Hi Wrenches,
Is anyone familiar with inverter Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) specs? I
see that SMA, Fronius, etc have THD listed on their spec sheets but I'm
looking for a spec that details requirements for grid tied inverters.
Thanks in advance.
August Goers
Luminalt E
> http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org
> List rules & etiquette:
> www.re-wrenches.org/etiquette.htm
> Check out participant bios:
> www.members.re-wrenches.org
August Goers
> List rules & etiquette:
> www.re-wrenches.org/etiquette.htm
> Check out participant bios:
> www.members.re-wrenches.org
> ___
> List sponso
lso live in a area without much lightning, however I install one in most
> systems for the simple reason of insurance.
> If there is lightning damage, the insurance company can't use that as a way
> to not pay any claims.
> ie cheap insurance.
> jay
> peltz power
Joel -
I'm interested in seeing the archived discussion but I don't have your email
address to email you off list.
Thanks, August
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.4000
them on comp shingles but I imagine that you could use a
little extra M-1 to glue them down to assure that the self-leveling one part
sealant doesn't leak out between the shingle layers.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, C
Allan -
I believe you are referring to NEC 110.26(A)(3) Height of Working Space.
They talk about the 6" plane in that section.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.4000
Hi Wrenches,
I have a DIY client who is looking for a small $10 to $15k complete off grid
battery backup kit he can install himself. Email me off list if you have any
sources or thoughts.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
of tea - I can foresee
way too much technical support, code violations, etc for me to want to get
PS: I used to install off grid systems in the late 90s in your neck of the
woods (Atascadero, SLO County CA) too.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
;t even turn on. SMA tech support is recommending that
we charge the batteries and then turn the system back on.
Any ideas about the best way to charge a 48 V battery bank?
Thanks for your advice,
August Goers
VP, Engineering
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Franci
series/parallel for 12 volt nominal, that pack could handle the
> output from a 60 amp 12v charger intended for deep cycle AGM's but if
> an automotive type 12v charger is all you can come up with
> readily...use that...since you're only trying to bootstrap the system.
> List rules & etiquette:
> www.re-wrenches.org/etiquette.htm
> Check out participant bios:
> www.members.re-wrenches.org
August Goers
VP, Engineering
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
O: 415.641.4000
M: 415.559.1
itive and
negative lines on the DC side. In SMA's case I'm guessing that their new
transformerless inverters with integrated DC disconnects and fuses may
already take of all the requirements?
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francis
d that
there's a June 2010 revision of the Square D disconnect guide. A bit of
clarification since the 9/09 edition I had.
August Goers wrote:
> Hi Bill and Wrenches -
> DC conductors - #10 to #6
> They recommend operating the DC disconnect once a year, 10 times to keep
> the contacts clean
> FYI – thought I’d share.
> -Glenn Burt
> *From:* re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
Hi Joel -
Have you tried getting PG&E out to check the line voltages? I believe they
need to be +/- 5% steady state (ANSI Range A) or possibly +/- 10% (Range
B) or they need to fix it. 105 V is way too low.
Here in the Bay Area I have found that PG&E is very receptive to resolving
line voltage is
Hi All -
Have any of you heard of the Xslent XPX-A1000 microinverter?
We're going up against them on a 10 kW system and I'm trying to figure out
if their claims about producing reactive power mean anything to us in the
real world. They are saying that their
Hi All -
Thanks for the helpful info! We did a little more research on our end and
I guess Apparent is the new brand name for the Xslent product. What
baffles me is the chart where they show that they're producing power
before and after sunrise and sunset:
ly there will be new
reasonably priced label sources available. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying
that it's always been hard to find cost effective labels which can hold up
through the elements.
The grounding section also looks substantially updated.
As always, fun new things coming our
530) 401-8024
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of August
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 8:35 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: [RE-wrenches] 2011 NEC and impact in the field
Hi All
for tying the PV into the main and using a relay
to switch to the critical loads panel during a power outage?
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.4000
-Original Message-
for your description. This certainly sounds simpler than my plan.
Kelly Keilwitz, P.E.
Whidbey Sun & Wind
Renewable Energy Systems
On Jan 14, 2011, at 7:23 AM, August Goers wrote:
> Hi Kelly -
> Sounds like a fun project. We
Hi Wrenches,
I recently heard a rumor that Sharp modules may not be warranted in a
marine environment. This could be completely false but I thought I would
reach out and see if anyone on the list has any experience in this area.
