Hi Archana,

Yes, the 'p' attribute is positional information. That list is indicating
that the term occurs on the 0th and 43rd positions in the document, and is
0-indexed. Not sure why you are getting two positions if the word only
occurred once. What was the original query?

The scoring information that you see is a bug. For now, as a workaround, you
can add the scores together. This will give you a *relative* score, allowing
you to rank results for the current query.

To fix this issue, some processing needs to happen within riak to combine
and normalize the scores into a final score that can be used for correct
ranking against other queries as well. (This is being done for the Solr
interface, but not the Map/Reduce interface.) Riak Search models scoring
after Lucene as much as possible, so you can read this for more information
about scoring, especially the final normalization step:

This issue is tracked in https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1154


On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Archana Bhattarai

> Hi Rusty,
> Thanks a lot for the answer. We could get some data in the keydata  as
> follows:
> [{"p":[43,0],"score":[5.3669048584479,1.7201627119528418]}
> But couldn't exactly interpret what it's representing. I believe p is
> giving positional information. But why is it two dimensional when the word
> we searched only occurred once in the document. Does the position ignore
> stopword positions and just count other words? Also why are there two scores
> ? Isn't the score normalized ? Or am I doing something wrong to get these
> scores ?
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Archana
> On Jul 22, 2011, at 11:09 AM, Rusty Klophaus wrote:
> Hi Archana,
> Yes. When you use a search query to initiate a map/reduce job, the scores
> are fed into the first phase as keydata, along with other metadata about the
> search result including positional information and any inline fields.
> More information in the links below:
>    -
> http://wiki.basho.com/Riak-Search---Querying.html#Querying-Integrated-with-Map-Reduce
>    - http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce.html (search for "keydata")
> Best,
> Rusty
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Archana Bhattarai <
> abhatta...@sharecare.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to get back the score while querying via solr interface or
>> ideally mapreduce over search ? It looks like solr interface only supports
>> sorting.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Archana
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> Rusty Klophaus
> *Basho Technologies, Inc.*
> 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550
> Reston, VA 20190
> www.basho.com
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Rusty Klophaus

*Basho Technologies, Inc.*
11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 550
Reston, VA 20190
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