[Pharo-users] Re: Happy New Year and Pharo 90 good news.

2021-01-25 Thread Hilaire
Congratulation. This is impressive how much was done. Happy New Year 2021 Le 25/01/2021 à 12:26, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit : Dear happy Pharoers, First we wish you a good 2021 year. We really hope that we will get out of this situation. On the Pharo side we have excellent news. -- Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] PharoPro

2020-06-17 Thread Hilaire
. Congratulations! Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu https://pouet.chapril.org/@hilaire

Re: [Pharo-users] mentor wanted

2020-04-24 Thread Hilaire
Find it. It is a chapter of the book Squeak, Open Personal Computing and Multimedia <http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr/FreeBooks/CollectiveNBlueBook/> http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr/FreeBooks/GuzdialBookDrafts/DesignObjects-ch4.pdf Le 24/04/2020 à 09:39, Hilaire a écrit : I remember a

Re: [Pharo-users] mentor wanted

2020-04-24 Thread Hilaire
er of the list remember about it. Hilaire Le 23/04/2020 à 12:31, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users a écrit : With complex problems I do not see how to solve things in small steps. -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Minimality

2020-04-16 Thread Hilaire
Le 16/04/2020 à 14:23, Richard O'Keefe a écrit : I'm not sure what "descendants of Smalltalk-80" means. Obviously, I mean the Apple' Smalltalk-80 Squeak takes its origin from. I should have write that. Smalltalk is simple enough, it's just that things we need to talk to are insanely complex

Re: [Pharo-users] Minimality

2020-04-16 Thread Hilaire
I forgot the graph: Now, will Pharo9 reach the sky with *10'000* classes? Very likely if you observe the graph below: -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Minimality

2020-04-16 Thread Hilaire
tions that a single person can understand./ is in anyway realistic. Now, will Pharo9 reach the sky with *10'000* classes? Very likely if you observe the graph below: Hilaire Le 13/04/2020 à 14:30, Cédrick Béler a écrit : Just a reflexion that I’d like to share here. When Hilaire t

Re: [Pharo-users] Minimality

2020-04-16 Thread Hilaire
person can understand. Le 13/04/2020 à 14:30, Cédrick Béler a écrit : Just a reflexion that I’d like to share here. When Hilaire talks about complexity. I have to agree too, even if I like the progress under the hood, and explored spaces like GToolkit. But how to change such legacy beast, the

Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-11 Thread Hilaire
Take a look at the DrGeo example app, it shows how to do that  (link bellow). Hilaire Le 11/04/2020 à 12:43, Tomaž Turk a écrit : I have one really silly question - when you create an app (with Spec2), how can you made it start automatically when the image starts, and avoid displaying the

Re: [Pharo-users] Thinking aloud about project at hand

2020-04-10 Thread Hilaire
. But sqlite could be a very nice option too, I think this is what I will use. I think you will enjoy using Pharo to write your app. Hilaire Le 09/04/2020 à 21:12, Tomaž Turk a écrit : I'm thinking about implementing a software solution in Pharo (as one of the candidate environments), i

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] Cover for PBE8

2020-04-08 Thread Hilaire
Nice Le 07/04/2020 à 14:31, Cédrick Béler a écrit : I searched for free picture around the words lighthouse and/or (mosaic patchwork painter…). -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] Google Form

2020-04-04 Thread Hilaire
Hi, As teachers and students are confined home, there are some needs of tooling for distance learning. Did any of you worked on generating Google Form with Pharo? Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo-Spreedsheet on GitHub

2020-04-04 Thread Hilaire
Nice community work Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] [Spec] Min script browser

2020-03-30 Thread Hilaire
manage this to keep up to date and synchronized the script information in the different Spec widgets? Thanks Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu 'From Pharo8.0.0 of 20 February 2020 [Build information: Pharo-8.0.0+build.1129.sha.278304fdce17a1b7cc3ede1006275ffbc7baf20a (64 Bit)] on 30 March

[Pharo-users] [Spec] List and notebook page

2020-03-29 Thread Hilaire
I resolved the issue, but it looks counter intuitive. Any rational? connectPresenters     scripts whenSelectedItemChanged: [ :class |         source clearContent; behavior: nil.         class ifNotNil: [ *methods resetAllPageContents.*             (methods pageAt: 1) whenRetrievedDo: [ :list 

[Pharo-users] [Spec] List and notebook page

2020-03-29 Thread Hilaire
t, the notebook list in page 1 is not updated (empty): Then when I click a second time on another script it is updated, then also in the first clicked script: Any idea ? I joined the complete class too. Thanks. Keep safe. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu 'From Pharo8.0.0 o

[Pharo-users] [Spec] List and notebook page

2020-03-28 Thread Hilaire
Hi, In a list contained in a notebook page, the display bloc is not called as expect: Likely I missed something, any idea? Thank. Keep safe. Hilaire connectPresenters     scripts whenSelectedItemChanged: [ :class |         methods selectPageIndex: 1.         ((methods pageAt: 1

[Pharo-users] [pharo8-api-change] GLMCompositePresentation did not understand #wrapper

2020-03-01 Thread Hilaire
Hi, GLMCompositePresentation does not understand #wrapper anymore in P8 (valid in P7). More, the class GLMWrapper vanished (present in P7). In DrGeo a custom script browser is build to edit script, in this browser when clicking on a script there is now this error. I tool a look to the I don't

Re: [Pharo-users] [pharo8-api-change] newTextEditor

2020-03-01 Thread Hilaire
Ok, never mind I figure out. Announcement framework is neat. They were a couple of errors with the Rub** related to the change of #contents to #text message, which is more meaningful. Le 01/03/2020 à 11:44, Hilaire a écrit : > *Question.* > > In RubPluggableTextMorph why the acce

Re: [Pharo-users] [pharo8-api-change] newTextEditor

2020-03-01 Thread Hilaire
of the text area morph and the later the announcer attached to the RubPluggableTextMorph. Am I missing something? Hilaire Le 29/02/2020 à 20:00, Hilaire a écrit : > For the latter how should it be rewritten? > > I read these > > self textArea announcer when: R

[Pharo-users] [pharo8-api-change] newTextEditor

2020-02-29 Thread Hilaire
Hi, RubPluggableTextMorph replaced the old PluggableTextMorph. acceptOnCR: and changedAction: are not valid any more. For the former never mind. For the latter how should it be rewritten? I read these self textArea announcer when: RubTextChanged send: #whenTextChangedInTextArea: to: self. and

[Pharo-users] [pharo8-api-change] #mouseEnter event on Menu

2020-02-28 Thread Hilaire
icon: nil         help: 'Build or execute macro-construction. A macro is a construction template you can apply to items in the sketch area.' translated         subMenu: self macroconstructionMenu.     menuBar lastSubmorph         on: #mouseEnter         send: #updateMacroMenu         to: self. Tha

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo8-api-change] announcer for model

2020-02-27 Thread Hilaire
Le 26/02/2020 à 19:19, Hilaire a écrit : > Now Model are required to understand announcer, for example in: > > UITheme>>newTextEntryIn: aThemedMorph for: aModel get: getSel set: > setSel class: aClass getEnabled: enabledSel help: helpText > > What is the rational be

[Pharo-users] [Pharo8-api-change] announcer for model

2020-02-26 Thread Hilaire
lement announcer? Then, how should it be cleanup? The RubPLuggableText* classes replacement breaks my code in two places. In P8 I see these classes are in Compatibility-toBeDEprecated package.. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] P8/Linux - External module not found LGitLibrary

2020-02-22 Thread Hilaire
An update. I pickup the wget bash script option, and the provided VM is doing fine. Therefore, the issue is related to the proposed VM for download. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] P8/Linux - External module not found LGitLibrary

