Serge wrote:
>Shall we move the discussion to pharo-users instead ? 


>I was not aware of that. Do you have recent examples about this behaviour ? 

The last closed question was fine. Flagging it just gets clueless 
moderator replies:
"declined - The question really needs to be fleshed out.
 Including the code for the rectangle morph would help a lot."

An earlier one was
Command pattern in smalltalk [closed] (you might not be able to see that
as it was deleted).

Of the 10 most popular smalltalk questions, at least 8 would be closed
using current moderation standards. 

There is not 1 question from last year amongst the 50 most popular questions.
In the top 100 there are 2, and the most popular one is about Objective C.
The most popular question from last year gets 7 votes. That means there are 
not enough smalltalkers on SO to be able to reopen questions. 

The gaming system basically values popularity of answers,
not correctness. It reinforces majority choices. 

Phil wrote:
>Traffic increases as a sign of traction/engagement and we want to silence 
>things. Yeah sure.
>Put a tag in the title and filter on that.

Some channels are more effective than others. 
Stackoverflow is not an effective channel.

Ignoring it is not smart.
Answer questions and point people to the 
mailing lists.


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