On 11-07-11 04:43 PM, newguy wrote:
> I made a directory in modules named mysql and put the rise up module
> in there and I included this module in the nodes.pp

that sounds about right.

You should be able to create mysql users by adding the first part into
the desired nodes (think of it as a resource that each interesting node
should have):

node 'puppetclient' {
  include mysql

  mysql_user { "user@host":
    ensure => present,
    password_hash => mysql_password("your_password"),
    require => Package[mysql],
  mysql_grant { "user@host/database":
    privileges => "all",
    require => Mysql_user["user@host"],

of course, change the values so that the username, password, hostname
and database correspond to real values.

you could also ensure the presence of the database by adding something
like the following inside your node:

  mysql_database { "database":
    ensure => present,

(and in this case, you could add the database in the list of
requirements for the grants)

> On Jul 11, 6:18 am, ew <erhard.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ++1
>> On Jul 10, 7:13 pm, Nigel Kersten <ni...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>>> This looks like a good opportunity for the various mysql module authors to
>>> all get together and produce one single awesome module :)

I suggested collaboration to the others in the group working on the
shared modules hosted at riseup's. I think it should indeed be a great
opportunity :)

Gabriel Filion

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