Hi Mike, You are missing the "run()" command at the end of client.search(). The "search()" function creates a MapReduce object to which you can add map and reduce phases. The "run()" command bundles up MapReduce job and sends it to the Riak cluster for processing.
client.search('tweets', 'name:[andy TO john]').run() should give you the results you are looking for. If that still doesn't work, some sample code is below and more examples are at https://github.com/basho/riak-python-client/blob/master/riak/tests/test_all.py Best, Rusty from riak import RiakClient from riak import RiakHttpTransport client = RiakClient("", 8098) bucket = client.bucket("tweets") tweet = bucket.new('key1', data={ 'name': 'andy', 'text': 'text1' }) tweet.store() tweet = bucket.new('key2', data={ 'name': 'bob', 'text': 'text2' }) tweet.store() tweet = bucket.new('key3', data={ 'name': 'john', 'text': 'text3' }) tweet.store() tweet = bucket.new('key4', data={ 'name': 'lloyd', 'text': 'text4' }) tweet.store() results = client.search('tweets', 'name:[andy TO john]').run() results[0].get().get_data() results[1].get().get_data() results[2].get().get_data() On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Mike Stoddart <sto...@gmail.com> wrote: > I'm experimenting with Riak Search; I'm storing tweets and then trying > to query them. My code to store a tweet is: > > tweet = bucket.new(str(uuid.uuid1()), data={ > 'name': s.user.name, > 'text': s.text, > }) > tweet.store() > > My code to search the tweets is: > > search_query = client.search('tweets', 'name:[andy TO john]') > > I've tried many different queries including: > > search_query = client.search('tweets', 'text:and') > > But I never get any hits. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? I > print out the tweet as I add it to the database so I know what terms I > can search on. But nothing works. I did remember to do: > > serach-cmd install tweets > > Any suggestions appreciated. > > Thanks > Mike > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com >
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