I am experimenting Spec to write a DrGeo user scripts browser (in DrGeo
scripts are classes).
The layout and widgetery is so far ok (see screenshot).
Nevertheless I have issue to keep synchronized the compiled methods in
the Spec list, a recompiled method when the user edit its code and save
it, then the source code in the code widget.
Indeed when the user press save to keep the code it is compiled fine but
the Spec list still hold what I guess is another instance of the
compiled method.
My attempt to manage this situation makes my code to look like shit.
How will you manage this to keep up to date and synchronized the script
information in the different Spec widgets?
Dr. Geo
'From Pharo8.0.0 of 20 February 2020 [Build information:
Pharo-8.0.0+build.1129.sha.278304fdce17a1b7cc3ede1006275ffbc7baf20a (64 Bit)]
on 30 March 2020 at 4:07:31.728507 pm'!
SpPresenter subclass: #DrGScriptBrowser2
instanceVariableNames: 'scripts methods source saveBtn'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'DrGeoII-UI-Window'!
!DrGScriptBrowser2 commentStamp: 'HilaireFernandes 3/28/2020 12:59' prior: 0!
A DrGeo script browser written with Spec2.!
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'action-button-actions' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 15:54'!
| compiledMethod selectedMethodItem |
selectedMethodItem := methods selectedPage activePresenter selection.
compiledMethod := selectedMethodItem selectedItem.
methods selectedPage activePresenter inspect.
(compiledMethod notNil and: [ source pendingText ~= source text ])
ifTrue: [
compiledMethod methodClass compile: source pendingText.
methods selectedPage activePresenter selection selectedItem
compiledMethod selector == #scriptName ifTrue: [ "Update the
script name in Scripts list"
" scripts selection inspect" scripts updateList
self inform: ('Method "{1}" saved' translated format:
{compiledMethod selector}) ]! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 09:57'!
saveBtn := self newButton
label: 'Save' translated;
icon: (self iconNamed: #smallSave);
yourself! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 15:38'!
^ SpNotebookPage
title: 'Methods' translated
provider: [ self newList
display: [:aMethod | aMethod selector ];
whenSelectionChangedDo: [ :selection | | method |
method := selection selectedItem.
source text: method sourceCode; behavior:
method methodClass];
yourself]! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/28/2020 15:31'!
source := self instantiate: SpLabelledContainer.
label: 'Source' translated;
content: SpCodePresenter! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 15:39'!
scripts whenSelectedItemChanged: [ :class |
source clearContent; behavior: nil.
class ifNotNil: [
(methods pageAt: 1) whenRetrievedDo: [ :list | list
items: class methods].
(methods pageAt: 2) whenRetrievedDo: [ :list | list
items: class class methods].
methods resetAllPageContents.]].
saveBtn action: [ self saveCode ].
source acceptBlock: [ :text | text inspect ]! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/29/2020 13:15'!
^ SpNotebookPage
title: 'Script data' translated
provider: [ self newList
display: [:aMethod | aMethod selector ];
whenSelectionChangedDo: [ :selection |
source text: selection selectedItem sourceCode.
source behavior: selection selectedItem
yourself]! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/28/2020 15:31'!
scripts := self instantiate: SpLabelledList.
scripts label: 'Scripts' translated;
items: DrGeoUserScript allSubclasses;
display: [ :aClass | aClass scriptName ]! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/28/2020 15:10'!
methods := self newNotebook.
addPage: self instanceMethodsTab;
addPage: self classMethodsTab! !
!DrGScriptBrowser2 methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 09:41'!
self newScriptsList.
self newMethodsList.
self newScriptCode.
self newButtons! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
DrGScriptBrowser2 class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!DrGScriptBrowser2 class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes
3/30/2020 14:54'!
^ SpPanedLayout newVertical
add: (SpBoxLayout newHorizontal
add: #scripts;
add: #methods;
add: (SpBoxLayout newVertical
add: #source;
add: #saveBtn withConstraints: [:c | c expand: false];
yourself! !