On 06/06/17 17:11, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
Dear World,
The time has come for Pharo 6.0!
Yes! Well done!
On 07/06/17 06:19, Holger Freyther wrote:
after having made some new releases I have an odd Metacello issue and
I am not sure how to debug it. This happens on my legacy
Pharo3/Pharo4 images that I still need to support in deployment.
It seems to be related to a dependency chain of
I would like to repeat here again: don't refer to fixed version numbers
of packages out of your control in configurations. Refer to #'release'
versions that can be patched by the maintainers of your dependencies.
That is only appropriate when having to patch around a problem, and
couples your c
On 10/06/17 20:37, Johannes Brauer wrote:
I cannot figure out how to open an old pharo4 image (downloaded from
pharocloud) on macOs Sierra. Is there a usable vm?
The latest vm from http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/mac/ should be the
right one. In Sierra Apple broke some path extension code. Tha
On 22/06/17 10:51, Juraj Kubelka wrote:
I have a code like this:
FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item.
FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
Is it pos
Please try starting your Pharo image with a new squeak vm. I remember Tobias
posting something on a full screen bug fix about a year ago, and don't know
what happened with it. It was around the same time as his hiDPI fix, which
triggered some garbage collection issue at the time. Some part of th
On 12-09-17 11:11, Denis Kudriashov wrote:
> Maybe it is similar as porting GLORP into Pharo. Somebody can comment
on this process.
The important point is that the original code is in another dialect, and
the idea is not to fork, as the original maintainer develops it further.
That means that
On 13/09/17 19:22, Mark Bestley wrote:
Unfortunatley not. That error has gone but I now get
x := x rounded.
Yes, that is the question I posed.
Assignment to block variables is prohibited now?
On 20/09/17 12:17, Christophe Demarey wrote:
I just updated the PharoLauncher and it should now work fine for 64-bits images.
I just had time to test it roughly but you can give it a try
Pharo7 64 bit starts fine on Mac.
Good work.
On 17/09/17 05:21, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
demarey wrote
Let us know if everything is fine.
Was this issue [1] fixed:
I think I found it. It seems to be a bug in the way Launcher/Pharo unzips
the downloaded VM.
The symlink libgit2.dylib becomes unlinked and appears as just a regular
file. If
Bloc is ready for your experiments. Here is my first one.
Please let me know what and how to improve.
Bloc allows for the creation of beautiful widgets.
Here is a panel containing collapsible subpanels
that can be reordered with drag-and-drop.
BlElement subcl
On 29/09/17 00:51, Igor Stasenko wrote:
Stephan , you said you cannot replace the last one in the video.
I think you can have an easy solution: you should treat a pane that you
are currently over - the one you are going to replace, so if you drag
over something which is not placeholder,
then i
On 29/09/17 13:20, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Why not having PrInspector>>open ?
How can I open your inspector?
Indeed, something like
PrInspector class>>open
space := BlSpace new.
space extent: 160@180.
space root addChild: self new.
Bloc is ready for your experiments. Here is my second one.
Please let me know what and how to improve.
Bloc allows for the easy creation of beautiful widgets.
Here is a simple color panel that allows custom colors to be added
(using the current Morphic color selector dialog) and allows colors to
On 03/11/17 12:33, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Cool - great minds think alike ;)
In your photo - there is keynote, are you creating there and then rendering in
Pharo - or are you exporting to keynote to had out afterwards?
That was the first experiment. I took a slide from a keynote
Op 8-11-2017 om 15:56 schreef stephan:
I run into all kinds of issues with the directory structure used by the
new PharoLauncher.
When I copy an image with the launcher, how can I synchronize the
Iceberg repositories again? Do I just need to copy the original
directory containing them? Is tha
Op 13-11-2017 om 02:55 schreef Викентий Потапов:
I'm very lazy and i like to read rich manuals more than to
investigate complex code. I think it is much more natural when you
don't need to study the whole system before you can do simple things.
The "thriving on chaos" kind of development with f
Op 15-11-2017 om 01:49 schreef Sean P. DeNigris:
Again, it seems that just automatically rerunning the test immediately after
a human-manipulated run and setting the color based on that second run
addresses all points on both sides, no?
How many times do you want to restart execution? I have wr
Op 10-12-2017 om 20:35 schreef Yann Lesage:
? If there an option to set completely off SSL, I don't think is a good
idea to use it. SSL is a real improve in security when we connect to a
distant server.
