Hi Cédrick,
Remember the Pharo vision back in 2005.
Pharo Zen
Our values and convictions are condensed in this simple list.
Easy to understand, easy to learn from, easy to change.
Objects all the way down.
Examples to learn from.
Fully dynamic and malleable.
Beauty in the code, beauty in the comments.
Simplicity is the ultimate elegance.
Better a set of small polymorphic classes than a large ugly one.
Classes structure our vocabulary.
Messages are our vocabulary.
Polymorphism is our esperanto.
Abstraction and composition are our friends.
Tests are important but can be changed.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Magic only at the right place.
One step at a time.
There is no unimportant fix.
Learning from mistakes.
Perfection can kill movement.
Quality is a emerging property.
Simple processes to support progress.
Communication is key.
A system with robust abstractions that a single person can understand.
Le 13/04/2020 à 14:30, Cédrick Béler a écrit :
Just a reflexion that I’d like to share here.
When Hilaire talks about complexity. I have to agree too, even if I
like the progress under the hood, and explored spaces like GToolkit.
But how to change such legacy beast, the pharo image ? Potential is
huge but resistance is also tough for so few people… Just imagining
changing method protocols seems so complex at the end !
Instead, I’d start with minimal images, bootstrapped ones. A system I
would love to understand every bits. I’m pretty sure this is what lots
of us have in mind and the progress in bootstrap has been teasing us ;-)
Dr. Geo