Hi, We have been hit in DrGeo by another regression in Pharo8 (it is not present in DrGeo versions based on previous Pharo).
When loading a Sketch with accentuated Latin characters (same occurs with Chinese but I have so far not enough information to assert it is the same error) there is a ZnInvalidUTF8 error. Attached Pharo8 See details https://bugs.launchpad.net/drgeo/+bug/1837745 For the record the stream passed to the XML parser (an old version but I don't think it is the problem) is from readStream message send to FileReference. Do you want a bug ticket? Hilaire -- Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu
THERE_BE_DRAGONS_HERE ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal continuation byte for utf-8 encoding 24 July 2019 4:39:08.555248 pm VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan 5 2019 StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2504 uuid: a00b0fad-c04c-47a6-8a11-5dbff110ac11 Jan 5 2019 VM: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git Date: Sat Jan 5 20:00:11 2019 CommitHash: 7a3c6b64 Plugins: 201901051900 https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git Image: Pharo7.0.2 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.2+build.152.sha.890f474a81f116ead0e68c8de77790aef4e9a752 (32 Bit)] ZnUTF8Encoder>>error: Receiver: a ZnUTF8Encoder Arguments and temporary variables: message: 'Illegal continuation byte for utf-8 encoding' Receiver's instance variables: a ZnUTF8Encoder ZnUTF8Encoder>>errorIllegalContinuationByte Receiver: a ZnUTF8Encoder Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: a ZnUTF8Encoder [ ((next := stream next ifNil: [ ^ self errorIncomplete ]) bitAnd: 2r11000000) == 2r10000000 ifTrue: [ code := (code bitShift: 6) + (next bitAnd: 2r00111111) ] ifFalse: [ ^ self errorIllegalContinuationByte ] ] in ZnUTF8Encoder>>nextCodePointFromStream: Receiver: a ZnUTF8Encoder Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: a ZnUTF8Encoder SmallInteger(Integer)>>timesRepeat: Receiver: 2 Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ ((next := stream next ifNil: [ ^ self errorIncomplete ]) bitAnd: 2r1...etc... count: 1 Receiver's instance variables: 2 ZnUTF8Encoder>>nextCodePointFromStream: Receiver: a ZnUTF8Encoder Arguments and temporary variables: stream: a ZnBufferedReadStream byte: 233 next: 116 code: 9 Receiver's instance variables: a ZnUTF8Encoder ZnUTF8Encoder(ZnCharacterEncoder)>>nextFromStream: Receiver: a ZnUTF8Encoder Arguments and temporary variables: