Kevin Woolley wrote:
> I own three Sims in SL, that's ~$600 a month or so to the Lindens, and
> that's supported off DRM'ed content creation that I sell. If my income was
> to vanish because of widespread content theft then I'd be out of SL.
> I find Hax's attitude extremely concerning.
> In
Kevin Woolley wrote:
> c. Create an 'iPhone' like walled garden. There are numerous ways you could
> do this, for example required all connection to the grid to operate via a
> licensed closed-source version of libsl which uses some form of
> public/private key to identify itself. Or why not stri
Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Are the people selling illegal copies making that much money that fast?
If they do, the content makers are sure bad in marketing
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailSc
Lilly wrote ..
> > Linux build of Snowglobe-2.0 svn doesn't like spaces in the build path.
> Who puts spaces on unix pathes ? ;)
Most installers do that for many OSes. Like Installer for Visual Studio on
windows. I had to reinstall Visual Studio to something like C:\vs\ or else the
build would
Maya Remblai wrote:
> New Hax wrote:
>> but on the internet as a content maker you can make INFINITE products
>> so you arent losing anything if i copy it and make no money off of it.
> Not true. See the following example that actually happened to me:
> Person A rips a large nu
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 5:56 PM, New Hax wrote:
> Soft Linden said:
> "Content theft, griefing and resource abuse have been
> long-term problems."
> I've been a lurker here but are you KIDDING ME? When Linden Labs open
> sourced Second Life, they were right along side us saying to
> proprietar
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Soft Linden wrote:
> We'd need to provide a way to move off of Havok while still remaining stable
> with
> insane physics content,
No you wouldn't, if you wanted to release the server code with the aim
of increasing compatibility at the protocol level, the simple
736 iPhone apps on TPB to be precise - actually much lower than I
would have thought, although some of the torrents are hack tools and
packs of apps (one such torrent is 3.6GB and includes a few 100
separate apps).
Perhaps the only platform right now that hasn't been cracked to enable
piracy is th
Gareth Nelson wrote:
> 736 iPhone apps on TPB to be precise - actually much lower than I
> would have thought, although some of the torrents are hack tools and
> packs of apps (one such torrent is 3.6GB and includes a few 100
> separate apps).
I think the number is very low on tpb because the
Oh sure, *obviously* you'll never prevent copying completely. But that's a
straw man - the difference here is between making life difficult for the
thieves (as Apple does - sufficiently so that the jailbreak/piratebay applet
market is no threat to iPhone developers) and leaving the doors and windo
On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 09:48 +0100, Anders Arnholm wrote:
> There been a nice illustration floating arounf the internet, showing the
> problems with DRM protections today, mostly on video media.
I love the subtle :trollface:
The answer to that pic is to buy the movie and then rip it - still
technically copyright infringement, yet you're supporting the makers
without getting all the extra crap
In other news, this thread has been massively derailed..
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Rob Nelson
> On Tue
oh yes please!
X11-like copy-paste (by selecting and middle mouse button)
> :-)
Policies and (un)subscribe information available here:
Please read the policies before posting to keep unmodera
Kevin Woolley wrote:
> Oh sure, *obviously* you'll never prevent copying completely. But that's a
> straw man - the difference here is between making life difficult for the
> thieves (as Apple does - sufficiently so that the jailbreak/piratebay applet
> market is no threat to iPhone developers) an
Lawson wrote:
Except ALL L$ transactions are monitored. Give someone $L 1,000,000 in
one chunk or in one million chunks, and it will still trigger alarms.
As a major Lindex trader I can verify there are such alarms, cause I have
them several times. Move too much money, in L$ or
Yasmin Adams schrieb:
> oh yes please!
> X11-like copy-paste (by selecting and middle mouse button)
> > :-)
Policies and (un)subscribe information available here:
Kevin wrote:
We have already seen that SL content have been
ilicaly moved to different worlds Include the old google one, IMVU or
whats it called. I'm sure that blue panet stuff have loots of copied sl
If you are referring to "Blue Mars", they do not have lots of anything yet,
Every time i try to login SL2 crash due some font trouble, all font
listed are present and readable by all users in the system...
somebody else seen this? (if yes i'll opena JIRA, otherwise i look for
a local trouble of my linuxbox...)
