Hi, GLMCompositePresentation does not understand #wrapper anymore in P8 (valid in P7).
More, the class GLMWrapper vanished (present in P7). In DrGeo a custom script browser is build to edit script, in this browser when clicking on a script there is now this error. I tool a look to the I don't understand much this framework. How should the code bellow be rewritten to work on P8? |methodsIn: composite composite /*wrapper*/ title: 'Methods' translated; show: [ :wrapper | wrapper fastList display: [ :aClass | aClass methods collect: [ :m | m asRingDefinition ]]; format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ]. composite /*wrapper*/ title: 'Script data' translated; show: [ :wrapper | wrapper fastList display: [ :aClass | aClass class methods collect: [ :m | m asRingDefinition ]]; format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ]. composite updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ]; updateOn: MethodAdded from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ]. composite onChangeOfPort: #activePresentation act: [ :presentation | (presentation pane port: #activePresentation) value ifNotNil: [ :activePresentation | ((browser paneNamed: #methods) port: #selection) value: (activePresentation /*defaultPane*/ port: #selection) value ] ]. | | | -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu