Hi Jens,

Sorry, didn't see your question on the blog. Answers below.

1. Will indexes automatically be updated when documents are deleted? Is it
> necessary to set 'x-riak-index-*' headers when deleting documents?

Yes, indexes for an object are automatically deleted when the document is
No, there is no need to specify 'x-riak-index-*' headers when deleting

> ****
> 2. If I forget to include the 'x-riak-index-*' header when performing an
> update, will the index not be touched at all (and thus become corrupt), or
> will that object be removed from indexes, or will the indexes specified at
> the first set/insertion always automatically be updated?

Indexes for an object will reflect the specified index headers for the
latest update of that object. Conceptually, on each update, the old index
entries are deleted, and the new ones are created.

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