -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* www

Re: i2 roadmap?

2011-11-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
language could be applied > to matching secondary indexes. > > Elias > > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologie

Re: Strange wildcard behavior

2011-11-11 Thread Rusty Klophaus
rch mybucket menu_popup_menuitem_value:'Ne*' > > index/id: mybucket/mykey1 > <<"menu_popup_menuitem_value">> -> <<"New">> > > > > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Troubleshoot failure to add a node?

2011-11-09 Thread Rusty Klophaus
mes only returns the local instance. Haven't tested telnet yet, >> will shortly. >> >> Join syntax is correct, says node isn't reachable. >> On Nov 9, 2011 9:53 AM, "Rusty Klophaus" wrote: >> >>> Hi Jonathan, >>> >>> Can y

Re: Troubleshoot failure to add a node?

2011-11-09 Thread Rusty Klophaus
n Technology > Loom Inc. > Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - - > - Skype: intel352 > * > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > >

Re: Does secondary integer index support long

2011-11-02 Thread Rusty Klophaus
have received it in > error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system. > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > >

Re: Indexing of intermediate nested fields in Riak search

2011-11-01 Thread Rusty Klophaus
;CreateNewDoc()">>}, >> >>{<<"menu_popup_menuitem_value">>, <<"Open">>}, >> >>{<<"menu_popup_menuitem_onclick">>, <<"OpenDoc()">>}, >> >>{<<"menu_popup

Re: Race condition reading objects

2011-11-01 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Elias, Whew, that is some top-shelf debugging. Glad to hear you were able to track down the issue. Best, Rusty On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:49 AM, Elias Levy wrote: > On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:14 PM, Elias Levy > wrote: > >> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Rusty

Re: Race condition reading objects

2011-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Is it expected behavior? Shouldn't the new object only > be exposed after it has been completed received and stored? > > Elias > > > > _______ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.

Re: Changing an existing node's name

2011-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak search - Possible to update one specific field of given doc?

2011-10-26 Thread Rusty Klophaus
;update only one field"? > > Best, > Alex > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies, Inc.* ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: paginate search results

2011-10-26 Thread Rusty Klophaus
search results by querying via the erlang >> command line (using search:search_doc/3)?? >> >> thank you! >> > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > >

Re: Difference between 2I and Search

2011-10-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus
t; OpenStack Developer | > > _______ > riak-users mailing list > > > -- Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio) *Basho Technologies,

Re: Riak Search Solr API rows and sort interaction

2011-10-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus
__ > riak-users mailing list > > > > -- Rusty Klophaus *Basho Technologies, Inc.* 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550 Reston, VA 20190 __

Re: secondary indexes: how fast they are?

2011-10-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus> *Antonio Rohman > Fernandez* > CEO, Founder & Lead Engineer > *Projects* > <> > <> > Wedding Album <> [image: line] > > _

Re: Secondary index scalability

2011-10-12 Thread Rusty Klophaus
ttp:// > > > > > > > > -- > > Sean Cribbs > > Developer Advocate > > Basho Technologies, Inc. > > > > > > ___ > >

Re: Riak Search 1.0 Bug - Inline Fields

2011-10-06 Thread Rusty Klophaus
es out (should return 1 result)* > > * search-cmd search clips 'ctime:(98682333448084)' > 'ctime:(98682333448084)'* > > :: Searching for 'ctime:(98682333448084)' / 'ctime:(98682333448084)' in > clips... > > -- > > :: ERROR: > {bad

Re: secondary indexes - no multi_backend?