2020-02-21 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I have this issue with P8 standalone VM and image installed from pharo.org/download. Am I missing something? PharoDebug attached. Thanks Hilaire PS1: I need standalone to prepare dev. environment and application for drgeo. PS2: On the same host I have been running P7 to contribute pull

Re: [Pharo-users] Annonce Pharo-LibVLC

2020-01-14 Thread Hilaire
"VLCLibrary reset" vlc := VLCLibrary uniqueInstance createVLCInstance. media := vlc createMediaFromPath: '/home/hilaire/Vidéos/Lea2019.webm'. mediaPlayer := VLCLibrary uniqueInstance mediaPlayerNewFromMedia: media. mediaPlayer play | |I reset the unique instannce of VLCLibrar

Re: [Pharo-users] Annonce Pharo-LibVLC

2020-01-14 Thread Hilaire
Hi Benoit, That's cool. Thanks! Hilaire Le 12/01/2020 à 16:41, Benoit Verhaeghe a écrit : > > I just want to let you know that I've developed an FFI binding to VLC. > Since, version 2.1.1 you can use it on Windows, Linux, and OSX. > https://github.com/badetitou/Pharo-Li

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoCSV with numerous fields

2019-12-23 Thread Hilaire
There is no header. I think it is a non-standard case. Thanks for the suggestion. Le 22/12/2019 à 18:44, Paul DeBruicker a écrit : > Is there a header row? IF so you can do: > > csv := (NeoCSVReader on: stream) separator: Character tab. > header:= csv readHeader. > header size timesRepeat:[csv ad

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoCSV with numerous fields

2019-12-22 Thread Hilaire
Merci Cedrick. Looks nice. I heard a bit about on Serge's presentation on polymath. Can you do analysis like prediction with? Joyeuses fêtes également Le 22/12/2019 à 17:11, Cédrick Béler a écrit : > I think data frame is better for such case > > https://github.com/PolyMathOrg/DataFrame -- Dr

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoCSV with numerous fields

2019-12-22 Thread Hilaire
The data come from sensors in 60, 600 and 6000 fields. I can do has below but I need to know first the number of fields. But it's ok. csv := (NeoCSVReader on: stream) separator: Character tab. 60 timesRepeat: [ csv addFloatField]. csv upToEnd inspect. Le 22/12/2019 à 17:34, Sven Van Caekenberghe

[Pharo-users] NeoCSV with numerous fields

2019-12-22 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I have float number datas coming with 60, 600 and 6000 rows. Is there a convenient way to let NeoCSV load and convert to array of floats. So far, I am doing it by "hand" with stream? Thanks Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] I feel like an overwhelmed maintenance programmer - how to get some toeholds?

2019-12-21 Thread Hilaire
I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate it? Le 21/12/2019 à 15:32, ponyatov a écrit : > The problem can be covered by a few experienced programmers who stream their > everyday work on a regular basis. > As I know, there is no anyone doing it. -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-19 Thread Hilaire
Works with StringMorph too... -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-19 Thread Hilaire
You should use TextMorph. What about: || t | t := TextMorph new. t backgroundColor: Color blue. t contents: 'Hello'. t lock. t openInWorld|| | Le 19/12/2019 à 15:28, Kasper Osterbye a écrit : > I was struggling for weeks (not every day, but still) to find out how > to change the system to be abl

Re: [Pharo-users] I feel like an overwhelmed maintenance programmer - how to get some toeholds?

2019-12-18 Thread Hilaire
am over this kind of silly behavior, I am sorry it felt that way. Hilaire Le 18/12/2019 à 19:39, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > I consider you a full member of the Pharo community, I have seen you > interacting on the mailing lists for many years and I appreciate your work a > lot

Re: [Pharo-users] I feel like an overwhelmed maintenance programmer - how to get some toeholds?

