Hi Sebastjan,

Thanks! To run down the list:

- *Faceting:* Faceting is not supported at this time.

- *Float Fields / Date Fields: *Riak Search treats all fields as text
(comparisons happen lexicographically), so you would need to encode and/or
pad Date and Float fields. ie: Transform a float of 79.99 (for example) into
"0000000079.99". Transform dates into "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS" in GMT, etc.

- *Multi-Value Fields: *Multi-valued fields are supported, but are merged
together when outputting in Solr. This may or may not be what your
application expects.

- *Sorting: *Unfortunately, there is currently an open issue that
effectively breaks sorting: https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=867.
Depending on the size of your expected result sets, you may be able to get
by sorting the results in your application rather than in Search.

- *Fast Updates: *Fast updates are absolutely supported! Riak Search was
designed for real-time indexing from the ground up. (ie: No lag between
indexing a document and being able to search on it.)

- *Stemming: *Stemming/unstemming is not supported out of the box. You
could, however, write a custom analyzer to do this or leverage an existing
Lucene analyzer.


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Sebastjan Trepca <tre...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hey,
> Congrats on new release!
> I'm considering porting our search engine to riak-search. We're currently
> using Solr and are quite happy with it except for indexing times where riak
> could probably be much faster.
> Our requirements:
>  - faceting
>  - float fields
>  - multi-value fields
>  - date fields
>  - sorting by floats and dates
>  - fast updates
>  - dynamic fields
>  - stemmed/unstemmed string fields (useful to get good data from faceting)
> AFAIK you support dynamic fields, faceting and date fields. What about
> other points?
> Thanks!
> Sebastjan
> --
> http://ly.st
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