On 29/09/17 00:51, Igor Stasenko wrote:
Stephan , you said you cannot replace the last one in the video.
I think you can have an easy solution: you should treat a pane that you are currently over - the one you are going to replace, so if you drag over something which is not placeholder,
then it should automatically be shifted and replaced by placeholder.


This works. I forgot that there is always one more dropping place possible than there are elements

dragEvent: anEvent
        | dragOver |
        anEvent consumed: true.
        dragOver := inspector children first.
        inspector childrenDo: [ :c |
                c boundsInSpace center y < (anEvent position y + dragOffset y) 
ifTrue: [
                        dragOver := c ] ].
        (dragOver ~= placeHolder ) ifTrue: [
(inspector childIndexOf: placeHolder) > 0 ifTrue: [inspector removeChild: placeHolder]. inspector children last boundsInSpace bottom < (anEvent position y + dragOffset y) ifTrue: [ inspector addChild: placeHolder at: (1+(inspector childIndexOf: dragOver))]
                ifFalse: [
inspector addChild: placeHolder at: (inspector childIndexOf: dragOver)]].
  anEvent currentTarget position: (anEvent position - dragOffset).

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