2019-12-18 Thread Hilaire
teaching to teenagers and staying afloat. Thanks Hilaire Le 18/12/2019 à 19:00, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > Come on, there is > > http://books.pharo.org/updated-pharo-by-example/ > > which is the same book, but for Pharo, and updated to 5.0 > > And > > htt

Re: [Pharo-users] I feel like an overwhelmed maintenance programmer - how to get some toeholds?

2019-12-18 Thread Hilaire
rts may not apply to Pharo though, but you can then jump to specific Pharo books. http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks.html Hilaire Le 18/12/2019 à 09:11, Steve Davies a écrit : > I'm a career programmer but I'm nearly 60 and sadly I can't absorb > information like I

Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-20 Thread Hilaire
ion. Imagine one of you kicked out of Pharo community because you loose your mind in another channel? It makes me feel a bit like the Aldous Huxley world. [1] /We will not tolerate harassment from anyone in the Pharo community, even outside of Pharo’s public communication channels./ Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] how to open a system browser on a environment?

2019-08-29 Thread Hilaire
On DrGeo based on P7, I do this: Smalltalk tools browser openOnClass: DrGeoSketch Hope it help. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Chip Designer

2019-08-11 Thread Hilaire
Nice! Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Personal Programming

2019-07-28 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Richard for your review of the article and your pedagogical explanations. For me writing these interactive documents are not that much work. But it is true you need to know the DrGeo API. Which can be discovered by exploring the DrGeoSketch class. I am used to the DrGeo API, so my view is

Re: [Pharo-users] Personal Programming

2019-07-26 Thread Hilaire
DrGeo to Squeak, then Pharo, in 2005. The end user programming gives the power to design very advanced teaching models[1]. However, Smalltalk scripting can be tricky, so this is with profound interest I will read your paper in the later days. Hilaire [1] http://blog.drgeo.eu/post/2019/The-Newton

Re: [Pharo-users] P7 regression

2019-07-26 Thread Hilaire
n 26 Jul 2019, at 00:22, Hilaire wrote: >> >> I don't understand how #wrappedStream works in my situation? >> >> Is #isBinary not good enougth? >> >> Le 25/07/2019 à 21:53, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : >>> If you have a character read or write s

Re: [Pharo-users] P7 regression

2019-07-25 Thread Hilaire
to do that. > >> On 25 Jul 2019, at 20:31, Hilaire wrote: >> >> Thanks for the tips. It is definitely a left over from porting DrGeo to >> P7 from P4/5/6 (not sure) >> >> But it can't really work as put:into: is used to write both sktech >> content

Re: [Pharo-users] P7 regression

2019-07-25 Thread Hilaire
Thanks for the tips. It is definitely a left over from porting DrGeo to P7 from P4/5/6 (not sure) But it can't really work as put:into: is used to write both sktech content (XML file) and its PNG preview. At some point in Pharo history both UTF8 and bitmap were using binary stream. Likely a putB

Re: [Pharo-users] P7 regression

2019-07-24 Thread Hilaire
[...] stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 4000). DrGeoXml new    app: self app;    saveOn: stream. [...] DrGeoXml>>saveOn: stream     | doc writer root |     doc := XMLDocument new version: '1.0'.     writer := XMLWriter on: stream.     root := XMLElement named: #drgenius.     self writeFigureA

Re: [Pharo-users] P7 regression

2019-07-24 Thread Hilaire
don't know either about the full compatibility of the XMLParser version I am using, the one before compatibility break. It is now clear the is issue when saving. To write, I use WriteStream on String. Should it be different? Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu test.fgeo Descript

[Pharo-users] P8 regression

2019-07-24 Thread Hilaire
ZnInvalidUTF8 error. Attached Pharo8 See details https://bugs.launchpad.net/drgeo/+bug/1837745 For the record the stream passed to the XML parser (an old version but I don't think it is the problem) is from readStream message send to FileReference. Do you want a bug ticket? Hilaire -- Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] Playground auto-save?