2011-09-29 Thread Rusty Klophaus
bmachine error: > > path="/buckets/test/index/num_int/1" > > {error,{error,{indexes_not_supported,riak_kv_multi_backend}}} > > > > > > > > ___ > > riak-users mailing list > > > > > > > > ___ > riak-users mailing list > > > -- Rusty Klophaus *Basho Technologies, Inc.* 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550 Reston, VA 20190 ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: [Secondary indexes] Removing and updating objects

2011-09-19 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Jens, Sorry, didn't see your question on the blog. Answers below. 1. Will indexes automatically be updated when documents are deleted? Is it > necessary to set 'x-riak-index-*' headers when deleting documents? > Yes, indexes for an object are automatically deleted when the document is deleted

Re: Question about Content-Type

2011-09-12 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Greg, Good catch, this appears to be a bug that affects 0.14.*. It only happens when you rely on the server to generate an object's key. If you provide the key yourself, then the content type header acts as expected. This is actually already fixed in the master branch, and the fix will be incl

Re: Score for each search

2011-08-05 Thread Rusty Klophaus
en the word > we searched only occurred once in the document. Does the position ignore > stopword positions and just count other words? Also why are there two scores > ? Isn't the score normalized ? Or am I doing something wrong to get these > scores ? > > > Thanks a lot

Re: Score for each search

2011-07-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus > > -- Rusty Klophaus *Basho Technologies, Inc.* 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550 Reston, VA 20190 ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Troubleshooting riak inserts

2011-07-05 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Fyodor, Following up, to help us troubleshoot, would you mind answering a few questions about your environment: - What platform are you running? - What version of Riak Search are you using? - Did you install Riak Search from our pre-built binaries, or did you compile from source?

Re: speeding up riaksearch precommit indexing

2011-06-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
r_fill_color\":\"7AC3EE\",\"li > sted_count\":0,\"following\":null,\"profile_background_tile\":true,\"friends_count\":425,\"description\":\"I > love Justin Bieber i saw him 23\\\/03\\\/2011 in concert best nite ever. > N

Re: speeding up riaksearch precommit indexing

2011-06-09 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Steve, Riak does best with a lot of memory and a fast disk. Depending on how much data you have in the system, putting two nodes into 1GB of memory on a single VM may be causing the system to overrun available resources and page out to disk, and depending on how you've set up your virtualized e

Re: Finding Value greater then anyvalue

2011-06-07 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Muhammad, Riak Search uses Lucene Query syntax. Because Lucene syntax is meant for text searching, doing a 'greater than' query is somewhat convoluted, but still possible: *riakc_pb_socket:search(Client, "player", "score: {500 TO 99]")* * * That tells Riak Search to query the "players"

Re: General Memory/Performance Tuning Guidelines

2011-05-24 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Gordon, I have limited knowledge of configuring Innostore but can help answer some of your merge_index questions. The most important merge_index setting in terms of memory usage is 'buffer_rollover_size'. This affects how large the buffer is allowed to grow, in bytes, before getting converted

Re: Secondary Indices and Storing Binary Data

2011-05-03 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Runar, Our current prototype of Secondary Indices works like this: - You tell the system how to index an object by "tagging" it with field/value pairs. The tags are passed to Riak via object metadata, currently sent via HTTP headers. I believe this answers your main question. - Those who woul

Re: Riak shutdown during heavy load testing

2011-04-29 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Wilson, Do you see any errors or otherwise abnormal looking messages in the logs? That will help diagnose the issue. The max requests per second depends very much on your hardware, size of data, and read/write patterns. Thanks, Rusty On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 6:44 AM, Wilson Tuladhar wrote: >

Re: riak search sort question?

2011-04-28 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Evgeni, You can specify "desc" after your field in the URL to sort in descending order. (Or "asc" if you want to explicitly request an ascending sort.) For example: "http://hostname:8098/solr/bucket?q=query&sort=change_date desc" Remember to URL encode the space. Best, Rusty On Wed, Apr 27

Re: riak kv search problem

2011-04-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi alezozov, I was able to perform the exact steps you described without problems: $ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'{"props":{"precommit":[{"mod":"riak_search_kv_hook","fun":"precommit"}]}}' $ curl -X PUT

Re: "Failed to compact" in RiakSearch

2011-04-15 Thread Rusty Klophaus
M, Morten Siebuhr wrote: > Hi Rusty, > > On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Rusty Klophaus wrote: > > Hi Morten, > > Thanks for sending the log files. I was able to figure out, at least > > partially, what's going on here. > > Fantastic - thanks! > > &g

Re: "Failed to compact" in RiakSearch

2011-04-14 Thread Rusty Klophaus
r Riak data directory for that node.) - Approximately how much data are you loading (# Docs and # MB), and how quickly are you trying to load it? Best, Rusty On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Morten Siebuhr wrote: > Hi Rusty & al, > > On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Rusty K

Re: "Failed to compact" in RiakSearch

2011-04-13 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Thanks Morten, having the logs (including the numbers) will help us debug what's going on. On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Morten Siebuhr wrote: > On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Andrew Thompson > wrote: > > On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 05:06:58PM +0200, Morten Siebuhr wrote: > >> Any ideas about

Re: RiakSearch question

2011-04-13 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Muhammad, If you have './bin/riak', it means you have downloaded Riak KV, not Riak Search. Riak Search would have the './bin/riaksearch' executable. You can download Riak Search (including src code) from here:

Re: RiakSearch question

2011-04-13 Thread Rusty Klophaus
I'd recommend that you download a pre-built binary or a code tarball from rather than pulling code from github directly. The code on github is the latest development version of our software, and so it may have bugs or build problem that we haven't fo

Re: Updating bucket search schema

2011-04-12 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Gordon, You should be able to run "search-cmd clear-schema-cache" as step 3, instead of restarting the cluster. This clears the schema on all connected nodes. (I stress "connected nodes" here because if a network partition results in an unreachable--but still running--node, then that node will

Re: Riak Search timeout when searching from erlang command line

2011-04-04 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Mike, The Whitespace tokenizer (the default) is case sensitive, so the query should be: search:search(<<"my_index">>, <<"title:Title">>) If you want a tokenizer that is case-insensitive and also filters out stopwords (basically, something more appropriate for prose) you can use the Standard a

Re: Solr Sorting Bug in Riak Search?

2011-04-01 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Eric, Yes, you are correct. This is a known bug, tracked here: Best, Rusty On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Eric Moritz wrote: > Hi, I was just digging through the riak search code and I think there > may be a bug, but I may be mistaken (my Erlang

Re: missing_field error using riaksearch

2011-03-09 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Morten, The error message is indicating that your document contains an "organizations_name" field, but that the field doesn't exist in your schema. Your options are to either add a field definition for "organizations_name" to the schema, or add a dynamic field definition to the end of your sche

Re: too_many_results error

2011-03-03 Thread Rusty Klophaus
s but I would've expected the rows > parameter to be applied before the max_results limit - not > the other way around. I suspect there's a reason for this, but still - my > data is now in an unsearchable state. > > 16 jan 2011 kl. 15.06 skrev Rusty Klophaus: > > T

Re: riaksearch sort, start, and rows

2011-02-28 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Gary, Yes, unfortunately, this is a bug. (Tracked here: We have not yet scheduled the fix for this. Best, Rusty On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Gary William Flake wrote: > Ack. I know what's happening with this. Riaksearch is sorting by > rel

Re: indexing problem

2011-02-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Wilson, The basic idea is that you set a flag on a bucket that enables indexing, and then when you store any objects in that bucket, they get indexed. If you stick to certain content types, Riak Search is smart enough to break apart the object that you store. You can read more here: http://wiki

Re: not able to create schema

2011-02-23 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Wilson, Can you double check the error message? You are trying to store a document in index "testindex", but the error message states an index of "testUser". Could this be an old error. Also, the 'search' module is only intended to be run from within a Riak Search node. It's intended to be a s

Re: indexing

2011-02-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Yury, The term "document" is a hold over from the Solr/Lucene way of looking at things. If you are calling search:index_doc/N directly, then the DocID is just some arbitrary primary key that you give to your data, sort of like the Riak Object's key. Not sure what you mean about indexing data i

Re: 0.14 and search schema

2011-02-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Gary, Sorry to hear you are having troubles. Hopefully I can help. Please see my responses inline below. Best, Rusty On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Gary William Flake wrote: > I've been pulling my hair out over new behaviors with search-schema, > and I am wondering if I've been simply doi

Re: Riak search question (Python)

2011-02-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Mike, You are missing the "run()" command at the end of The "search()" function creates a MapReduce object to which you can add map and reduce phases. The "run()" command bundles up MapReduce job and sends it to the Riak cluster for processing.'tweets', 'name:[a

