Hi Eric,

Yes, you are correct. This is a known bug, tracked here:


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Eric Moritz <e...@themoritzfamily.com>wrote:

> Hi, I was just digging through the riak search code and I think there
> may be a bug, but I may be mistaken (my Erlang isn't that great).
> It appears that the search is performed, sorted by score, sliced using
> the start and rows values.  After that happens, if there is a sort
> param, the results are then sorted by
> the sort param.
> If this is correct, then there appears to be a bug that will provide
> unexpected sorting.  For instance.  Let's say we have the results:
> a, 0
> d, 1
> c, 2
> b, 3
> e, 4
> where index 0 is the value and index 1 is the score.  Here the result
> is sorted by the score.  If we limit the result to 3 items we have:
> a, 0
> d, 1
> c, 1
> Then we sort by the value:
> a, c, d
> I would expect that sorting by the value would return the following list:
> a, b, c
> because that is the order of the entire search result not the limited
> set.  By limiting the query set before the sort is performed, it is
> possible to not receive values that should be in the list.
> Is this correct?
> Eric.
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