2019-07-20 Thread Hilaire
exactly possible on Pharo. Switching to Workspace could be an option. It also come with its own usability issue though. Kid do not forgive approximation, learn the hard way. Hilaire [1] https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~drgeo-developers/drgeo/trunk/view/head:/src/INSTALL Le 18/07/2019 à 23:39, Offray

Re: [Pharo-users] Playground auto-save?

2019-06-19 Thread Hilaire
Beside that, auto-save is a nice feature, but it needs to be predictable. Hilaire Le 18/06/2019 à 21:53, Hilaire a écrit : > Hi, > > I have to admit it is working randomly in P7 with Dr.Geo. (19.06 rel) > > Sometime script can be retrieved with the playpage button other time

[Pharo-users] Playground auto-save?

2019-06-18 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I have to admit it is working randomly in P7 with Dr.Geo. (19.06 rel) Sometime script can be retrieved with the playpage button other time no: executed script can not be retrieved. Its behavior is not predictable and it is a problem for me and the kids playing code. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo

[Pharo-users] Any Pharoer in Geneva?

2019-06-13 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I will likely start a course on programming with Smalltalk through Dr.Geo and student text book I am writing [1]. Anyone in Geneva interested on Smalltalk teaching? Hilaire [1] https://launchpad.net/drgeo/trunk/19.06/+download/programmer-avec-drgeo.pdf -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] Dr. Geo release 19.06a

2019-06-10 Thread Hilaire
p>. WIP - Feedback appreciated! See details in the change log file in the software or read the bugs fix list <https://launchpad.net/drgeo/trunk/19.06>. Download <http://drgeo.eu/download>. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] RealEstate

2019-05-23 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I would like new window to be placed in free space of the World. (I try to fix this usability concern https://bugs.launchpad.net/drgeo/+bug/1821501) I took a look at RealEstate but without success. Any though on the matter Thanks -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-18 Thread Hilaire
Thanks for the update. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread Hilaire
Le 15/05/2019 à 20:37, Konrad Hinsen a écrit : > Lambda expressions are indeed Python's anonymous functions, but no > Python programmer would create a lambda expression only to assign it > to a variable. Doing this in an article to "sell" Smalltalk might well > have the opposite effect. Nor a Smal

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread Hilaire
Hi, It is an important restriction on Python. So Javasctip has several way of doing lambda, correct? Thanks Hilaire Le 15/05/2019 à 16:19, Richard O'Keefe a écrit : > One point worth making is that Python lambdas are artificially restricted: > the body of a Python lambda may only

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread Hilaire
Thanks guys. -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread Hilaire
ll be implemented in Javascript and Python: f := [ :x | x cos + x ]. df := [ :x | (f value: x + 1e-8) - (f value: x) * 1e8]. Here f is a way to implement a function and df its derivate. Do some of you knows how it will be written in Javascript and Python with their own ad-hoc anonymous function? Tha

Re: [Pharo-users] What's wrong with latest Pharo?

2019-04-01 Thread Hilaire
Which external module is not found? I personally had a recurring issue when using the P7 VM+Image. I have to use Launcher to get a working environment. Le 31/03/2019 à 23:21, Richard Kenneth Eng a écrit : > I just installed Pharo under Linux and when I start it up, I get: > > *Error: External mod

Re: [Pharo-users] 7.0.2 and the font glitch - seems far worse than 7.0.1

2019-03-16 Thread Hilaire
. Hilaire Le 16/03/2019 à 09:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > I am on the latest macOS, my 64-bit 7.0.2 image with lots of code > (Bootstrap/Seaside/...) is running fine. I did not fiddle with the fonts, > just switched to Dark look. > > I avoid loading any packages that use native

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo OSX bundle in Mojave - how to sign ? (Was Re: OS X bundle, some progress)