List s
We cut the extensions too. What other options are there when you have
multiple sub arrays all over the place? Enphase told us not to cut the
inverter leads which makes sense but I don't see any problem in cutting the
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corpor
Hi Wrenches -
We were called out today to check out an under performing system installed
by another contractor. This is an odd case.
The system has 24 Suntech 180s in three strings of 8 and a SMA Sunnyboy
4000us. Open circuit voltage for each string was about 330 Volts and we
verified that everyt
get a rough check on that is to disconnect the panels and
temporarily haywire an extra panel in series from another string. I suspect
the array might have to be rewired for 2 x 12.
*From:* August Goers
*Sent:* Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:01 PM
*To:* RE-wrenches
*Subject:* [RE-wrenches] Odd
> Northern Arizona Wind & Sun - Electricity from the sun since 1979
> Online Solar Store <http://store.solar-electric.com/>
> Free Solar Discussion Forum <http://www.wind-sun.com/ForumVB/>
We subscribed to NECplus about a month ago. At the time they were giving a
free hard copy of the code book along with the subscription which is a great
deal. I would definitely recommend signing up if they are still offering
that deal. It's always nice being able to flip through a real book but the
Drake -
Yea, you can always cancel the subscription if it isn't to your liking. A
number of us use it around the office here and some are dead set on the hard
copy while others like the searchable online version... Good luck. -August
*From:* re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:
Hi Off Grid Wrenches,
Does anyone have any feedback on what brands and or models of small 12v
charge controllers they like? I'm looking at setting up a small emergency
power shed with a couple of PV modules and deep cycle batteries and perhaps
a Morningstar or Xantrex small charge controller. We
Fafco Solar
*From:* re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:
re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] *On Behalf Of *August Goers
*Sent:* Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:00 PM
*To:* RE-wrenches
*Subject:* [RE-wrenches] (no subject)
Hi Off Grid Wrenches,
Does anyone have any
Drake -
We've done lots of systems both ways - using rails such as Unirac solarmount
or ProSolar is definately more forgiving compared to mounting directly on
the seams. The adjustability of the Unirac L-foot is particularly nice. If
you mount directly to the seams you need to mount in landscape
And I guess I should mention that the relatively new Unirac SolarMount-I
might be a good fit too. We just got our first set but haven't installed it
yet - my first impression is that it looks quick and simple but won't have
the same flexibility in adjustment compared to the Solarmount L-foot.
common in the industry
to run bare 10AWG between the modules and racks. Does this still seem
acceptable to you?
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.4000
-Original Message-
ch out
and see what products and manufacturers are popular out there.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.4000
List sponsored by
This isn't just a matter of leaving a gap wide enough for a big fire truck
to drive on the grass or is the terrain not suitable to drive on? -August
*From:* re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:
re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] *On Behalf Of *Bill Brooks
*Sent:* Thursday,
Hi Wrenches -
See feedback below from fire Captain Matt Paiss of San Jose. Matt, thanks
for your input. Best, August
-Original Message-
From: Matthew Paiss [mailto:mpa...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 11:07 PM
To: aug...@luminalt.com
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Fire Access la
You definitely have a point from a basic engineering point of view that
bolts through the module bottom holes is technically the most robust option.
However, the main racking companies have been selling top down clamps for a
very long time and the two big ones, Unirac and Pro Solar, haven't changed
for reference numbers if your
supplier carries another line. Any other wrenches out there like other
similar products?
Happy crimping!
PS: once you start using these you won't believe you lived without them
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenu
Marco - I'd like to see the pdf as well if you don't mind. Thanks, August
*From:* re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org [mailto:
re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] *On Behalf Of *Marco Mangelsdorf
*Sent:* Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:31 PM
*To:* 'RE-wrenches'
Michael -
This has come up before. I'm probably missing something simple but the
problem for me is that Wrenches emails do not contain the senders original
address in a way that I've been able to find it. Any suggestions about
where I can find the senders email?
Best, August
-Original Messag
t; http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org
> List rules & etiquette:
> www.re-wrenches.org/etiquette.htm
> Check out participant bios:
> www.members.re-wrenches.org
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Fr
Roofers often use this type of aluminum paint here in the Bay Area -
I think a good quality outdoor latex paint works fine too.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA
Hi Wrenches -
Most of you already know this, but California solar data, including
installed costs, is public information found here:
Searching for data on other ~ 1MW systems will help you hone in on at least
a ballpark figure bu
Hi All -
We run into smart meters before we install PV here in CA all the time. The
smart meter hardware is typically bidirectional in that the arrow on the
display will indicate which direction power is flowing. I say "typically"
because there seems to be several meter brands that the utility is
Hi David -
Doesn't sound fun. We experienced a similar problem with a 10-collector
system with Schuco Slim-Vs about 3 years ago. The collectors had lots of
condensation build up in them, especially during the rainy season. Schuco
stepped up and gave us new 2nd generation collectors under warrant
Hi Howe,
Why are you still interested in the original IG? We've had a fairly high
failure rate with the original IG and I wouldn't recommend going back to
them unless you're getting some sort of amazing inventory clearance price...
We have over 100 IG+s in the field with only two failures to dat
at to high a voltage above the Vmp voltage, I replaced the inverter
and problem fixed.
*From:* August Goers
*To:* RE-wrenches
*Sent:* Thu, February 3, 2011 6:01:11 PM
*Subject:* [RE-wrenches] Odd Inverter Behavior
Hi Wrenches -
We were called out today t
maybe the switch needs to be mounted above a sloped
Any opinions and interpretations would be appreciated.
August Goers
Luminalt Energy Corporation
1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
m: 415.559.1525
o: 415.641.
Hi Wrenches,
We have several installations from a few years ago where we're noticing
strange discoloration around the corners of the absorber plate:
I'll keep the manufacturer anonymous at this point but I'm wondering if any
of you have experience with this and if so what the problem might
We have over 1000 Enphase units installed of multiple types - mostly M210s
and M190s. We just had our first overt failure of an M190. It just went
dead after a couple of months of operation. I'll keep my eye out for
underperforming units but haven't noticed any yet.
*From:* re-wrenche
As other Wrenches have noted, there are UV paints available as well as UV
rated insulation itself:
The problem with both of these solutions is that few folks keep up with the
required maintenance over t
Hi Mac,
What size breaker is tripping? I assume you are running at 48 v?
On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 4:18 AM, Mac Lewis wrote:
> Hello wrenches,
> I've got a mysterious breaker tripping that I need some ideas on how to
> fix.
> Original system:
> Array 6 x 235W Kyocera modules
> 1 x Ou
nything over 10 years old should be inspected by a
roofer. The best bet is to have a roofer waterproof your stanchions.
*August Goers*
Luminalt Energy Corporation
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Jerry Shafer
> Fellow Wrenches
> Some time back we were doing concrete tile ins
Tom - I was just asking a SunPower rep about this. My understanding is that
a PID (Potential Induced Degredation) discharge device is required to use
SunPower positively grounded modules with a transformerless inverter. These
are expensive and not listed for the US market. Long story short, I don't
Can the phone company install a DSL modem to get your equipment regular
*August Goers*
On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 9:49 PM, William Miller
> Friends:
> I am designing a remote off-grid system to run some traffic lights. Due to
Ray - I agree with the others that S5 clamps with rails is the way to go on
standing seam roofs. We buy our S5 clamps through LMCurbs and I've found
their pricing and service to be good: http://www.lmcurbs.com/
We go though a good deal of effort to determine the exact standing seam
make/model and
Chris -
Two ideas: One, call Fronius to see what they recommend. We haven't used
this particular inverter, but we've used lots of the smaller Symos and
Pirmos and with some of them you can fit fuse holders right in the wire box
onto a din rail. Otherwise, I've had good results working with SolarBO
ptive. The design flexibility of the Gateway setup,
the small size, minimal labor to install, and performance blow other
systems out of the water. I hope that other manufacturers are able to catch
up with this type of design.
*August Goers*
Luminalt Energy Corporation
o: 41
> > Dave
> >
> >
> > *--*
> >
> >
> > *Dave Tedeyan*
> > *Senior Engineer*
> >
> > *Taitem Engineering, PC*
> > 10 Verizon Lane, Lansing, NY 14882
> > Voice: (607) 930-3481 x6
> > www.taitem.com
> >
> >
running the PWs in back-up power only mode or
> daily cycling mode?
> In either case, the addition of PW does not add to the generating capacity
> of the solar facility.
> marco
> On Tuesday, February 13, 2018, August Goers wrote:
>> Marco,
hang up? And are running the PWs in back-up power only mode
>>> or daily cycling mode?
>>> In either case, the addition of PW does not add to the generating
>>> capacity of the solar facility.