~/sl_rc/SecondLife-i686-$ ./secondlife
Running fr
There were a couple of parabuild (build farm machinery) issues that tripped
me for a while. Those have been fixed now and we were able to build
Snowglobe 1.4 trunk for the 3 platforms. Remember that 1.4 is the "1.x"
based trunk that we keep building as long as we don't have a perfectly
On 2010-03-16, at 12:13, Daniel wrote:
> - using encrypted 7zip archives to deliver content to end users
This will end up having little effect, since the textures and geometry
can be pulled from the graphics card.
> - only allow registered developers to upload content and cash out
> - require r
'> - only allow registered developers to upload content and cash out
> - require renting a shop to sell items
> - do not have user-to-user item transfer'
Am sure some business people at LL (without the experience of delivering
virtual goods for specific audiences) might find the above attractive, b
OK, here's a design problem in the new viewer that maybe can be
figured out here.
From the Jira, I missed this response to one of my comments, some
time ago. Apologies, I forgot to "watch" the item:
From Q Linden:
> Argent: the focus problem differs this time because the chat bar is
> alw
Argent Stonecutter wrote:
> On 2010-03-16, at 12:13, Daniel wrote:
>> - using encrypted 7zip archives to deliver content to end users
> This will end up having little effect, since the textures and geometry
> can be pulled from the graphics card.
There already exists progra
funny how
> - do not have user-to-user item transfer'
gets turned into a business decision or even a requirement. :) why does
Bluemars not say, we havent implemented this functionality... and if they
don't have this, I wonder where they would stand on the 'hypergrid'
functionality that I bel
Daniel wrote:
> Kevin wrote:
> We have already seen that SL content have been
> ilicaly moved to different worlds Include the old google one, IMVU or
> whats it called. I'm sure that blue panet stuff have loots of copied sl
> content.
> -
> If you are referring to "Blue Mars", they do
I misbehaved. Changed the build dir from under "Second Life" (note the
space in the name... i woulda though cmake would escape them), to
SL_BUILD and all is almost beautiful. Runs great, considering it's
terribly beta and hasn't been thru an iteration or two of performance
patches. Runs (subjec
That's part the point I've been hesitant to make. It's one thing to not
be able to stop IP violations, but it's quite another to deliberately
*enable* them and turn the other cheek when the theft is obvious. That's
where the TPV policy comes in, and it's where Emerald's "project opal"
(that wha
Yeah, that's it. I forgot the name. I expect that list to grow a bit,
but hopefully it won't grow much bigger than it already is.
On 03/16/2010 06:08 PM, Robert Martin wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> That's part the point I've been hesitant to make. It's on
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
> The Gimp is free software but the pictures made with it aren't unless
> that right is given by the creator. Same as in SL. And that's the major
> point that brings the whole copyright / theft discussion back on topic
> for the list. Seems a f
Lol, yes, I think everyone except hax and a couple of others would agree.
The analogy still works, though...
DaVinci should've been able to export / backup the Mona Lisa. I'm still
not allowed to take the original out of the museum though it's not mine
even though I gave him the brushes.
That's an annoyance I'd like to specifically target in snowglobe 2. The
majority of resis in SL were never gamers so never got used to wasd
On 03/16/2010 03:42 PM, Argent Stonecutter wrote:
> OK, here's a design problem in the new viewer that maybe can be
> figured out here.
Hash: SHA1
isn't that actually fair use?
On 16/3/2010 09:04, Gareth Nelson wrote:
> The answer to that pic is to buy the movie and then rip it - still
> technically copyright infringement, yet you're supporting the makers
> without getting all the extra crap
Hash: SHA1
that's new to me...
perhaps my sample is biased due to me hanging around people with similar
interests (i do like to play computer/video games)
On 16/3/2010 19:41, Glen Canaday wrote:
> That's an annoyance I'd like to specifically target in snowglobe
Maybe it's *my* bias. I personally know of no gamers who'd use wasd who
have stayed in SL longer than a couple of months at best.
Most of the people I have known in SL shop, go to clubs, create, RP, and
hang out, most of which requires chatting without an extra step to
switch focus. Leaving the
Autoplay media has got to go, too.
