That's part the point I've been hesitant to make. It's one thing to not be able to stop IP violations, but it's quite another to deliberately *enable* them and turn the other cheek when the theft is obvious. That's where the TPV policy comes in, and it's where Emerald's "project opal" (that what it's called?) comes in. It's also where viewer developers come in.
SL would be as empty of people and content as my standalone OpenSim home / testing grid if it were permitted. In order to keep our own Second Lives worth having, viewer devs need to not deliberately enable copying. Can't predict the effects of every single little bug, but it still behooves the programmer to be vigilant about it. The Gimp is free software but the pictures made with it aren't unless that right is given by the creator. Same as in SL. And that's the major point that brings the whole copyright / theft discussion back on topic for the list. Seems a few lurkers are thinking that they own the hole they've been digging themselves into. I'm all for free tools - the Mona Lisa could have been painted with free brushes or magic special Microsoft brushes - but that doesn't mean that because I gave DaVinci the brush, canvas, and paints that I'm free to take the art out of the Louvre. Hopefully that kills this thread. --GC > I agree it can't be protected against, but that does not mean it > should be encouraged by LL either - I believe that so long as > copyright law exists, LL should enforce it on their platform. > > But, I heavily disagree on open source contributing more to SL than > content creators - what use is an empty virtual world, even one that > has killer technology? > _______________________________________________ Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges