pe" or "node role" kind
of class that you include in your node.
class mysql_server_role {
include ldap_authentication_role # which declares whatever is needed
# for ldap support
include mysql
Class['Ldap'] -> Class['Mysql
u can find the
code for custom facts from arbitrary files)
Gabriel Filion
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Nagios_command <||> {
target =>
# ...
also, for the permissions, you could use a file resource with the same
path to set permissions (but not the contents).
check out this module for
> }
> If I add hasstatus => true work perfectly on gentoo but work bad on
> debian.
It's possible (I haven't verified) that the init script for nsca does
not have a "status" command which reports if the service is running or not.
If tha
Hey there,
Do you guys know of opensourced puppet modules for managing VPN services?
I've only found a handful of modules for openvpn that seemed less than
Gabriel Filion
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On 12-02-10 10:12 AM, Raffael Schmid wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Feb 2012, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> Do you guys know of opensourced puppet modules for managing VPN
>> services?
>> I've only found a handful of modules for openvpn that seemed less
>> than com
reate a custom fact that would
harvest those groups that are present and that you need to add to your
users. (I can't help you too much with how to implement this, though,
since my ruby is at the level of baby steps)
In your manifests, you would then have to split the string returned by
the fa
default because it fairs better than "marshal" ?
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On 12-03-25 11:43 PM, Gabriel Filion wrote:
> Changelog from 0.24.5 mentions a new format, "marshal", being very much
> faster than the previous default, "yaml".
> But the current default format is "pson". I can't find any comparison in
> pe
ackports[1] branch, in which you can
find puppet 2.7
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>> Thank you!
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prior to making a
> pull request/patch.
> 4. You can also watch the RSS feed for the puppet projects you have
> the most interest in.
> This decision isn't final, but I would like to get opinions on the
> idea. I welcome feedback until Friday, April 13.
Gabriel Filion
't need to modify the
module directly anymore?
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27;my_nagios' definition, but still
the one from the nagios module.
> If you actually need to modify parameters of a resource in a definition
> though then the only way I know of would be to have that parameter
> controlled by an argument to the defined type.
yeah, hence the need to m
epending on an arbitrary "level" of service :
class level1_apache_server {
Nagios::Service {
base_groups => 'level1-apache-server',
include apache_logic
I think I remember seeing discussion about this kind of feature getting
killed sometime because of scoping issues..
On 12-04-12 02:10 AM, Gabriel Filion wrote:
> Do you guys know if it would be possible to implement a way to "hook" my
> extraneous logic into the define so that I don't need to modify the
> module directly anymore?
oh, I think I've just found something that does pre
Since the types by themselves are not a module per-se, could it be
better to package them in the same manner as the core is packaged, and
made available through the same resources?
so then, people could install those with gem, apt or yum. (and easily
require those automatically from actual modules)
1, 2012 12:52 PM, "Christopher Wood" <>> wrote:
> What does the custom facter variable contain?
Gabriel Filion
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hack and
> doesn't cleanly express what variables are available to be set.
> Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to make this work?
The only way that I could think of doing this would be by using a
concatenated file[1]. Each define would create a morcel that would get
check out 'lib/puppet/type'
Gabriel Filion
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ten wrote:
>>> This looks like a good opportunity for the various mysql module authors to
>>> all get together and produce one single awesome module :)
I suggested collaboration to the others in the group working on the
shared modules hosted at riseup's. I think it should in
a conflict
(redefinition of an exported resource) but it shouldn't commit resources
to database.
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milar fashion in your manifests
it probably errors out because it doesn't find it. try using an absolute
path to your dump file.
exec {"Get db":
command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -proot papa <
on Rails
> could help throw some light on the topic.
verify the permissions on the whole path. maybe the "config" or the
"puppet-dashboard" directories don't give enough privileges to the user
running dashboard.
Gabriel Filion
You received this message because you
added parameters to the 2nd class and would like to set
> values here. What is the appropriate way to do that?
Did you try to split the two classes up? e.g.:
class {
arg1 => value1,
Gabriel Filion
You received this mess
f the 'class'
reserved word, it now looks like you're defining a new class inside your
But I guess once you get the hang of it, it's not that bad. Being able
to use the same notation as other kinds of resources is a good thing.
Gabriel Filion
You received this mes
e shouldn't change much with or without
exporting nagios resources, except on the Nagios server (the one
extracting the puppet resources).
In my experience, exporting native Nagios resources on Nagios clients
and collecting them on the Nagios server doesn't seem to be scaling very
> of the files from the CLI takes less than 2 seconds.
I haven't traced the thing, but from what I could understand, the most
time is spent in resolving relationships between exported nagios
resources and ensuring that all the exported resources are unique. To
verify this, you could setup p
; stringarray = string.split(//)
>'/tmp/t2', 'w') {|f| f.write(stringarray[0]) }
> count = 0
> for i in (stringarray)
> if values[i]
> count = count + values[i]
> end
> end
> srand(count)
> with 1,1. The "Using Facts and Variables" section of
> shows how to use
> lookupvar() to obtain client facts.
oh, I didn't know about the purpose of lookupvar().. I guess I'll sleep
a little less stupid to
ved this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> I'm using a single mysql DB for thin stored configs, and have three
> puppet masters, one in each location. All three are connecting to the
> same mysql db for stored configs.
> Any suggestions? There might just be some simple syntax that I'm
> miss
;>> > require => File["${baseconfigdir}"],
>>> > }
>>> >
>>> > Everything works fine on the first run. But once a client changes its
>>> > Nagios resources, the new configuration will not end up in the target
>>> >
You said you rsynced the files from somewhere else, though. If you hold
out that rsync process for a while, do you see new services getting
added to the file?
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"Puppet Use
> uptime.
Here, puppet is run via Apache with the passenger module, so the service
simply doesn't need any restarting at all (since the puppetmaster code
is only interpreted when a request is made)
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t life exists elsewhere in
> the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
> Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
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that the GPG key, being off of the puppet
master, ensures an external validation of the catalog content.
but for the rest, it sounds like it's just a manual deconstruction of
the puppetmaster-puppetclient model..
Gabriel Filion
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uot;ensure => absent" on them.
> Can I do something like:
> class ssh::knownhosts {
> Sshkey <<| type= 'rsa' |>> {ensure => present}
> }
this should surely work, yes.
Gabriel Filion
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at peak concurrency,
you could lower MaxSpareThreads a little to have Apache kill more loose
processes (and thus regain their memory faster).
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Or you could use a parametrized class to make things shorter and easier
to understand:
class common ( $selinux_mode = 'enforcing' ) {
class { selinux: mode => $selinux_mode }
node server1 {
include common
node server2 {
class { common: selinux_mode => 'permiss
> require => Class["snmpd::install"],
> }
and another } here
> And on the node that getting the error message i have include snmpd.
If the above is true though, I would expect puppet to fail with a syntax
error instead of saying that it can&
e hosts if they
have those services installed.
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On 14/06/10 07:30 PM, donavan wrote:
> On Jun 12, 1:09 pm, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> I tested giving a list of strings to the "hostgroups" attribute to the
>> nagios_host resource but it only considers the first element of the list.
> Something like this?:
> nag
On 2010-06-15 21:17, donavan wrote:
> On Jun 14, 11:07 pm, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> Interesting. I'll try this out in the next few days and give you
>> feedback on whether this workaround does the job.
> If you use a variable, like $nagios_hostgroups, you may
; source => "puppet:///rhn/up2date-rhn",
> require => File["/usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT"],
> }
> file { "/usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT-VISMA":
> ensure => present,
el4::defaults class, it
will see variables from elements::tfel4 , elements, :: (global scope),
in that order of precendence -- e.g. the global variables being accessed
only if the variables are not "redefined" or modified in the parents.
so, for your case, the tfel4_ClusterDbType vari
at would enforce the existence of a header.
I've been meaning to ask the same question, lately. thanks for asking :)
Unfortunately I didn't look into it yet so I don't have any suggestion
about that.
Gabriel Filion
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t common, but nowhere near universal.
Good point there.
I wonder if using a module that does "file concatenation" could be a
good method. one would need to have a define for each format of header
to include and could include a file by calling the appropriate define.
On 2010-06-15 21:17, donavan wrote:
> On Jun 14, 11:07 pm, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> bug or missing feature.. I haven't tried it with 0.25.5, though. I'm on
>> Debian unstable, using the puppet/puppetmaster packages, so the version
>> is 0.25.4
e value.
And to go with that, having access to joining lists into a string
without having to use an inline template would be nice.
I think that collecting values inside a list from within any arbitrary
class, that should be used in one place is a not-so-edgy case that is
currently halted b
d be to use (I havent tested it yet)
File { owner => root, group => nagios, mode => '0640'; }
inside the class in which you declare the nagio file resources so that
those permissions are the default for the nagios config files.
Gabriel Filion
You received t
ing along but
was not quite there yet.
What features are currently working properly and what are the ones that
are lacking?
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n that direction would be awesome.
> We've got some basic notes at:
Oh, I didn't see your reply before I sent my last message. thanks for
the link.
Gabriel Filion
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It may look a bit nasty but you could possibly do it with a global variable:
$nagios_allowed_hosts = ['ip1', 'ip2']
node default {
import nagios
// ...
node special_customer inherits default {
$nagios_allowed_hosts += ['ip3']
Gabriel Filion
meter? So the "foo" resource has a parameter value
> "foo" and "bar" with a parameter value "bar"?
I think what you want is to use $name. it corresponds to the resource
name that is currently being worked on.
file { [ "foo", "bar&quo
e them
> - if we have to sync resources, then create an event.
This description is actually concise and quite understandable. I would
suggest adding it to Puppet's documentation wiki, not too far away from
the "extended knowledge" section [1].
orks since I can call it directly from within
> the class main. I even tried calling luser using main::luser but same
> error.
If your code is in a module, try invoking it in a fully qualified manner:
module_name::main::luser { "blah": ... }
hope it helps.
Gabriel Filion
he subdirectory doesn't exist), it'll try
to get 'site-apt/files/02show_upgraded'.
If this one is not there, its last resort is in the 'apt' module. So,
it'll try to find a file in 'apt/files/02show_upgraded'.
This way, you have one very generic file
y problem.
It's not very scientific, though. You should give the above-mentioned
workaround a try.
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've done a quick test to print (notify{}) the value of $vardir and it's
empty. Do you guys know of a way I could access this value within the
module's manifests?
Gabriel Filion
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"Puppet Users" g
> end
hmm, that's interestingly very simple. I would personally use a fact
instead of a function, but now that I know the ruby part to fetch the
config value, writing a fact shouldn't be too difficult.
Gabriel Filion
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On 11-02-01 04:16 AM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
> Since 2.6.0 you can just do notice($settings::vardir)
oh .. I've just tried it out and it works. hurray for 2.6, then! :)
and, I'll also keep Nan Liu's suggestion in mind for 0.25.x
Thanks to everyone for the feedback!
ecific interface for the
ipaddress value?
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ut some effort on my
nagios module to provide for an override for the ip address, then.
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mm this fact looks like it won't work for any host that doesn't
resolve, which would be problematic for something like a test setup with
virtual machines.
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; ...
> }
hmm this actually binds the OP's 'random_app' module to the 'dns_config'
one while Daniel's suggestion can find the File resource even though it
is moved from one module to another.
Gabriel Filion
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aster anyway, I can do what I
> want :-)
> Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem.
> I am trying to do the same thing as Gabriel Filion in this post:
> So, I have a nagio
ive server change.
hmm, that's an interesting approach. it sounds like it requires a lot of
exec magic but it does cover for the config breakages and also for
purging resources. When I finally get some free time, I'll look into
implementing that. Thanks for the hint.
Gabriel Filion
makes things clearer:
# this should theroetically make a symlink relative to the current
# directory. You can also use absolute paths for the target.
file { '/opt/lfc/lib/':
ensure => link,
target => '',
Gabriel Filion
You <>' inherits dbserver {}
> > node ' <>' inherits
> mailserver {}
> > node ' <>' inherits
> nagiosserver {}
> >
gt; client?
Judging from the manifests that the OP sent, the HTTP server is run on
the nagios server, not on each node: the "nagios" class is included only
on the node 'nagiosserver', while the class "nagios::target" is included
It is possible to run a Nagios se
taken from
Is this timestamp based on the remote node's clock?
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To u
-s -d' on the node
"solved" my issue.
but I think, like you, that basing the checkin time on the remote clock
is awfully wrong. I'll go vote for the issue.
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"Puppet Users&
p.s. on another note: I can't grasp the advantage of not using
thin_storeconfigs. Since we'll be parsing the manifests on every change
anyway, having all info replicated into a database doesn't seem to bring
us anything. Is there any use case where not using this option would
make sens
On 11-05-22 05:22 AM, Brice Figureau wrote:
> On 22/05/11 01:10, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I found out that a puppetmaster I manage is currently not using the
>> thin_storeconfigs option and suggested to the other admins that we use
>> this in order to
w virtual servers to use different setups from your nodes.
This testing phase will be the longest, but it's always better to be
safe than sorry ;)
After that, upgrade your puppet master, wait a couple of days just to
see if it holds up well. Finally upgrade your clients.
Gabriel Filion
.pp:73 on node
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
There's a mention on the wiki [1] about plugins vs. environments but I
don't really get what would be needed.
[1] :
On 11-06-14 04:39 PM, Nigel Kersten wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Gabriel Filion <>> wrote:
> I'm trying to test out new features of a module before I deploy it and I
> have difficulty with the functions declared by the module
second line:
notice { $callapidata[1]: }
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ctory, then the other dirs
are not inspected.. But apparently this is not the case.
This could lead to some nasty bugs when testing things out with such a
mixed environment.
Is there a work around to make the other module of the same name in the
/etc/puppet/modules directory not influence the de
on, you then move it into the per-env
> directories as appropriate.
Oh ok ... I'll have to work something out then.. this is more
complicated to use than I thought.
Thanks everyone for all the help.
Gabriel Filion
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esources) is tougher. you pretty much have to reinvent a method of
doing it.
* you really have to trust users with root access on each node since
manifests are pulled directly on the server (and can thus be modified
Gabriel Filion
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u let
established connections out of the DMZ, then connection both ways should
be assured.
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=> true,
> }
> And make Nagios service subrscribe to the file /etc/nagios (cheksum =>
> mtime)
hum, was the purge functionality ever fixed for nagios types? I've
wanted to use that for some time but fwir it was not implemented.
Gabriel Filion
You r
this since I can expect it to only get marked as "wontfix")
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ies of
issues with having two puppetmasters with *different versions* hit on
the same db ?
The goal of the above scenario with the storeconfigs db would be to keep
the nagios configuration functional across puppet master versions while
migrating nodes to the 2.6 master.
Gabriel Filion
On 2012-09-29 16:42, Gabriel Filion wrote:
> From what I understand of storeconfigs, it is possible to plug both
> puppetmasters on the same MySQL db. Are there any possibilities of
> issues with having two puppetmasters with *different versions* hit on
> the same db ?
FYI I ran a
On 2012-10-02 02:46, David Schmitt wrote:
> On 01.10.2012 23:11, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> On 2012-09-29 16:42, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>>> From what I understand of storeconfigs, it is possible to plug both
>>> puppetmasters on the same MySQL db. Are there any possi
allow *
> # this one is not stricly necessary, but it has the merit
> # to show the default policy which is deny everything else
> path /
> auth any
> It seems as though the puppet is running:
> 4074 ?Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/sbin/puppetd
> --server=mypuppetserver.fqdn --logdest=/var/log/puppet/puppet.log
> But I cant even telnet to port 8139 on the localhost to test that the
> port is open.
> Can any one please help?
> Any suggestions welcome, I have copied the /etc/puppet/*.conf files from
> another working server.
> Please Help!
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
y to port 8139 or 8140.
hmm this is weird. in your original post you showed us that there were
no iptables rules, and you do have "listen = true" in your puppet.conf.
do you see the port as open and listening with netstat?
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
e probably exporting the same resources twice.
you might want to verify either that one nagios server is exporting
these and the second is collecting them, or that both create them as
local resources and collect host/service definitions from other nodes.
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
with the puppet integration module:
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
x27;ll be around for another year.
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
fo on pinning (it
doesn't talk about preferences.d, but everything that can go in
/etc/apt/preferences can be split in different files in
this way, you're sure that no operation, should it be puppet or manual
> <>
> this way, you're sure that no operation, should it be puppet or manual
> interventions will upgrade the package.
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
er to it on the list. that way you can get people
to vote on the issue to show support ;)
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
> As you can see, type 2 has no reference to the code. Am I right to
> assume that type 2 logs are related to ruby functions or .erb templates?
one way to have a better idea what causes the error is to run with
--debug to see the full trace.
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
ment variable $PATH.
with puppet, it is considered a good practice to set a global $PATH
value that corresponds to your system with the below snippet (the
capital letter at the beginning of "Exec" is important).
Exec {
path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
g runs fine.
however in your example, you seem not to be redefining the "target" when
collecting, so you might consider using purge => true. to achieve what
you want with the workflow you mentioned above (e.g. without the need to
export with ensure => absent)
Gabriel Filion
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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