>>> marco
>>> On Tuesda
Hi Hilton,
We've done the math for our installed cost on the Powerwall 2. Certainly,
it wouldn't make sense to purchase it just for energy savings alone with
current California residential electricity tariffs. However, most folks are
buying it primarily for backup purposes and then a little bit of
h per
heating cycle depending on temps?). I understand that Tesla's offgrid
Powerwall isn't ready for prime time yet.
*August Goers*
Luminalt Energy Corporation
On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 8:55 AM, Bill Hoffer wrote:
> Daniel
> Why are we having to deal with lo
Hi All - We tie into TJIs commonly, if you Google "TJI solar" you'll find
manufacturer docs on how to properly lag in.
On Mar 2, 2018 1:24 PM, "Jerry Caldwell" wrote:
> Dear Wrenches,
> I have a customer with a low slope roof supported by TJI beams. Does
> anyone have experience permit
at is
supposed to be corrected.
*August Goers*
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 10:36 PM, William Miller
> Darryl:
> If you are talking about California, I must respectfully disagree. If you
> are not talking about California, I am ignorant.
As a separate item to check, make sure the grounding electrode system and
neutral are all up to shape at the site. We've had problems with this with
various EVs giving an error when atempting to charge.
On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 11:45 AM, Ray wrote:
> Pretty sure the Magnum will w
Aluminum takes well to spray paint primer followed by a coating of exterior
spray paint such as Rust-Oleum. As I'm sure others will point out, I'm not
sure how long it actually lasts.
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 8:10 AM cwarfel
> A customer has asked that I look into painting
Hi Andrew,
Fronius Primo inverters go up to 15 kW 208 v single phase, but are limited
to 13750 VA output in 208 volt operation. I'm not aware of larger single
phase 208 v inverters, although it is certainly possible that they are out
We have many M210 and M190 micros installed and deal with replacements
frequently. If you're seeing physical signs of oozing or swelling, it's
only a matter of time before they stop working. Enphase should replace them
under warranty, especially if you explain that now is the time to get them
In our territory the utility (PG&E) starting switching to digital smart
meters five to ten years ago. In order to function properly with a PV
system, meters need to be programmed for Net Energy Metering (NEM). If you
run a PV system prior to receiving Permission To Operate (PTO) from the
Hi Garrison,
This is a new one for me - normally we always balance everything when
dealing with paralleled conductors. NEC 310.10(H) talks about conductors in
parallel and I can't see anything the explicitly forbids what you
explained. To be safe, I think it is worth contacting the PE to double
If your modules don't have anti reflective coating then you can scrape them
with a sharp razor blade scraper. Goo Gone or one of the similar products
might help at well.
On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 8:30 AM frenergy wrote:
> Help us with this Benn. Are we talking spray paint, airg
Don't forget about YouTube - a quick search for "conduit bending" yields
dozens of helpful videos, some professionally produced.
On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 4:00 PM Dana wrote:
> I too have been perplexed on the art of conduit bending. One of my
> favorite master electricians in CO
nd of equipment would
you recommend? I'm thinking maybe Sunny Islands with Blue Ion LiFePO4
Best, August
*August Goers*
Luminalt Energy Corporation
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.o
or www.energport.com They have models up to 60 kW
> and 120 kWh
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 2:49 PM August Goers wrote:
>> Hi Wrenches,
>> We have a new potential client who wants a 60 kW PV system and a battery
>> backup system with 200 kWh
> On Jan 11, 2019, at 6:40 AM, August Goers wrote:
> Thanks All for the ideas. For the battery inverters, I'm most interested
> in sticking with SMA or Schneider which I've had good experience with in
> the past. Over the past year and a half our experience has
Hi Jason - We've used Unirac SunFrame for similar applications. I'm not
certain that the shared rail can accommodate the slight different in angle
between module rows due to the curve, but it might be worth checking out if
you haven't already:
On Thu, Feb 7,
er Z-purlins or I-beams. I have to mount the
> modules in landscape. I guess what I'm really looking for is standard
> hardware that I can bolt to the purlins/beams and bolt or clip to the
> module frame.
> These will likely be AC modules, so I also need to consider wire
> ma
ge was a mistake corrected in 2107, or what
> the thinking was of the authors. Regardless, we live by the language, not
> the intent.
> Thank you as well to all who responded.