Re: Riak search: wildcard searches in the middle of a term does not work

2011-02-03 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Joshua, Riak Search currently only handles wildcards at the end of a term. (See the "Wildcard Searches" section - Best, Rusty On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Joshua Partogi wrote: > Hi, > > I tried to query my document using wildcard in the

Re: solr interface faceting

2011-01-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Matt, No dates yet. We're still working through approaches and balancing it against other features we'd like to add. Best, Rusty On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Matthew Shaw wrote: > Hi Guys, > > any idea on when faceting via the solr interface will be available? > > Cheers, > Matt. > > _

Re: Riak Search 0.14 Released

2011-01-25 Thread Rusty Klophaus
avior as the (previously) Default Tokenizer. > That'll have a lot of potential to confuse people coming from Solr. I'd > suggest calling it something like Generic Analyzer Factory--or at least > sticking some scary wording around it in the wiki. > > Scott > > On Monday, Januar


2011-01-24 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Sebastjan, Thanks! To run down the list: - *Faceting:* Faceting is not supported at this time. - *Float Fields / Date Fields: *Riak Search treats all fields as text (comparisons happen lexicographically), so you would need to encode and/or pad Date and Float fields. ie: Transform a float of 7

Re: Memory Requirements for Riak Search index (merge_index)

2011-01-24 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Alexander and Gordon, merge_index is inspired by bitcask, but it's not a strict derivative. It does *not* keep the keydir structure in memory, however it keeps some hints in memory. The memory usage does grow with the number of terms, albeit slowly, since it is mostly keeping signatures and off

[ANN] Riak Search 0.14 Released

2011-01-24 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hello Riak Users, We are excited to announce the release of Riak Search version 0.14! Pre-built installations and source tarballs are available at: Release notes are at (also copied below):

Re: riak search and numeric fields

2011-01-17 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Also, there are bugs in Riak Search 0.13 where field level schema settings are not respected during a query, so you have to manually pad the numbers at query time. This is fixed in the upcoming 0.14 release. Best, Rusty On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Joseph Lambert wrote: > Make sure you chec

Re: Re: Re: too_many_results error

2011-01-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
g to > find my latest tweets. > > Is that what would happen? > -- Forwarded message -- > From: "Rusty Klophaus" > Date: Jan 16, 2011 8:42 AM > Subject: Re: Re: too_many_results error > To: "Eric Moritz" > Cc: "riak-users@lists.bas

Re: Re: too_many_results error

2011-01-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Rusty On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Eric Moritz wrote: > Would using the rows URL parameter fix this or is the error occurring prior > to the result being limited? > -- Forwarded message ------ > From: "Rusty Klophaus" > Date: Jan 16, 2011 8:34 AM > Su

Re: too_many_results error

2011-01-16 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Malka, The error you see is caused by a protective configuration setting that is new in the 0.14 release. By default, the system will stop the query after 100,000 results and return an error to the system. It is intended to prevent Riak Search from grabbing all available memory when faced with

Re: -insert data aborted - riak search

2011-01-14 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Malka, A few questions to help me diagnose what is going on: - What version of Riak Search are you using, and on what platform? - Can you verify that you are storing the object as type "application/xml" - Does the pre-commit hook give any more information about the error? (This can be found in

Re: Riak Search: deleting a value without indexing causes a 500 error

2011-01-11 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Eric, The system expects that someone will run "search-cmd install BUCKET" before storing data in the bucket. When that happens, deletes work fine. This problem only seems to appear when somebody stores data in a bucket, *then* sets the indexing flag, and *then* tries to delete some of the non-

Re: Riak Search tarball is missing the merge_index_data_root value for devrel

2011-01-11 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Eric, Thanks for the heads up... this issue has been fixed in the upcoming 0.14 release. Best, Rusty On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Eric Moritz wrote: > When I run "make devrel" using the Riak Search 0.13.0 tarball I have > to set the merge_index data_root to get the dev cluster to index.