Depending on what you need to secure against, using a single or a few
secure shared tunnel
Op 26-12-2017 om 14:03 schreef Ian Ian:
After some looking into it I believe Mongo Voyager is the easiest given
the current options.
Too bad Gemstone limits usage after a given number of Gems.
I have always found the Gemstone people very approachable, and open to
trying out ideas.
Op 26-12-2017 om 14:03 schreef Ian Ian:
After some looking into it I believe Mongo Voyager is the easiest given
the current options.
Too bad Gemstone limits usage after a given number of Gems.
I have always found the Gemstone people very approachable, and open to
trying out ideas.
Op 26-12-2017 om 14:03 schreef Ian Ian:
After some looking into it I believe Mongo Voyager is the easiest given
the current options.
Too bad Gemstone limits usage after a given number of Gems.
I have always found the Gemstone people very approachable, and open to
trying out ideas.
Torsten Bergmann wrote:
> For a full Magma version on Pharo:
> I doubt that will happen as Chris Muller was and still is more oriented
> towards Squeak as
> development platform. He is the author of Magma and beside the port it would
> cost him
> (or anyone who would do such a port) more effor
T.D. Telford wrote:
>Perhaps someone could point me to Morphic documentation (or supply
> examples) on my area of interest that includes a lot of examples. Thanks.
There are some screencasts with links to source starting at
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> Pandoc consists of a set of readers and writers. When converting a
> document from one format to another, text is parsed by a reader into
> pandoc’s intermediate representation of the document—an “abstract syntax
> tree” or AST—which is then converted by the
The time has come again to propose projects you'd want to see done in
Google's Summer of Code for Pharo. And of course we're also looking for
Depending on your exact needs, you might be better of with the QCMagritte
based multi-language support.
To try download a QCMagritte image from
start a seaside adapter
QCMagritte provides a visitor that walks your magritte descriptions and knows
properties that might need translation. With those (and any extra terms you add
directly) it builds up a dictionary of terms to translate. It provides a web UI
where the translations can be entered and supports loading
Johan wrote:
>I also agree 100% with Hilaire: Gettext is a standard where plenty of external
>tools can work with. Though it’s nice to have translation tools in the image,
>you will have to do everything yourself. Just take a look at >everyhting that
>is done by poedit [1]. Do we really want to
Hi Udo,
Thanks for the update.
The current stable BootstrapMagritte loads version090, and works.
Changing groups indeed breaks all users and forces them to upgrade.
I'm not sure why version0110 and version0120 no longer refer to release versions
of Seaside, nor why there is a baseline0130
Hi Udo,
Thanks. That is part of what is needed. In the ConfigurationOfBootstrap,
0.12.0 refers directly to Seaside 3.1.3.
I updated it to 0.12.1
The PostgresV3 code in squeak uses subclasses of Compiler and Parser to make
sure that
PG3SchemaMirror subclasses can parse plsql code. That looks like a nice way to
What do we need to do to do something similar with the Opal based
What subclasses do I need, what methods s
That combines well with FOSDEM, which is the next two days in Bruxelles.
Yesterday I got a mail that we'll be having a smalltalk room on Sunday.
Esteban wrote:
>Are you using/planning to use PostgresV3?
>What are its advantages over current driver (PostgresV2)?
I was puzzled that a smart developer like Levente
decides not to use Glorp. And I wondered why
SqueakDBX decided to use V2 instead of V3,
a protocol introduced in 2003 or so.
PostgresV3-Core/Pool looks perfectly usable.
There is
PG3Connection>>md5HashMessage: aString
^Smalltalk globals
at: #MD5
ifPresent: [ :md5 | (md5 hashMessage: aString) hex asLowercase ]
ifAbsent: [ WebUtils md5Digest: aString ]
Which work
PostgresV3-CodeMirror is very interesting.
7 classes and less than 1K lines of code.
In the base class PG3SchemaMirror, the
compilerClass, parserClass, sourceCodeTemplate
and shoutParserClass are overridden to return
PG3-specific classes. That allows simple
integration with other languages, in th
Hey Mike, you should also ask for a ci,inria,fr/pharo-contributions account :)
A small experiment in serving an AngularJs application from Pharo.
Based on https://github.com/StephanEggermont/OpenSpace
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'OpenSpace';
OpenSpace new start.
Start a browser and open it on
Kilon wrote
>Really nice I now see the teapot stuff, for example this
>GET: 'demo/common/style.css' -> [ self styleCss ];
>is really flexible meaning you can interpret http addresses and map them to
>pharo methods. This a really cool idea indeed, I see now why people are
>excited about teapot
Kilon wrote:
>would it not be better to have the html / css and js code outside the image ?
>so instead to load files instead of return strings ?
Only for the things that are really static. All other parts should be in the
image, and be generated,
just like the seaside canvas does for html. Wor
You might get some inspiration by taking a look at
Norbert wrote:
> I forgot how people can add themselves. I remember a smalltalk snippet that
> one can send around to update the list.
That doesn't run automatically. There are already some updates waiting.
The script looks like:
PharoConsultant new
name: ’Stepha
Open package contents on your vm,
open Contents,
take a look at the info.plist
That value needs to be increased to be able to use more than ~512 MB.
Alain wrote:
>Let say it's your current requirement, and you want to do it like that,
>a trick that m
Hi Brad,
You don't tell us if your MySQL is 32 bit?
Alain wrote:
>you are saying that zip ratio is somewhat related to normalized data,
>interesting view, and certainly true :)
I find it a nice heuristic to help me get started.
Just sort the tables on size, start compressing them and
start with ones compressing best.
>About DateTimes, I think t
I found isLegalClassName, but that has interesting properties
'Object' isLegalClassName false
'Bla' isLegalClassName false
'One sentence' isLegalClassName false.
Jan Kurs wrote:
>Anyone experience with Athens can help with the first issue?
>TRLabelShape>>drawOn: seem to be somehow responsible, but I don't see into
>this :(
Sure. The default fonts you ar easing are bitmap fonts. Roassal2 only works
with FreeType fonts.
If you open the settings, select ap
>The goal of my project is to make a new collections for Pharo Smalltalk.
>We have a great plans about list of important collections, but we also need
>your opinion about them.
>So, feel free to make your suggestions about collections which you want to be
The most important chan
continued from pharo-dev, please keep discussion here.
The smalltalk on jvm situation is exactly like it shouldn't be.
There are three implementations, not working together:
- RTalk
- Gravel
- Redline
The first two are driven by existing commercial smalltalk users
coming from a platform that they
Serge wrote:
>Shall we move the discussion to pharo-users instead ?
>I was not aware of that. Do you have recent examples about this behaviour ?
The last closed question was fine. Flagging it just gets clueless
moderator replies:
"declined - The question really needs to be fleshed out.
Blake wrote:
>Looks like that SO question was re-opened. Maybe SO can be educated?
Yes, but I'm not going to spend the time having a discussion on Meta each time
a question should be reopened, especially as there are no signs of a solution.
be nice
Most of Netnews Netiquette is still pretty useful.
Stephan Eggermont
Hernán wrote:
>My goal is to search the contents of the Description form field in
>I don't know if matches the design and idea of Hubcap (really nice package
>I wonder if anyone (Torsten?) tried to download all package metadata first and
>perform off-line search?
What I
Nicolai wrote:
>The problem is, dragging stars after the mouse click on the list items
>changes the selection. That means, selecting all items and after
>that click on one item to start dragging, this item will be unselected.
Yes, that is a well-known long time open bug 12534. It changes the selec
That Maya Node Editor looks like a PasteUpMorph with Connectors to me.
You'd might want to wrap them (Morphic) in a in a standard window
with menu bar and toolbar from either Spec or Glamour for now.
And then follow Bloc developments to move there.
At the Fosdem Smalltalk devroom this sunday, we would like some help
with the video recordings. Mostly pointing the camera at the speaker
and checking the sound and screen recording. If you will be there and
can help for one or more sessions, please let me know.
Hi Udo, thanks for helping out.
The gear is organized by Fosdem. Camera on tripod,
Microphone for speaker and audience questions,
Simultaneous recording of screen. Over 20 simultaneous
livestreams. So there will be a user manual and a help
Hi Udo,
I've sent you an email.
There will be two streams recorded from
each room, one from the speakers laptop (needs to be vga)
one from the camera. Camera operator only needs to point
the camera in the right direction and press start/stop at the
appropriate times. Organisation will either p
On 28/01/15 07:56, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
The way I do it:
I first subscribe, then disable the mail receiving and use the archive
http://lists.pharo.org to go through the topics I'm interested.
As one is still subscribed one can still post to the list but does
not get all the mail traffic in the
Hi Richard,
It is probably hard to see from 1 miles away, but we have been
quite busy promoting Smalltalk recently. Pharo Days last thursday and
friday and the Smalltalk Devroom at Fosdem last sunday take up
a significant amount of time. Priorities
Hilaire wrote
>Read the Pharo by example Morphic chapter, it is written for beginner
The chapter is a good introduction. Also read the LaserGame Tutorial.
The problems come after that. What is a good way of distributing
responsibilities? How do I find which Morph already does (nearly)
what I ne
You might want to inspect this to see if this gets you something
(Object allSubclasses collect: [ :aClass |
aClass -> aClass allInstances size])
sort: [ :a :b | a value > b value ]
It takes some time to run, especially in a larger image.
Norbert wrote:
>> Am 10.02.2015 um 20:59 schrieb stepharo <[hidden email]>:
>> Yes this should be fixed.
> You mean fix the current implementation or swap it for epicea?
The current implementation. It is a significant barrier to entry for
new smalltalkers and gives a very bad impression
Norbert wrote:
>Yes but resources are still sparse. I'm usually arguing the same way like you.
>But at the moment I have the feeling we postpone the integration of too much
>too long.
>If the release is postponed until july I'd vote for integrating it now and
>iron it out.
>Otherwise it might
Some project ideas
1 Better support for cross-platform co-development
Glorp is originally maintained in VisualWorks. We now have a version
in Pharo that is forked. It would be nice if we could make sure that
changes can be synchronized. The rewriting engine is available
on both platforms, and Gl
Sebastian wrote:
>Can I brainstorm a wishlist? I could get wild on it :D
Sure, as long as it is projects that you would be willing to mentor,
and sized like they could fit.
Ben wrote:
>Now google say... "Umbrella organizations get more slots.
> If an organization is acting as an umbrella for other projects, chances are
>we'll allocate more students to you simply because there's a great deal of
>different types of work to be done, and we're hoping our students will
I'm trying to keep a line morph connected between two morphs
while moving one of them.
When I add the morph to the hand and start dragging the morph
no longer receives mouseMove:. I can think of several ways to get
position updates. Is there a best/easy way?
Thanks Hilaire,
that works fine. I can add the listener when the actual dragging starts and
remove it
on mouseUp.
MDShape>>doDrag: aMouseMoveEvent with: aMDShape
ActiveHand addEventListener: self.
aMouseMoveEvent hand startDrag: aMouseMoveEvent with: aMDShape.
On 12/02/15 10:20, Hilaire wrote:
Frankly I don't like the idea to subscribe to the HandMorph, because at
each mouse move event, you have to check for the morph A and B if they
move. It is a waste of CPU cycles.
Ideally you will want receive event from morph A and B whenever they
changed. I am
Sebastian wrote:
>After 5 days I can tell ,that I am lost in Morphic, UIManager,
>Traits/No-Traits, Spec, GLMMorphic, Poly
>And sometimes things are even mixed up and I am not able to decide which
>approach to follow,...
If your goal is a "Maya Editor"-like UI, I've put together something th
Thanx Nacho, fixed in .4
Hilaire wrote:
>Okay if I understand correctly, the two morphs you want to link with a
>line are also morphs of yours? So you can mangle into them. I was
>supposing the two morphs to link could be arbitrary ones, i.e. ones you
>can't modify.
I am trying to get a better understanding of Morphic
In order to not get results like
the extent and width should be calculated values.
That would change the example code to something like
LoginModel class>>defaultSpec
^SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ :col |
newRow: [ :row |
To see a working example of this, take a look at StoryBoard
Download the 30 image from
Start it, open the seaside control panel and start a ZnZincServerAdaptor on port
8080. Open a web browser on http://localhost:8080/story, register yourself
Hi Cam
Interesting. The brain-dead-sample is a bit difficult to get started with.
Would you care to talk a bit more about how to do something simple with it?
An addressbook, with people having addresses and phone numbers
might be an easy to use example.
What should be done to make this work on OS X?
has a wrong name, but that doesn't help me.
Even after renaming the library cannot be found.
Fails on Mavericks 10.9.4 in 40486 with 402 vm, 20619 with vm from 18-9-2013
open: dbHandle named: dbName mode: mode
^ self nbCall: #( int unqlite_open( db_ptr* dbHandle, String dbName,
uint mode) ) module: self libraryFileNameForPlatform
I did not compile myself, just used the
If I use the file from https://github.com/mumez/PunQLite/tree/master/binary/mac
at least the library is found. The db file is not created though resulting in a
in keys
db := PqDatabase open: 'test.db'.
db at: 'Smalltalk' put: 'COOL'.
db at: 'Pharo' put: 'HOT'.
db at: 'Smalltalk'
On 24/02/15 08:05, Marcus Denker wrote:
And then, with the new fast #become:, we can go back the the old
implementation and grow OrderedCollection using #become:, which would
mean that we would
not need two objects anymore…
Until the collection grows large. Then we need some chunked format,
On 04/03/15 11:25, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
cleaned up MongoTalk a little bit:
Nice, thank you.
