
I finally abandoned the idea of having a group-based sane-looking Nagios
configuration with puppet, because there are too many weirdnesses in
Naginator. And unfortunately I can't really bring any help with patches
since I don't write any ruby..

There are some great nagios modules out there which you could use, or
from which you could borrow ideas. Generally speaking, I see that they
tend to define services for each host and attach them directly to hosts.
It's big and clunky, but at least it works..

For example, in an sshd module, you would have something like:

@@nagios_service { "${fqdn}_ssh":
  check_command => "check_ssh",
  host_name => $fqdn,

The biggest problem I have right now is that purging nagios resources
doesn't seem to erase anything, so my config gets messed up from time to
time when nodes are taken out or things are moved around and I need to
manullay remove nagios config files and have puppet regenerate them :\

On 11-03-02 09:55 AM, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
> On 02-03-11 14:49, Brian Gallew wrote:
>> Sadly, signs point to "no".
> Too bad. But since I run a patched Puppetmaster anyway, I can do what I
> want :-)
> Unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem.
> I am trying to do the same thing as Gabriel Filion in this post:
> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/276e6e694520224d
> So, I have a nagios-target class, that defines a virtual resource:
>     @@nagios_host { "$hostname":
>         use => "generic-host",
>         address => $fqdn,
>         alias => $hostname,
>         ensure => present,
>         hostgroups => [],
>     }
> and I would like to do something along the lines of this: in a different
> class (not a subclass of nagios-target), for example in the class that
> configures the MTA:
>     Nagios_host [$hostname] {
>         hostgroups +> "mail-satellite-servers",
>     }
> which results in this error:
> "Only subclasses can override parameters at ..."
> which sounds logical, but...
> Is there any way to do what I want? I can't really think of anything,
> since (variable) scoping will always be in my way, as far as I can see...
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Martijn Grendelman <mart...@iphion.nl
>> <mailto:mart...@iphion.nl>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     A question for the devs. Will this:
>>     http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/4020
>>     make it into a release any time soon?

Gabriel Filion

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