2019-03-11 Thread Hilaire
lf-kidding. Hilaire [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zfqw8nhUwA Le 09/03/2019 à 10:10, Cédrick Béler a écrit : > Hi, > > I tried a bit more to make DrGeo bundle works. > > I have Mojave (10.14) and the problem of corrupted files seems to come from > Gatekeeper with prevent

[Pharo-users] Documentation system within Pharo

2019-03-09 Thread Hilaire
Hi, Do we have any tool to browse external documentation from Pharo? I will be interested to give the option to DrGeo user to read programming documentation from Pharo (DrGeo doc use the texinfo format[1]). An Info reader will be even greater but I don't think we have one. Hilaire [1]

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7.0 image size

2019-03-09 Thread Hilaire
Hi, Beside the browser windows, did you close all Transcript windows? Hilaire Le 08/03/2019 à 11:59, Trussardi Dario Romano a écrit : > Ciao, > > this morning i started with an image of about 240 MB. > > I have 3 System Browser open ( for a long time ). -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Fail on condense when image name is drgeo.image

2019-03-07 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Alistair. Great! I can now build DrGeo with the P7.0.1 image. I will check with the P7.0.2, but should be fine. Now the OS X DrGeo build behave much more gently, but I need to test a bit further. Hilaire Le 06/03/2019 à 08:53, Alistair Grant a écrit : > For future reference: > &

Re: [Pharo-users] im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.

2019-03-05 Thread Hilaire
Cool. Le 05/03/2019 à 18:04, peter yoo a écrit : > ok. today me tested again. maybe my XIM env is bad before. is ok now. > thanks to all. > all fcitx package remove and re-install. and ok... > > 감사합니다. for pharo users. :D -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Fail on condense when image name is drgeo.image

2019-03-05 Thread Hilaire
Alistair, I checked, the error shows under this specific situation I described in my previous email. Yes, your code fixes this condition, the condense does not hit this error anymore. Thanks Hilaire Le 05/03/2019 à 17:59, Alistair Grant a écrit : > I've attached a change-set th

[Pharo-users] Fail on condense when image name is drgeo.image

2019-03-04 Thread Hilaire
ug.log. Does it sound familiar to any of you? Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu ByteString class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed: ByteString class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed ByteString class(Behavior)>>basicNew: ByteString class(String class)>>new: ByteString(Sequen

Re: [Pharo-users] OS X bundle, some progress

2019-03-03 Thread Hilaire
difficult? Hilaire Le 01/03/2019 à 23:19, Hilaire a écrit : Hi, > I did some progress on the Dr.Geo bundle for OS X. > > The Mac admin of my school told me to download from Safari and > authorized the drgeo.eu web site (not sure what this exactly does), then > we installed the DrG

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo-SQLite even more multilingual

2019-03-02 Thread Hilaire
Thanks! Hilaire Le 02/03/2019 à 14:16, Pierce Ng a écrit : > I've enhanced the Pharo SQLite library to be even more multilingual. It has -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] OS X bundle, some progress

2019-03-01 Thread Hilaire
Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu MorphicUIManager>>fileDoesNotExistUserHandling: MorphicUIManager>>fileDoesNotExistsDefaultAction: FileDoesNotExistException>>defaultAction UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: Context>>handleSignal: FileDoesNotExistException(Exception)>

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-28 Thread Hilaire
Hi, Out of curiosity, among your test, did you try to copy the app in the Application location? Thanks Hilaire Le 28/02/2019 à 15:52, Christophe Demarey a écrit : >  I also did a quick test: > -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-28 Thread Hilaire
Thanks for the feedback Cedrick. We have all different experiences, I guess depending on the OS X version. Did you try to drag the DrGeo.app in the Application location and start it from there? Hilaire Le 28/02/2019 à 13:08, Cédrick Béler a écrit : > Can someone with privilege to

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-27 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I have a build script too to build the drgeo bundle from scratch [1], I will take a look yours to add up. In the mean time I built a new mac os bundle with your info.plist. I tested it on a mac, but without privilege to move it to the Applications location. After downloading it to the Deskto

