>The goal of my project is to make a new collections for Pharo Smalltalk. 
>We have a great plans about list of important collections, but we also need 
>your opinion about them. 
>So, feel free to make your suggestions about collections which you want to be 

The most important changes for me with collections have to do with the change 
from 32 to 64 bit.
When we'll be able to access more memory, it doesn't make sense any more to 
have a backing store
that is a single array.  The switching to a more advanced backing store can be 
done transparently
based on the size. 

I'm also interested in hybrid forms of the classic data structures that take 
less memory. 
There are several that normally waste much memory on pointers (binary trees, 
double linked list, tries)

And then of course a Judy Array.


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