Bloc is ready for your experiments. Here is my first one. Please let me know what and how to improve.
Bloc allows for the creation of beautiful widgets. Here is a panel containing collapsible subpanels that can be reordered with drag-and-drop. Stephan
BlElement subclass: #PrExpanderPane instanceVariableNames: 'expanded title pane' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Presentations-Widgets'! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 17:25'! title ^ title! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 22:20'! title: anObject |text| title := anObject. text := BrRopedText string: title. text attributes: { BrFontSizeAttribute size: 16} from: 1 to: text size. self children first text: text. ! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 17:19'! drawExpanderTriangleOn: aCanvas |path| expanded ifTrue: [ path := aCanvas path moveTo: 5@10; lineTo: 25@10; lineTo: 15@25; close; finish] ifFalse: [ path := aCanvas path moveTo: 10@5; lineTo: 25@15; lineTo: 10@25; close; finish]. aCanvas fill paint: Color paleBlue; path: path; draw. aCanvas stroke paint: Color lightGray; path: path; width: 0.5; draw ! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 17:01'! drawOnSpartaCanvas: aCanvas super drawOnSpartaCanvas: aCanvas. self drawExpanderTriangleOn: aCanvas! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 16:57'! switchExpanded expanded := expanded not. pane isVisible ifFalse: [ pane visibility: BlVisibility visible. self height: 100] ifTrue: [ pane visibility: BlVisibility hidden. self height: 30]. self changed! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 16:52'! defaultPaneBackground ^Color white darker! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 16:59'! defaultBorder ^ BlBorder paint: Color lightGray width: 1! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 16:58'! defaultSize ^150@30 ! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 16:57'! initialize | textElement | super initialize. self size: self defaultSize; background: self defaultBackground; border: self defaultBorder. self geometry cornerRadius: 3. expanded := false. textElement := (BlTextElement new text: (BrRopedText string: ''); yourself) position: 30@7; mouseTransparent: true; yourself. self addChild: textElement. self addEventHandlerOn: BlClickEvent do: [ :evt | self switchExpanded ]. pane := BlElement new position: 0@30; size: 150@200; background: self defaultPaneBackground; border: self defaultBorder; constraintsDo: [ :c | c vertical matchParent ]; visibility: BlVisibility gone; yourself. self addChild: pane ! ! !PrExpanderPane methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 16:59'! defaultBackground ^Color lightGray lighter lighter! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! PrExpanderPane class instanceVariableNames: ''! !PrExpanderPane class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/27/2017 17:18'! titled: aTitle ^self new title: aTitle; yourself! ! BlElement subclass: #PrInspector instanceVariableNames: 'textPane shapePane fontPane colorPane' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Presentations-Widgets'! !PrInspector methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 11:19'! addPane: aPane aPane addEventHandler: (PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction inspector: self). self addChild: aPane! ! !PrInspector methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 17:15'! initialize super initialize. self constraintsDo: [ :c | c horizontal fitContent. c vertical fitContent. c padding: (BlInsets top: 20 right: 1 bottom: 1 left: 1)]. self background: Color lightGray. self border: (BlBorder paint: Color gray width: 0.5). self layout: (BlFlowLayout vertical). textPane := PrExpanderPane titled: 'Text '. shapePane := PrExpanderPane titled: 'Shape '. fontPane := PrExpanderPane titled: 'Font '. colorPane := PrExpanderPane titled: 'Color '. self addPane: textPane. self addPane: shapePane. self addPane: fontPane. self addPane: colorPane.! ! BlElementEventListener subclass: #PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction instanceVariableNames: 'inspector pane placeHolder dragOffset startIndex dragIndex' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Presentations-Widgets'! !PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction methodsFor: 'dnd handlers' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 17:17'! dragEvent: anEvent | dragOver | anEvent consumed: true. dragOver := inspector children first. inspector childrenDo: [ :c | c boundsInSpace center y < (anEvent position y + dragOffset y) ifTrue: [ dragOver := c ] ]. dragOver ~= placeHolder ifTrue: [ (inspector childIndexOf: placeHolder) > 0 ifTrue: [inspector removeChild: placeHolder]. inspector addChild: placeHolder at: (inspector childIndexOf: dragOver)]. anEvent currentTarget position: (anEvent position - dragOffset). ! ! !PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction methodsFor: 'dnd handlers' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 16:00'! dragStartEvent: anEvent anEvent consumed: true. pane := anEvent currentTarget. dragOffset := anEvent position - anEvent currentTarget position. startIndex := inspector childIndexOf: pane. dragIndex := startIndex. placeHolder := BlElement new. placeHolder position: pane position; size: pane geometry extent; background: Color white darker; border: (BlBorderBuilder new paint: Color gray; dashed; width: 1; build ). placeHolder geometry cornerRadius: 3. inspector removeChildAt: startIndex. inspector space root addChild: pane. inspector addChild: placeHolder at: startIndex . ! ! !PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction methodsFor: 'dnd handlers' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 16:48'! dragEndEvent: anEvent |dropIndex| anEvent consumed: true. dropIndex := inspector childIndexOf: placeHolder. inspector removeChild: placeHolder. inspector space root removeChild: pane. inspector addChild: pane at: dropIndex . ! ! !PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 09:47'! inspector: anInspector inspector := anInspector! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction class instanceVariableNames: ''! !PrInspectorPanesDragInteraction class methodsFor: 'inspecting' stamp: 'StephanEggermont 9/28/2017 09:47'! inspector: anInspector ^self new inspector: anInspector; yourself! !