Excellent, happy to help!

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Jonathan Langevin <
jlange...@loomlearning.com> wrote:

> Had a moment of clarity :-)
> *
> So, telnet failed. Double-checked firewall rules, I had set up the
> firewall to allow, but I needed it to be
> Fun typo.
> Checking further, even though I had not previously started Riak on these
> servers (at least, not to my knowledge?), riak-admin member_status was
> still showing the name as riak@ So I issued a reip on each
> server, and then issued join on 2 of the nodes, all 3 are in the cluster
> now :-)
> Sorry for the trouble, thanks for the assistance!
> Cheers
>  <http://www.loomlearning.com/>
>  Jonathan Langevin
> Manager, Information Technology
> Loom Inc.
> Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - jlange...@loomlearning.com -
> www.loomlearning.com - Skype: intel352
> *
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Jonathan Langevin <
> jlange...@loomlearning.com> wrote:
>> Verified ping from cli. In riak console, ping fails with pang response.
>> Epmd -names only returns the local instance. Haven't tested telnet yet,
>> will shortly.
>> Join syntax is correct, says node isn't reachable.
>> On Nov 9, 2011 9:53 AM, "Rusty Klophaus" <ru...@basho.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> Can you verify that the machines otherwise see each other? (Can you ping
>>> or ssh between the three machines?)
>>> Can you verify that you can use telnet to connect to the different open
>>> ports from each machine?
>>> If so, can you double check your usage of `riak-admin join NODENAME`?
>>> How does it respond?
>>> Finally, can you run `riak attach` to attach to an Erlang shell on one
>>> of the nodes, and run *net_adm:ping('rdevX@192.168.1.Y').* for each of
>>> the three node names?
>>> Hopefully that tells us where things are failing.
>>> Best,
>>> Rusty
>>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Jonathan Langevin <
>>> jlange...@loomlearning.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm setting up a Riak cluster, I've configured 3 fresh nodes for this
>>>> cluster.
>>>> The node name per is unique (format of rdevX@192.168.1.Y), firewall is
>>>> configured to allow traffic on 8097:8099, 6000:7999, 4369 tcp, 4369 udp
>>>> *
>>>> Each is configured with the same config aside from names & ips to bind
>>>> to.
>>>> I've attempted a ping from riak console, comes back pang.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>  <http://www.loomlearning.com/>
>>>>  Jonathan Langevin
>>>> Manager, Information Technology
>>>> Loom Inc.
>>>> Wilmington, NC: (910) 241-0433 - jlange...@loomlearning.com -
>>>> www.loomlearning.com - Skype: intel352
>>>> *
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>>>> riak-users mailing list
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>>> --
>>> Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio)
>>> *Basho Technologies, Inc.*
>>> www.basho.com

Rusty Klophaus (@rustyio)
*Basho Technologies, Inc.*
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