Lol, yes, I think everyone except hax and a couple of others would agree.

The analogy still works, though...

DaVinci should've been able to export / backup the Mona Lisa. I'm still 
not allowed to take the original out of the museum though it's not mine 
even though I gave him the brushes.


On 03/16/2010 06:19 PM, Gareth Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Glen Canaday<>  wrote:
>> The Gimp is free software but the pictures made with it aren't unless
>> that right is given by the creator. Same as in SL. And that's the major
>> point that brings the whole copyright / theft discussion back on topic
>> for the list. Seems a few lurkers are thinking that they own the hole
>> they've been digging themselves into. I'm all for free tools - the Mona
>> Lisa could have been painted with free brushes or magic special
>> Microsoft brushes - but that doesn't mean that because I gave DaVinci
>> the brush, canvas, and paints that I'm free to take the art out of the
>> Louvre.
> I'd be inclined to say that this is a bad analogy - what's closer is
> whether you can paint your own mona lisa, or otherwise copy it -
> you'll not find support for actual theft from me :)
> But back on topic - regardless of all our unique individual political
> views on copyright, it's definitely a bad bad idea for LL to encourage
> copyright infringement on their platform - or anything illegal for
> that matter - this is something we can agree on, yes?
> I'd hope another thing to be agreed on is that it's not good to
> implement strong DRM measures and cripple legit users while at most
> slowing down temporarily those who want to break the rules - yay or
> nay?

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