They are first looking for the UL listing number on specific inverters before
they send out repair kits.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
--- On Fri, 1/28/11, Joel Davidson wrote:
. Go Solar!
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
--- On Wed
Just got off the phone with Schneider Electric, formally Xantrex. They said,
"bla bla bla, yada yada yada" and they are hoping our parts will be in by the
end of the month.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Bey
Washington State has a very good program which I believe is a kind of FIT
Community solar thing that pays over $1.00/kW generated.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
On May 7, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Kristopher Schmid wrote:
> We will be seeing a lot more of this with the big box stores selling solar.
> I have already set my rate at 150/hour wit
rms I
had sent them on the 11th of May. She took my number and said she would be
back in touch with me today.
Smile, smile, smile...
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future
o stand behind their product with a
decent labor warranty!
Perhaps if more than one solar Bozo stands up and says, "Enough, we want a
panel with a 5 year $500.00 labor warranty". A manufacturer might see the
competitive edge of being the first to do so.
Andrew Koyaan
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
From: Nik
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
From: Jason Szumlanski
To: RE-wrenches
Hi Kirpal and All,
Our 30 experience with solar hot water has not been good. These experiences
aside, I wonder why go through the expense of installing a SunBandit? Wouldn't
a client, given enough roof space, be better off with a net metered system and
a conventional electric hot water heater?
It stands to reason. Solar City has had kiosks and salespeople in the Oregon
stores for years and years.
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors
move towards an environmentally sustainable futur
Dear Wise Wrenches,
We have a client who installed a GT system with us in 2015. They now want to
install another system on the same house. Will they still qualify for the 30%
ITC? Or is that a one time only thing?
Thanks a Ton!
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
The BR
Speaking of rails... What are thoughts about how much rail to leave sticking
out from an array. It seems the industry has moved towards trying to make the
rails invisible by designing them to be cut at the edges of an array.
I don't like this practice and try to leave at least 4 - 6 inches stic
Does anyone have a extra Solar World 230 mono black panel on hand or know of a
good source for panels long out of production?
If you have the panel contact me off line... But, by all means, of you have a
good source for the aforementioned panels, please share with the group.
Thanks a Ton!
I am just reading an article in "North America Clean Energy". Seems there is
an outfit out of Phoenix that may do the same.
Responsible Solar Waste Disposal | We Recycle Solar
| |
Responsible Solar Waste Disposal | We Recycle Solar
We Recycle Solar offers pioneering end-of-life solar
imary tank nice
and hot.
In the mean time we have moved to a 120 gallon Rheem single tank DB system with
a steca controller and a digital Intermatic timer that only turns the heater on
for an hour twice a day in the winter and is kept off all summer long.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
y and large does not warrant its use in these situations.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's Hous
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little on
I can't hardly think of a more important matter to the solar industry than
this. I am here ready, willing and able to serve.
Thank you for your time and attention on this important matter.Andrew
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portlan
from those other then
authorized distributors I wonder if the originator of these panels is still a
SunPower dealer?
Have a nice weekend
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
We are the McDonalds of roof penetrations. During the last 30 years we have
literally made pincushions of the roof we have worked on. After millions of
unflashed penetrations we have only had one leak. Observing hundreds of Carter
era systems we have never seen a mounting foot leak. Like Sasqua
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
From: "will...@mille
Hi All, Does anyone know where to get a replacement HIT-B195A05 Panel???
Please contact us off list. Thanks a TON! Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar
Energy Solutions, Inc.Since 1987,Moving Portland and Beyond to an
Environmentally Sustainable Future.503-238-4502 "Bet
Jim Dunphy
Group Manager of Operations
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company
T 201-392-6776
F 201-392-4379
C 201-214-7185
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company
PESCO, 5th Floor
Two Riverfront Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.Sin
We also like the SunEarth panels. Please make sure you put the Rheem tanks
under an 80psi pressure test for 3 days and that it holds like a ROCK. We
prefer these tanks but have also found their heat exchangers to leak from time
to time.
