Thanks Richard for your review of the article and your pedagogical explanations.
For me writing these interactive documents are not that much work. But it is true you need to know the DrGeo API. Which can be discovered by exploring the DrGeoSketch class. I am used to the DrGeo API, so my view is biased. A more user discoverable programming interface will be easier. So the interest on Trygve work. I am finishing writing a textbook on DrGeo math programming for my middle high school students. But the resources is in French :( Le 27/07/2019 à 16:26, Richard O'Keefe a écrit : > There are some spelling issues in the PDF one finds at the > Newton-Raphson link. > "bellow" and "below" mean different things and sound quite different > (BELL-owe vs b'-LOW). In "In the sketch bellow" the one you want is > "below". > "bloc" and "block" sound the same but also mean different things, and > the Smalltalk [...] forms are "blocks" not "blocs". > > Is writing these interactive documents as much work as it looks like? > -- Dr. Geo