Re: riak-search

2011-01-08 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Matt, Yes, that's the general approach. You can either duplicate the riaksearch directory yourself, or you can use 'make devrel' to make three separate builds (dev/dev1, dev/dev2, dev/dev3). If you copy the riaksearch directory yourself you will need to make some configuration changes to prev

Re: webmachine error

2011-01-06 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Bogdan, It looks like you are running into two issues here: The 0.13 release of Riak Search doesn't support the "application/x-erlang" content type, so your document is getting parsed using the "raw" extractor. (Basically, it is getting treated as plain text, and the entire document is indexed

Re: riak indexing/search issue with json

2011-01-05 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Joseph, Glad to hear that 0.14.0rc1 solved a bunch of the issues you were seeing. The upcoming 0.14 release fixes many query-related and analyzer-related bugs. The mochijson error is a bug in how Riak Search assembles JSON-formatted Solr output. The issue is now tracked here https://issues.bas

Re: precommit_fail - missing_field

2011-01-05 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Bogdan, Can you send me your schema definition? Best, Rusty On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:27 AM, bogdan wrote: > > Hello, > > I have three-node riak search cluster, with buckets enabled for indexing > and > the apropriate schema for the index > > Using riak http client the document is inserted

Re: problem with Riak search while searching with ruby client.

2010-12-29 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Krishna, Yes, you have encountered a known bug ( To summarize, the Solr interface has problems outputting date fields in JSON, but works just fine in XML. This is fixed in the upcoming 0.14 release. Best, Rusty On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 8:04 PM,

Re: A first encounter with Riak/Riak-search - not getting it to work.

2010-12-29 Thread Rusty Klophaus
We worked through this on IRC, but to summarize: It looks like the 403's were caused by a misformatted curl command. The steps below make it work: # Install the bucket hook. bin/search-cmd install my_bucket # Index the document in the bucket. Assumes the XML document is in document.xml curl -X

Re: Wildcard search issues in Riak Search

2010-12-21 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Xiaopong, Out of the box, Riak Search uses the "DefaultAnalyzer" which tokenizes words as follows: 1. Split on spaces and punctuation. 2. Lowercases the tokens. 3. Strips out common English words (and, the, then, etc.) 4. Remove any tokens smaller than 3 characters. You are seeing

Re: using the erlang API for riak search

2010-12-14 Thread Rusty Klophaus
dex/id: testB/testK1 > p -> [0] > score -> 0.5 > > -- > > :: Found 1 results. > > > So i know the item is in there. is my syntax wrong? or am i missing > something? > > > On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Rusty Klophaus

Re: using the erlang API for riak search

2010-12-14 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Carson, You are definitely on the right track. The SearchQuery parameter is a Lucene-syntax-ish search query, and the Bucket parameter is the bucket on which to search. You can find more information on the query syntax here: Usage is as

Re: Riak search schema and nested fields

2010-12-09 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Artem, This is expected behavior. There are two things at work here: * When you store a JSON document with a hierarchy of data, the system needs to flatten the object into fields before it can be indexed, and any fields with the same name are concatenated. * When you query through the Solr in

Re: Riak search querying

2010-12-06 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Artem, The main problem is that your schema is using the DefaultAnalyzerFactory, which (roughly speaking) tokenizes based on punctuation, discards any tokens less than three characters in length, and converts the tokens to lowercase. I'd recommend that you use the WhitespaceAnalyzerFactory, whic

Re: @ in riaksearch query

2010-11-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
omething you plan to do until, say, "out of beta" > status ? > > Best, > Eric > Le 22 nov. 2010 à 15:58, Rusty Klophaus a écrit : > > Hi Eric, > > This looks like a problem related to some of the other query parsing bugs > we are currently tracking. > > I&

Re: @ in riaksearch query

2010-11-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Eric, This looks like a problem related to some of the other query parsing bugs we are currently tracking. I've tracked this separately here, this should be fixed in the next release. Best, Rusty On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:01 AM, Eric Cestari wrot

Re: riak search and solr/lucene

2010-11-08 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Joseph Lambert > wrote: > >> Rusty, >> >> Sorry, I meant Lucene search. Solr can be passed start and count, Lucene >> search can't be, but they share functions in the Erlang code. >> >> - Joe Lambert >> >&

Re: Date format for Riak Search and its JSON output

2010-11-04 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Nicolas, Thank you for the excellent description of the problem. There are currently issues/bugs around date support in Riak Search, looks like you found another. I'd recommend treating dates as strings for now. The issue you described is now tracked here:

Re: Data stored in Search *and* KV ?