Smiles, Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Soluti
I have not followed these guys for a while but they always look to be a great
organization.I am thinking they will have everything you need as well as
excellent perspective.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland
Here is our ad. We are looking to hire a highly motivated individualinterested
and excited about a career in solar energy. During your apprenticeship you
will learn howto design, service and install solar hot water heating systems,
solar poolheating systems, and photovoltaic systems.
To consid
We had a great experience dealing with Jim. However, we had to send him back
to for some rather aggressive pencil sharpening.
Jim Dunphy
Group Manager of Operations
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company
T 201-392-6776
F 201-392-4379
C 201-214-7185
We had a situation where an extra square head was left in place under a panel.
It must have been thought to be more trouble than it was worth to remove. 10
year later...Crack goes the Sanyo! Installer error, we had to do the right
thing... it hurt! Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy S
Jaimes and All,
We have been using the updated Pathfinder software for Windows tablets with
great success. The software is only compatible with Widows, Not Androids or
Apple or anything else. Check out the link below and the Pathfinder staff have
been super easy to work with. We raced out to
our extra
trip will be covered by their warranty as of yet. The replacement displays
were easy to install and have worked as they should.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
Pathfinder now makes and app. for microsoft tablets that works great! Give
them a call and they will be happy to tell you all about it.
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.Since 1987,Moving
Portland and Beyond to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.503-238-4502
The Death Knell of the Solar Electric Industry for residential roofs is the
loss of available space. The mistake we see made over and over and over again
is local jurisdictions copying and pasting code hostile to the solar industry
birthed as "suggested practices" for California and then making
We us:
Ilsco - IPC-4/0-6, Insulation Piercing, Splicer Reducers, Splicing &
Terminating Kits, Connectors, Crimps, Termination - Platt Electric Supply
| |
Ilsco - IPC-4/0-6, Insulation Piercing, Splicer Reducers, Splicing &
Terminating Kits, Connectors, Crimps, Termin...
Ilsco IPC-4/0-
What kind of hose set up do you use? We do too, during the hot months, but now
you have me thinking about a rooftop drip irrigation system!
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors
move towards an environment
additional meter
is no longer needed. A call to Portland General Electric or the Energy Trust of
Oregon may prove helpful in developing an argument to dissuade the utility
company of this requirement.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
Hidenori Oishi
Panasonic HIT Customer Service
Jim Dunphy
Group Manager of Operations
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company
T 201-392-6776
F 201-392-4379
C 201-214-7185
Has anyone used or had success with any kind of a shade cover?.. specifically
for the SMA TL inverters? We have one that is going to get hit by the sun
pretty good.
Thanks! Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neig
Hi Folks,
Does anyone have any experience or thoughts good or bad with these panels
assembled in Thailand?
Thanks, Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors
move towards an environmentally sustainable future.503
Dear All,
I am learning for the first time, and the hard way, the necessity of checking
deliveries for damaged panels. For the first time I am hearing that it is not
uncommon for the bottom or last panel to be damaged in shipping. Nobody ever
explicitly tells you this until it is too late. It
Dear Wrenches,We were at a project yesterday and were quite perplexed as to why
we were breaking so many Iron Ridge UFOs.. 15 on a 10kW. Had it not been for
us attending an IR workshop today it would still be a mystery and the problem
would continue to plague us for the next several installatio
-- Original Message Below --
[RE-wrenches] Defective UFOs
Solar Energy Solutions Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:21:07 -0700
Dear Wrenches,We were at a project yesterday and were quite perplexed as to why
we were breaking so many Iron Ridge UFOs.. 15 on a 10kW. Had
I’m pretty sure SUNEARTH still carries older school telescoping legs..
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your
Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally sustainable future.
We use a 2 inch 3M scotch tape all weather corrosion protected tape. For long
exterior plumbing run we will insert a piece of pipe into the insulation and
then pre-wrap our 6 foot sections of insulation With an overlapping spiral.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc
;t see the answer coming from anywhere else.
Tip of the Hat,
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
have only carried the SunPower
product for about 2 years. We love the product and we love that quality so
sorely lacking everywhere else... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious customer
We Love SunPower!
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
We us and love Flatt Jack. No cutting, no caulking, no gaskets.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
We install all kinds of solar thermal systems and LOVE dem solar pool heaters.
Thanks for asking!