You might want to change baseline17, baseline18
and version170 to point at #'release1.1' of Grease
instead of stable c.q. 1.1.9.
On 06/03/15 16:16, stepharo wrote:
Hi guys
if some of you are interested to drive porting VOSS to Pharo, let me know
John sent me the code and I can give it to you.
There is a dual license
- commercial
What does LGPL mean for VOSS? At FOSDEM I talked with Bradley Kuhn of
On 08/03/15 13:24, Tudor Girba wrote:
I summarize below why I think fine grained configurations should be
preferred to groups.
Configurations are both about dependencies and how to make something
work together, and about how something is to be used. The granularity
should be so, that changes
On 07/03/15 10:42, Tudor Girba wrote:
Ok. I will add a dependency from Pillar-Pharo-Tools to PetitParser core.
Actually, I would rather prefer to create a separate
ConfigurationOfPillarTools that adds the Pillar-Pharo-Tools and the
PetitParser dependency. What that be Ok?
No that is not ok. We
This is one of the issues we need to avoid: having an unneeded ripple
effect. GlamourCore was updated, making it necessary to update
everything that has a hard version dependency on it. Even worse is
that there is actually no change in GlamourCore 3.0.4. This problem
gets worse the more configurat
On 10/03/15 13:54, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
there are also a couple of implementations
I don’t actually know any of them, but if you are looking for a blog
without pier… I would probably start there.
On 10/03/15 16:12, Julien Delplanque wrote:
On 09/03/15 21:56, stepharo wrote:
If you take pier you get a blog out of the box
It's no longer maintained isn't it?
What do you mean? Diego posted on how to make a
Bootstrap based one.
On 17/03/15 00:27, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
Hi all,
is there any way to omit a method from a Monticello commit for example
in the case of containing a password that you don't want to publish ?
I am not aware of a secure way to make that work.
Who is actually using Versionner to maintain configurations?
Especially configurations that are used in other configurations?
On 24/03/15 11:18, Merwan Oud wrote:
If the list is reduced it will be manageable, maybe not a mouseOver but
a little arrow to show/hide the description under the project.
We would love submissions of code for this. It is something that should
not be very difficult, but takes some time to get r
On 24/03/15 17:36, Merwan Ouddane wrote:
Thanks for the instructions,
I'll do it as soon as I can :)
There is an issue that i'd like to report too, I have a team with a
non-ascii character, and i can't remove team members nor delete the
entire team, I'll try to fix it too.
That sounds like a
On 31/03/15 07:58, kilon alios wrote:
more linux than mac ? thats a surprise .
As a development desktop I recently build
a silent 4790K i7 with a Philips 40" UHD.
That was about half the price of the mac
equivalent. I strongly prefer the mac
interface, but this is more similar to
the server. Th
On 01/04/15 00:29, Andrei Chis wrote:
Still in this case the problem seems to be that version 0.1 from
ConfigurationOfForum wants to load the development version of Glamour in
a Moose 5.0 image, which is not going to work.
Thanks, that helped.
Diego and I presented Pharo at the Devnology meeting in Arnhem.
On 03/04/15 19:30, stepharo wrote:
Hi stefan
what were the reactions of the audience?
We managed to make them think.
We had a very small, and very knowledgable group,
so we had lots of difficult and interesting questions
and discussions.
The thing that impressed them the most was the incredi
On 07/04/15 10:28, Yuriy Tymchuk wrote:
if I want to create a site/blog in pharo… What do I use? I know that there is
but when you check its webpage, the last update is in 2011.
>Pharo website is built with Marina, but when I check the repo,
>the last commit was done by me and it was 2 mo
On 02/04/15 23:18, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
Diego and I presented Pharo at the Devnology meeting in Arnhem.
And a narrative:
Pharo, the Immersive Programming Experience
Why do we choose to use Pharo? We feel that Pharo
On 07/04/15 18:52, Thierry Goubier wrote:
such narratives are important.
Pharo uses a very simple and orthogonal language, using a very small
set of constructs.
I allways tend to complement with:
but this very small set of constructs contains all the needed
features for building highly com
On 08/04/15 14:38, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
I don’t know your problem… why would you want another format form mirroring?
Because with packages the size of Roassal2 you might get rather unhappy
on a machine without an SSD. That is a lot of files.
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