2010-11-04 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Nicolas, Search stores a representation of the indexed object so that it knows what to do later if you delete the object, change the object, or re-index the object with a different analyzer. The representation allows us to delete the old inverted index entries correctly. We have considered add

Re: Can we use Lucene components like analyzers ?

2010-11-04 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Prometheus, That is definitely something we'll consider for the future, but it's currently not on the near-term roadmap. Best, Rusty On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 5:12 AM, Prometheus WillSurvive <> wrote: > Hi friends, > > RiakSearch using the lucene analyzer (java)

Re: riak search and solr/lucene

2010-11-04 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Joseph, Answers inline below. On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Joseph Lambert wrote: > I am using the PHP library for a project and was looking through the code > to see what differentiates the Solr HTTP interface query versus the Lucene > search (besides the syntax and the interface, etc) as

Re: RiakSearch solr multiply file Submit ?

2010-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus
tput/*.xml >> >> As you aware We are trying to do some benchmark test on riaksearch. We >> have customers have billions of doc. Working with current lucene / Solr is a >> operational nightmare ( yes it is). >> >> So we are looking for a replacement for those customers. This i

Re: RiakSearch solr multiply file Submit ?

2010-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus
rk test on riaksearch. We > have customers have billions of doc. Working with current lucene / Solr is a > operational nightmare ( yes it is). > > So we are looking for a replacement for those customers. This is why we are > one of the early tester of the RiakSearch. > > Best Regards

Re: RiakSearch Reached Its Limit and gave below Error ..

2010-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Prometheus, This is a known issue, tracked here ( and high on the list for the next release. The summary is that when putting data into Riak Search too quickly, it will build up a backlog of files waiting to be compacted. Each file maintains its own separate ETS ta

Re: RiakSearch solr multiply file Submit ?

2010-10-31 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Prometheus, Yes, you can either put the files into a directory and then provide a command line pointing to the directory, ie: bin/search-cmd solr index path/to/directory Or you can specify a wildcard using '*': bin/search-cmd solr index path/to/directory/*.xml Best, Rusty On Sat, Oct 30,

Re: RiakSearch Benchmark Test Invitation.

2010-10-28 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi folks, Very happy to see the excitement around Riak Search. Just a quick note on benchmarking approach. For best results, make sure to spread the indexing load across multiple machines in the cluster, rather than firing all requests on a single node. Otherwise, you will become CPU bound on that

Re: Inline fields in riak search

2010-10-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Jebu, Inline fields are a partially implemented feature that we hope to expose soon, but are currently not supported. The basic idea, once released, is that marking a field in your schema as inline changes the way that field is stored in the index, allowing you to use the inline field to quickl

Re: Riak Search weighting schemes

2010-10-22 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Emmanuel, Currently, the scoring is not customizable. We will definitely consider custom scoring for a future release, but this will likely be a few releases into the future. As always, this may change based on the feedback we receive. Best, Rusty On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Emmanuel Ba

Re: Riak Search performance experiences ?

2010-10-18 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Neville, Thanks! Performance comparisons are tricky business. Any time you compare a distributed system to a non-distributed system on a single machine, the non-distributed system is going to be much, much faster simply because it can skip all of the overhead needed to make the system distribut

Re: Riak Search analyzers

2010-10-18 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi Dmitry, On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote: > Greetings. > > I have a couple of questions regarding the analyzers, mainly the Java ones. > > 1. Which platform is preferable for use: OpenJDK or Sun's Java? Say, I > won't have any uses for JVM so it will be used just for a

Re: Non-default padding on integer type not working. And only integer type only works with signed 32-bit ints?

2010-10-18 Thread Rusty Klophaus
Hi JD, Unfortunately we discovered some last minute regression bugs that affect integer querying. A workaround, as you discovered, is to pad the integers yourself. This is tracked as, and is currently scheduled for the next release. Best, Rusty On Tu

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