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
What the industry needs and I would do anything to find is some kind of a
bullet proof rooftop rafter finder. Imagine the time saved and pilot holes
gone the way of the Doe Doe.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
; that are greater than
7"s but less than say 20"?
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House t
We use a mild solution of Cascade dishwashing soap and a car wash brush. We
have been tempted by a product call "Power Boost".
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987,
Moving Portland and Beyond
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
"Better one's House too little one day
than too big all the Year after."
ilable for delivery.
Price: $26.5/container (10 liters or 2.65 gallons)
If you are interested in the whole pallet or partial quantity, please respond
to this e-mail.
Best Regards
Sandor Erdei
sandor erdei ;
Phone: 860-331-0117
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
We have spent a lifetime hoping, searching, dreaming of an easy and affordable
means of finding roof rafters. Has anyone used the Flir One for smart phones
with any kind of success to accomplish this task???
P.S. We are well aware of how inexpensive hammers are!
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentS
Dear Esteemed Solar Enthusiasts,
Believe it or NOT, I just talked to a homeowner who says he witness a solar
contractor spraying Dr. Pepper on his 8:12 pitched metal roof to stop from
Now I'm wondering...
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
I would suggest a led tile roof pipe Jack to go over those stand offs To be
installed by the original roofer.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your
Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally sustainable future
Dear All,
I have been an outspoken critic of module level shutdown for all the reasons
folks do. However, I have come around. We have witnessed too many systems
where rooftop wiring has been chewed up by critters... mostly squirrels. We
have seen everything from residential fires to holes in
Dear All,
I apologize for letting this conversation get a little stale before being able
to comment further.
Before I reply, I would like to say I don't believe MLSD has anything to do
with firefighter safety. If being on dangerous roofs was really a concern,
steep roofs, slate roofs, metal roo
Great Question James. We too have tried sprinklers and soaker hoses, rugs and
mats with only mixed success.
After years of blistered feet and even burned butts we try to make a point of
being off a hot roof by noon. I also try to get our guys to think of walking
on a roof as one might walkin
If you could explain the system or attach some photos we can probably talk you
through anything.
Feel free to call but you’ll have to double ring us because we don’t pick up
out-of-state calls.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987
We have seen cells shattered…kind of cracked… yet still functioning, when we
have heard of clients using pressure washers on panels.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your
Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally
We’ve been using these for about three years and I’ve not had a problem yet.
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors move towards an
environmentally sustainable future.
We use the
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your
Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally sustainable future.
> On Jun 22, 2022, at 9:22 AM, Christopher Warfel via
Dear all those who know more than I,
For 15 years I have been bragging about the GREAT SunPower customer service.
What has changed? I have spent hours on the phone, often times being
disconnected or left to perish on hold. I don't seem to be able to get decent
tech support or data recovery.
We like Spider Rax… with the flashing!Spider-Rax PV Solar Mountingspiderrax.comAndrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.The BRIGHT CHOICESince 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally sustainable future.503-238-4502www.SolarEnergyOregon.comOn Mar
Hi Adam, We have a clause in all of our contracts that reads “prices not include any un-anticipatable events”While I can understand the need to placate clients, the days of solar martyrdom needs to end! Is that line replacing a $10 lamp with a $40 lamp? That is up to you. Keep up the good work!Andr
Hi Daniel, after three months of back-and-forth we have finally received a replacement panel from SunPower and getting ready to affect repair. Are you saying we are going to have a hard time getting compensated for our services?Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.The BRIGHT CHO
Dear Kirk and All,
We use the Laing Pump D5 solar/720B Part # LMB15107992
Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.
Since 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors
move towards an environmentally sustainable future.503-238-4502
Dear, all, If you have one or two of these gathering dust, contact me off-line.Thanks a ton!Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.The BRIGHT CHOICESince 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors move towards an environmentally sustainable future.503-238-4502www.SolarEnergyOre
Dear Wrenches,Does anyone have a line on seven 4 x 10 FAFCO pool heating panels? Please contact me off-line or text me at 503-789-8644.Thanks a ton!Andrew KoyaanisqatsiPresidentSolar Energy Solutions, Inc.The BRIGHT CHOICESince 1987, helping you and your Portland neighbors move towards an environme
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