On 11-12-04 11:53 AM, Christopher Wood wrote:
>> 1. Run `puppet agent --onetime` every 30 minutes on agents
> Definitely use fdqn_rand (see the function list) in the cron job minutes to 
> spread these out.

yep, we use a bash-version of this random time thing. You'll quickly
notice that you need to randomize client check-in times to ease up some
load on the master: if everyone requests their catalogs at the same
time, your puppetmaster won't be able to survive around 100 clients
(maybe even less).

another option for this is to use marionette-collective to do the client
scheduling for you. but if you want to start your setup small and
simple, the run interval randomization is quite sufficient.

>> > 2. Run `service puppetmaster restart` on the master every 12 hours.
> I've personally never needed to do this. Now I'm nosy about puppetmaster 
> uptime.

Here, puppet is run via Apache with the passenger module, so the service
simply doesn't need any restarting at all (since the puppetmaster code
is only interpreted when a request is made)

Gabriel Filion

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