Hi Yury, The term "document" is a hold over from the Solr/Lucene way of looking at things. If you are calling search:index_doc/N directly, then the DocID is just some arbitrary primary key that you give to your data, sort of like the Riak Object's key.
Not sure what you mean about indexing data implicitly. If you are asking if you can index an object that already exists in the system, then the answer is no. You would need to read the object and then write it back to endix it. Also, the 'search' module is only really recommended for getting familiar with the system since you need to run it locally on the node running Riak Search. You shouldn't call search.erl from your application, you should instead interact with Riak Search by installing the Search commit hook (via "bin/search-cmd install BUCKET") and then using one of the existing clients that support's Riak Search (Python, PHP, or Erlang) or through the Solr interface. Best, Rusty On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Yury Dorofeev <u.dorof...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi! > In chapter "Riak Search Schema" the notation "document" is used. > What is that? Why do we need it? > Parameters are: > <INDEX> – The name of the index. > <DocID> – The document ID. > <Fields> – A key/value list of fields to index. > > I have > Bucket=User > Key=user_name > Value=[{first_name, value}, {second_name, value}, {e-mail, value}] > > and I want to index first_name and secons_name > search:index_doc(<<"my_index">>, <<?>>, [{<<"first_name">>, > <<value>>}, {<<"second_name">>, <<value>>}]) > what should be instead of "?" > > Is there mechanism to index data implicitly by specifing the field > name only (without providing the real values)? > Regards Yury, Uppsala University, Sweden > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com >
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