What the industry needs and I would do anything to find is some kind of a 
bullet proof rooftop rafter finder.  Imagine the time saved and pilot holes 
gone the way of the Doe Doe.  
Andrew Koyaanisqatsi 
Solar Energy Solutions, Inc. 
Since 1987, 
Moving Portland and Beyond  
to an Environmentally Sustainable Future.  
"Better one's House too little one day 
than too big all the Year after." 

 From: Mark Dickson <m...@oasismontana.com>
To: 'RE-wrenches' <re-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org> 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Pilot Hole Template

Sounds like you already have the
equipment.  But perhaps next time consider DPW’s Easy Feet.  They are
made to tech-screw right into the decking without having to hit the truss. 
Come pre-made with EPDM.  Just snap a line, set and screw.  Obviously you will
need to do some math to make sure your decking material is substantial as well
as anchored well to the blue board.  I have not used them yet, but will be 
up 20kW next month and will report back.  That being said, anybody else have
experience to report with them? 
Best regards, 
Mark Dickson, 
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer
Oasis Montana

[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Jesse Dahl
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012
1:33 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [ RE-wrenches ] Pilot Hole Template  
Thanks Chris,  
I did the same as far as verifying layout of the beams, they are all
the same center to center, so that helps when snapping lines on the roof, we've
been using the quickmount jig for a few hours and haven't missed yet, so I
think we got it.    
Thanks all!  

Sent from my iPhone  

On Dec 12, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Chris" <ch...@solarwindworks.com> wrote:  
Hi Jesse, 
>We just finished a
similar roof mount project but had the good fortune to be going into 6x14 beams
at “ 48” o.c. “. I put the on center dimension in quotes
loosely, and spent a couple hours prior to drilling the first hole checking
layout of the beams, directly under where we’d be drilling. The ceiling
rafters varied in layout an inch to 8” so this paid off!!! 
>We used a 12”
x 3/16” pilot bit, for our 8” Simpson SDS galv lags. I eyeballed
the angle into the beam, approx 10°, as we had 4 bolts in each 1.5” pipe
flange base to land into the beams. The trick is having the 8” lag bolt
follow the hole into the 2x6 pine decking and beam. This wasn’t as hard
to do as we first thought it would be, and didn’t miss a one. 
>Hitting a 3x10 is
going to be trickier, and your jig should help immensely.  
>Chris Worcester 
>Solar Wind Works
>NABCEP Certified PV Installer
>Phone: 530-582-4503
>Fax: 530-582-4603
>"Proven Energy Solutions"  
>[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Jesse Dahl
>Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012
7:54 AM
>To: RE-wrenches
>Subject: Re: [ RE-wrenches ] Pilot Hole Template   
>Since this job was a spec job and the materials are already here, I
need to use the quick mount, so.  I took a quick mount, inserted a
1/2" EMT coupling (after some filing) and stuck a 8" piece of
1/2" EMT in the coupling Nd tightened it down. Checked it with my square
to ensure it is coming out of the flashing square to the world.  I haven't
drilled a hole yet, but will update.    
>Sent from my iPhone  
>On Dec 12, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Jason Szumlanski <ja...@fafcosolar.com> wrote:  
>We just completed a job with Eco-65's. It took about 12 man-days to
install 200 of the base plates and L-Feet on a flat roof with wood blocks on a
metal deck with about 3" total from the rolled roof surface to the metal
deck. We custom-cut patches to go over the metal flashing supplied with the
base plate.  
>>Email me privately if you would like some pictures.  
>>The materials are not cheap, but the installation was quite smooth and
did not require getting into the drop-ceiling or displacing office workers 
We used 6" OMG extra heavy duty fasteners (part no. XHD006B).  
>>On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Will White <william.wh...@realgoods.com>
>>Have you
looked at EcoFastens Eco-65 plate?  We used them on a roof similar to what
you’ve got and went right into the 2x6 so we didn’t have to go into
the structural members.  They’ve got a flashing that will work with
asphalt roofs. 
make sure you get the right length fasteners so it doesn’t go through the
finished ceiling inside. 
>>Will White 
>>Regional Field Operations Manager – New England 
>>Real Goods Solar 
>>64 Main St. 
>>Montpelier, VT 05602 
>>Tel: (802)
>>Cell: (802)
>>[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Jesse Dahl
>>Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012
9:01 PM
>>To: RE-wrenches
>>Subject: [ RE-wrenches ]
Pilot Hole Template 
>>The roof I'm
currently working on is not a typical roof.  The construction is as
>>2"x6" tongue and
groove exposed inside, with 4 inches of foam (blue board) and on top of that
3/4" plywood with asphalt shingles on top of that.  
>>I'd like to make a
template to ensure that my pilot bit doesn't wander when
I'm going through the blue board.  If I miss the beams inside, the hole or
the lag would be exposed.    
>>Anybody run across
this? Ideas?  I thought of maybe using a qucikmount flashing, with a short
section of EMT attached to help guide the bit....  
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