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-26 Thread Hilaire
Thanks, Not sure about what is the nib and xib you are mentioning. Will check on that later. I noted the Info.plist is a lot shorter in PharoLauncher compared to the Mac OSX VM zip archive one, though. Any reason? Le 26/02/2019 à 09:11, Christophe Demarey a écrit : > Pharo Launcher mac packagin

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-26 Thread Hilaire
the dmg archive on linux, its Info.plist is minimal. WIll take a look. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-25 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Hilaire Le 24/02/2019 à 20:55, Hilaire a écrit : > Thanks Sven, > > It looks like the same VM I used with the previous bundle. md5sum on the > Pharo executable produced the same check sum. > > Still I packaged one with this bundle, this time I preserved the plugin > l

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Sven, It looks like the same VM I used with the previous bundle. md5sum on the Pharo executable produced the same check sum. Still I packaged one with this bundle, this time I preserved the plugin lib symlink in the zip archive, if you want to give a try. https://www.dropbox.com/s/me1z6pr

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
I know. Last summer I give a try to the 64bits version, but there was a show stopper issue, the PNG image decoder on 64bits architecture. Hilaire Le 24/02/2019 à 13:26, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > Note that on macOS and Linux, 64 bit is the default and 32 bit is the > exception tha

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
Sadly, this is of little use as it will fetch a linux vm. Can you copy it somewhere so I can fetch the archive? The Linux VM at the pharo.org/download was not functionning, so may be the same with mac vm. Hilaire Le 24/02/2019 à 14:42, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > curl get.pharo.org/v

Re: [Pharo-users] Mac OS X test [ smaller image ]

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
Is there a way to know why it is broken, for example running it from the CLI? Can you give me the URL of the downloaded VM? Thanks Hilaire Le 24/02/2019 à 13:26, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit : > The application itself remains 'broken', but if I download a 32-bit > Pharo 7 VM

[Pharo-users] Mac OS X test

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
Hi, I am requesting good will to test a Mac OSX bundle for DrGeo. It is here[1], it is not signed, so you will have OS X warning,  and likely should be dropped on the Applications folder. Thanks Hilaire [1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ywck26jvfv99pi/DrGeo-mac-19.03a.zip?dl=0 -- Dr. Geo http

Re: [Pharo-users] image / software update

2019-02-24 Thread Hilaire
Hi Ben, As you mention bootstrap... Do you know of any documentation targeted to application developer willing to produce a bootstraped image for her/his application? Hilaire Le 24/02/2019 à 07:14, Ben Coman a écrit : > to Bootstrapping with Continuous Integration & Testing.  Eac

Re: [Pharo-users] im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.

2019-02-22 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Pierce. So kind of work out of the box as long as the appropriate font is selected. Hilaire Le 22/02/2019 à 04:34, Pierce Ng a écrit : > Hi Hilaire, > > My self-built VM on Windows 7 doesn't have the option either. But, > multilingual input into Pharo works. >

Re: [Pharo-users] im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.

2019-02-19 Thread Hilaire
Hi Pierce, Yes, this option worked to key in Chinese. By the way, do you know if any option is needed on Windows? I checked for the options but I did not see anything relevant: hilaire@PCHome:~/Travaux/Developpement/DrGeoII/trunk/build/bundles/windows/DrGeo$ wine Contents/vm/DrGeo.exe --help

Re: [Pharo-users] Monticello diff between image and tonel repo

2019-02-18 Thread Hilaire
I confirm again this issue, while annoying, flushing Monticello helps to get a proper diff. https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/2583 Hilaire Le 16/02/2019 à 11:56, Hilaire a écrit : > Closing Monticello windows and opening a fresh one helped to get the > changes right, so

Re: [Pharo-users] Stability of Pharo 7 vs 6?