> William Miller
> *From:* August Goers [mailto:aug...@lumin
Hi William -
I would stick with tin coated copper battery cable lugs. The tin coating
adds corrosion resistance to the copper - this is especially important for
battery connections which already have a tendency to corrode. The ground
lugs we all historically used on our racking systems should have
I'll chime in on the cordless bandsaw revolution - they're the best! We
have been using DeWalt 20v products and they make both a large deep-cut
version and a smaller version. The large bandsaw is great for the roof and
the small one is great for electrical work such as cutting conduit (like
Andrew - I imagine you've already considered a StorEdge and LG Chem battery?
On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 11:18 AM Andrew wrote:
> Wrenches,
> I got a situation where I got a client who wants to get
> solar with battery backup but where he is located the grid canno
> Andrew Perkins
> Greenwired
> P: 707-923-2001 ext. 100
> 1150 #1 Evergreen Rd
> Redway, CA 95560
> www.greenwired.com
> [image: Description: signature]
> *From:* RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wr
Hi Bruce,
Yes, we use yellow spaghetti mat daily to protect the roof. Carpet scraps
available from flooring dealers also work well. Both are good for up to
about 30 degrees (7/12 roof). Spaghetti mat can be reused many times but
can be slippery when wet. Thermo-ply or some other relatively thin bo
Hi William -
This article is a few years old, but I think describes ground fault
detection issues well:
I don't have experience (at least since the late 90s) with the type of GFD
breaker you describe
t; I read the referenced report. It does not address the concern I raised—
> that is the breaker specified unbonds a system that I believe is supposed
> to be bonded.
> William
> On Jul 23, 2019, at 8:38 AM, August Goers wrote:
> Hi William -
> This article is a
Hi William - Yea, your kWh calculation is correct. However, the 16 kWh Blue
Ion is comparable to eight L16 (6 volt x 333 Ah each) batteries, not one -
nameplate rating. Typically you can go way deeper discharge with the
lithium products, so the Blue Ion might be more comparable to sixteen (or
Hi Marco - We have dozens of systems with this combo, so far no problem.
Tesla's AC coupling mechanism in general seems to be very robust - we've
paired them with many inverter types and brands, and they always seem to
couple up during our grid-off tests. Since the vast majority of our systems
Many appliances, motors, AC units, etc are rated for 230 volts, but really
they work for our modern 240 volt services. If you do a quick web search,
it appears that US standard voltages over the years have morphed from 110
to 115, to 120 volt:
d use
their envoy box and SunPower uses the PV Supervisor 6.
On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:53 AM Marco Mangelsdorf
> Sounds encouraging, August. Mahalo.
> Are any of those systems zero export by any chance?
> marco
> On Thursday, July 25, 2019, August G
onnect you.
*August Goers*
Luminalt Energy Corporation
o: 415.792.
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Change listserver email address & settings:
Hi Jay - We are a Tesla Powerwall/Powerpack dealer. We buy equipment direct
from Tesla just like any normal vendor relationship and then sell a
complete turnkey installation for our customers. Our customers don't buy
equipment directly from Tesla. Tesla allows customers to place a deposit
for Power
Jason - I'm curious about your statement on cutting off module connectors.
Can you elaborate?
On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 7:52 AM Jason Fisher (STC)
> Kent, I don’t see an answer to Brian’s question about the LG module’s
> original connector configuration. We’re these
] Please
> print only if necessary.
> NOTE: This email message and any attachments are for the sole use of the
> intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged
> information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is
> prohibited.
We've experimented around with various devices, and I'll agree that the
Microsoft Surface line is a good choice. You can find 3rd party heavy duty
protective cases on Amazon that are worthwhile if you plan on using it in
the field. Also note that the current Surface Pro 6th gen product only has
Replying on list, I had mistakenly only replied to Jeff off list. -August
On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 6:26 AM August Goers wrote:
> Hi Jeff - I think technically you can try a supply side connection per NEC
> 705.12(A) if you can find equipment with provisions to both feed your
> existin
I've heard from multiple sources and confirmed myself that you can't get
the portable pdf of the NEC starting with the 2020 edition. The link that
Lorenzo shared seems to indicate that older versions including 2017 edition
are available in a digital format.
[image: image.png]
Hi Jason -
It certainly appears that there was some sort of surge or short. We've had
a few cases where microinverter branch circuit end termination caps were
left off or fell off and shorted out during rain storms. You might want to
double check that those are all in place. We've also had cases w
Jason -
Thanks for sharing - this is a good lesson for all Wrenches. Years ago we
had a dual string inverter installation where the DC positives and
negatives were mixed between the two interters. String 1 positive went to
inverter 1, string 1 negative went to inverter 2 and vice versa. The
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