On 07/06/17 06:19, Holger Freyther wrote:
after having made some new releases I have an odd Metacello issue and
I am not sure how to debug it. This happens on my legacy
Pharo3/Pharo4 images that I still need to support in deployment.
It seems to be related to a dependency chain of
"app"->VoyageMongo->Magritte3 3.5.0 and somehow version '' of
Magritte3 doing something with Grease #stable and not finding a
'Core' group. Any idea how to debug it or if any configuration
changed recently? It also only seems to happen if there are two
dependency chains that try to load the same VoyageMongo version.
Metacello new configuration: 'Magritte3'; repository:
'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Magritte/Magritte3/main'; version:
'3.5.0'; load
version: #'release35' (or #'release3'
Never refer to fixed versions unless you know why (you need to avoid a
specific bug fix).
What is most likely is that there is some overconstrained configuration.
Does your ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo or one of the configurations it
pulls in refer to different versions of grease or magritte? Another
issue can be that there are older configurations already loaded that
conflict with the newest ones. Indeed, the ConfigurationOfMongoTalk
is broken, refering to a fixed and older version of Grease.
ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo should probably be using #'release3' of
Magritte, but that doesn't break it.