I know what you are describing, for example cairo can be impacted.

My self questioning was: Does the VM rely on the host git library or is
the one shipped with the vm sufficient?



Le 14/02/2019 à 10:33, Alistair Grant a écrit :
> On Linux it is almost always:
> - A library isn't found because the search path is wrong, i.e.
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set, and/or
> - there's a missing dependency.
> The ldd command helps track these down by showing which dependencies
> are missing.
> On Linux you need to be careful because the pharo script sets
> up LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so ldd may show something as missing which will be
> found when pharo is actually run, e.g libssh.
> Cheers,
> Alistair
> (on phone)

Dr. Geo

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