On 03/16/2010 07:10 PM, Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> that's new to me...
> perhaps my sample is biased due to me hanging around people with similar
> interests (i do like to play computer/video games)
> On 1
Am Mittwoch 17 März 2010 00:21:42 schrieb Glen Canaday:
> Most of the people I have known in SL shop, go to clubs, create, RP, and
> hang out, most of which requires chatting without an extra step to
> switch focus. Leaving the chat bar with focus kills wasd movement, but I
> can name no one who d
Am 17.03.2010 um 00:29 schrieb Zi Ree:
> Am Mittwoch 17 März 2010 00:21:42 schrieb Glen Canaday:
>> Most of the people I have known in SL shop, go to clubs, create, RP, and
>> hang out, most of which requires chatting without an extra step to
>> switch focus. Leaving the chat bar with focus ki
That is the current 2.0 behavior to a tee. The only difference is that
it never becomes invisible.
That's 4 on the list including Q so far, 1 (me) otherwise.
On 03/16/2010 07:31 PM, Michael Schlenker wrote:
> Am 17.03.2010 um 00:29 schrieb Zi Ree:
>> Am Mittwoch 17 März 2010 00:21:
Hash: SHA1
besides WASD i'm also already used to have to press a key before
writting my chat messages and then only after i send it i can use the
mvoement keys again, that is quite common in games
On 16/3/2010 20:21, Glen Canaday wrote:
> Maybe it's *my* bias. I
I tend to use both wasdec and the arrow keys+pg up/dwn. Depends on what I'm
doing. I remember fighting the chat bar all the time in SG1.3, where it
kept stealing focus and getting filled with wwwasssswwee...
etc. while I was trying to pilot my vehicles I was scripting and while I
On 2010-03-16, at 18:45, Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
> besides WASD i'm also already used to have to press a key before
> writting my chat messages and then only after i send it i can use the
> mvoement keys again, that is quite common in games
I'm not a gamer, and I guess the people I hang around
Hash: SHA1
isn't that an option in 1.* ?
On 16/3/2010 20:54, Ricky wrote:
> I tend to use both wasdec and the arrow keys+pg up/dwn. Depends on what
> I'm doing. I remember fighting the chat bar all the time in SG1.3,
> where it kept stealing focus and getting
Wow, my POV was that they had finally fixed the problem... :P
To me hitting enter to chat seemed so natural that it wasn''t until I read
the JIRA, and saw the messages on this list, that I'd realized that the
situation had changed. Like I said above, the prevous functionality would
end up with me
On 03/17/2010 01:25 AM, Ricky wrote:
> Another thing I am absolutely enjoying: Arrow keys now actually WORK
> in the chatbar: I can fix my typos without having to grab my mouse, or
> having my avvie turn/walk/etc. before I noticed that the focus was lost...
There's actually a setting for that in 1.
Ah, seems in all the sweeps of the prefs I've done over the years, I missed
Interesting I can't find such a setting in the 2.0 prefs. Found it in the
Debug Settings: ArrowKeysAlwaysMove (default to FALSE)
I also found ChatBarStealsFocus (default to TRUE) but it doesn't seem to
affect anyth
Thanks for this! I was just about to modify SimianGrid to use all lowercase
URLs :-).
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Philippe (Merov) Bossut <> wrote:
> Hi,
> There were a couple of parabuild (build farm machinery) issues that tripped
> me for a while. Those have be
Gareth Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
> But back on topic - regardless of all our unique individual political
> views on copyright, it's definitely a bad bad idea for LL to encourage
> copyright infringement on their platform - or anything illegal for
> tha
Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
> isn't that actually fair use?
Yes most copyright laws allow you to make a personel riped copy of a
movie. In the Us maybe the DMCA makes the tools for this illegal to make
and sell. I'm not 100% about all details of US copyright law. I know the
Swedish copyrig
Glen Canaday wrote:
> Maybe it's *my* bias. I personally know of no gamers who'd use wasd who
> have stayed in SL longer than a couple of months at best.
> Most of the people I have known in SL shop, go to clubs, create, RP, and
> hang out, most of which requires chatting without an extra step
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