On 12-01-07 12:55 PM, Ola wrote:
> On the puppet server i have the stuff placed at: /etc/puppet/modules/
> snmpd/manifests
> The init.pp looks like this:

hmm it mostly looks okay, but I don't know if it was a typing mistake
when copying or if you really copy-pasted from your file, but:

> class snmpd::install {
>         package { "net-snmpd":
>                 ensure => present,
>         }

you're missing a } here

> class snmpd {
>         include snmpd::install, snmpd::service
> }
> define snmpd::type($placement) {
> include snmpd
>         file {  "/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf":
>         owner   => "root",
>         group   => "root",
>         mode    => 640,
>        source  => "puppet:///snmp/snmpd-($placement).conf",
>         require => Class["snmpd::install"],
>     }

and another } here

> And on the node that getting the error message i have include snmpd.

If the above is true though, I would expect puppet to fail with a syntax
error instead of saying that it can't find the class.

You can check your init.pp file for syntax with the command:

puppet --parseonly --ignoreimport

Gabriel Filion

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