2019-02-18 Thread Hilaire
want to work on your project (been there many times), it could be a valuable contribution, eventually with self knowledge amplification outcome. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7.0 image size

2019-02-17 Thread Hilaire
May be you have a lot of still open Seaside session, which if I remember correctly are automatically shutdown after 10 min when not active. Looking at Seaside session instances may give clue. Hilaire Le 16/02/2019 à 13:18, Trussardi Dario Romano a écrit : > Starting from 94 MB, now af

Re: [Pharo-users] im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.

2019-02-16 Thread Hilaire
Thanks, I will test with my friend -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Stability of Pharo 7 vs 6?

2019-02-16 Thread Hilaire
I can't tell, but in your initial email you mentionned using the 64bits VM, so the image is 64bits too. So if you are using 32bits, you can try 64bitsVM https://get.pharo.org/64/ Le 16/02/2019 à 12:01, Tim Mackinnon a écrit : > As mentioned, I’m on OSX HighSierra I get a zero conf image (which I

Re: [Pharo-users] Monticello diff between image and tonel repo

2019-02-16 Thread Hilaire
fell the environment to be fragile and inconstant for serious work. It seems Monticello is confused by two sources of package tonel, and mcz. Already meet this problem too. Hilaire PS: DrGeo is free software. Le 16/02/2019 à 10:52, Ben Coman a écrit : > That isn't even close to "steps

Re: [Pharo-users] Quality assistant

2019-02-16 Thread Hilaire
Thanks Denis. By the way, Calypso is pretty cool. Le 15/02/2019 à 23:54, Denis Kudriashov a écrit : > > Use following script to disable it: > > ClyCriticBrowserPlugin disable > -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Monticello diff between image and tonel repo

2019-02-16 Thread Hilaire
. To reproduce, create a tonel repo, add package to this repo, or repo to the package, and test the same as explained above. Hilaire Le 16/02/2019 à 07:23, Ben Coman a écrit : > Its hard to determine what is wrong from the screen shot. > I'm probably not the one able to provide an answ

Re: [Pharo-users] Stability of Pharo 7 vs 6?

2019-02-15 Thread Hilaire
Depends on what you are doing, I guess. I am using the same P7 32bits image on linux since June 2018, but I am doing bare bone smalltalk, and I don't use iceberg. It could be the source of your problem as it is still new, or it could be the 64bits image/vm. You could give a try for the 32bits vers

Re: [Pharo-users] im using pharo 7 with linux env. but cannot input korean.

2019-02-15 Thread Hilaire
In your trad. chinese app were you able to key in chinese? A taiwanese friend of mine will be interested to know. Hilaire Le 15/02/2019 à 19:06, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit : > Will you say more about your issue (e.g. steps to reproduce)? Make sure you > use a font that contains Korean char

Re: [Pharo-users] Quality assistant

2019-02-15 Thread Hilaire
So, no option to turn it off I guess? Hilaire Le 14/02/2019 à 12:03, Hilaire a écrit : > How to turn off the quality assitant in the calypso browser? > > I don't find anymore the option in the settings browser. -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

[Pharo-users] Quality assistant

2019-02-14 Thread Hilaire
Hi How to turn off the quality assitant in the calypso browser? I don't find anymore the option in the settings browser. Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu

Re: [Pharo-users] Working VM for OS X for Pharo 7

2019-02-14 Thread Hilaire
I know what you are describing, for example cairo can be impacted. My self questioning was: Does the VM rely on the host git library or is the one shipped with the vm sufficient? Best, Hilaire Le 14/02/2019 à 10:33, Alistair Grant a écrit : > On Linux it is almost always: > > - A libr

Re: [Pharo-users] Working VM for OS X for Pharo 7

2019-02-14 Thread Hilaire
id an update of my linux system a few days ago, so could it fix the issue... Hilaire Le 14/02/2019 à 09:51, teso...@gmail.com a écrit : > Good morning, >  Last week I had a problem with a conflicting version of libgit > installed by brew. In my case, brew had updated the version making it

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