
Often the intend is wrongly perceived, I am sorry about that.

I know about these Pharo books (but not the Pharo with Style which I did
not pay attention to), I bought three of them and I wrote the original
Morph chapter in the Pharo By Example book, I donated a bit to the Steph
proposal for additionnal resources (sorry forgot the name). For me these
resources are just obvious, and I just mentioned ones I have good
souvenir with when learning at the very beginning. I understand now it
felt like I want to ignore the Pharo documentation effort, but it was
really not my intend, I think I am over this kind of silly behavior, I
am sorry it felt that way.


Le 18/12/2019 à 19:39, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> I consider you a full member of the Pharo community, I have seen you 
> interacting on the mailing lists for many years and I appreciate your work a 
> lot, that is why I was surprised you would not know that there are newer, 
> pharo specific versions of the very old book you mentioned, the Pharo By 
> Example book is itself many years old already.
> Please understand, many people ask for all kinds of documentation, authors 
> put a lot of work in writing or updating documentation, and then it seems to 
> go unnoticed, which is very frustrating.

Dr. Geo

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