er support? Are they
responsive? Do they have enough knowledge to be conversant about how to perform
functions using voiceover?
Replying off list is fine in order to reduce clutter on the list. My email is:
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Jean Pa
nothing has changed. If someone could walk me through this process either on or
off list I would be most appreciative.
Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To
available in ebook
Hello All:
I just started using ms word for mac and I need to be able to read and interact
with comments and track changes. The problem is that voiceover is not reading
the annotations in the text that indicate where a revision has taken place. Any
The following information is
I am also interested in this thread. I find 2 problems:
1. Although I can make the comments appear I can not reliably move back and
forth between the comment and the exact place in the text to which the comment
applies with voiceover.
2. My understanding is that voiceover is supposed to indicate
not mind writing it.
> On Sun, Dec 6, 2020 at 12:02 AM jean parker wrote:
> Jonathan:
> Would that turn on quicktime from anywhere? The problems isn’t really
> starting play but navigating from zoom to the video player. If quick time or
> whatever could be started from z
Hello All:
Does anyone have info about mail chimp and voiceover accessibility?
Thanks in advance,
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
feel that a member's po
also p for previous and n for
next with the same result. Sorry but using Windows is not an option.
The same slide show works fine with Keynote leading me to conclude that it is a
powerpoint/voiceover issue.
Is this a bug? Any suggestions
Many thanks in advance for any help,
Jean Parker
Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To
available in ebook and hard-back
Hi All:
I know how to mute voiceover. What I want to do is mute and unmute the system
Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To
available in ebook and hard-back
Hello All:
What do people use right now for simple video editing?
Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To
available in ebook and hard-back
Yes, I read your message and followed the directions. No luck getting rid of it
> On 3 Dec 2020, at 3:54 pm, Brad Snyder wrote:
> Routing VoiceOver to an external sound device or bluetooth headset, does not
> resolve the issue of speech during a Zoom Screen Share, because the s
> When Screen Sharing, I turn off VoiceOver until I am done, and have been
> doing it this way for a long time with out any issue.
> - Brad -
> On Dec 3, 2020, at 16:56, jean parker wrote:
> Hi:
> Yes, I read your message and followed the
> - Brad -
> On Dec 3, 2020, at 17:10, jean parker wrote:
> How do you keep track of where are? For example, when you share a video and
> you need to switch apps to get to the video player how do you know where you
> are if vo is off?
> Once you are in the ap
capsulated into a AppleScript or Automation with the "do
> shell script" command.
> Feel free to write me off list if you want details on doing this.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan Cohn
>> On Dec 3, 2020, at 22:42, jean parker wrote
Hello All:
I want to subscribe to a yahoo group. In the past you could send a blank email
message to something subscribe @ yahoo You would insert the name
of the group in the email address.
Since it has been so long since I had to do this I can't remember the exact
syntax. If s
Hello All:
I finally updated to Mavericks prompted by the security thing.
So, I have a couple of questions both regarding email.
First of all, the sounds are not working properly. I no longer get a sound
when I am at the top or bottom of the list of messages. I looked in sounds in
system prefer
Hello All:
I am hoping someone can help me.
I need to learn how to create keynote presentations using voiceover. I am
willing to pay someone who really knows how to do this to spend some time on
Skype with me so I can learn. Any takers?
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Hello All:
I went to use Skype on my i phone today and noticed two odd things. I am using
the latest update which came out about two days ago.
First, when I open the online contacts screen, it doesn't show the entire list
of people who are online. It begins half way down the list. Second, the
I am finding that since upgrading to Mavericks my sounds disappear after some
time and I need to restart my computer to get them back. Specifically, the
sounds in mail and Skype disappear. Any suggestions?
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Can you give me the steps to go to the activity monitor and change that setting?
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to macvisionaries+uns
Hello All:
I have a dropbox file and I want to send someone a link where they can
download it from dropbox. I uploaded it to the public folder as I used to do
in Windows. I went to the context menu but I don't find any option to generate
a link which can be sent to my colleague. How is this
I went to the context menu but there is no option to copy a link. There is an
option to put a link on dropbox website but if i use this how do I get the link
for my friend? Where is the link generated?
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Hello All:
I am often required to host Skype calls comprised of several people. I have
found that in the most recent updates of Skype for mac, the usual key commands
to ad people to an existing call do not work. Does anyone know how this is now
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Yes they are in the contacts list of my Skype account so I can select them from
the list of people. It used to be that I could do this with command option
enter or something but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
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Hello All:
One more Skype question for now. I want to replace or delete my photo on
Skype. When I go into edit photo in the profile settings, I don't find any
option to delete or replace. Any idea where I do that?
Huge thanks as always,
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Hello All:
What recommendations do people have for an accessible thesaurus for either i
phone or mac? I went to the app store and there are several available but I
don't want to get one until I know it will be accessible.
Many thanks,
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Right you all are. Many thanks and leave those cats alone.
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I used the spotlight function and went right to it.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegr
Hello All:
Does anyone have experience using Access Note by the American Foundation for
the Blind? I have some questions and would like to correspond with an advanced
user of the app. Among other things, I am trying to figure out how to manage
brf files on the app.
Anyone who can help please w
Hello All:
I am having some difficulty with team viewer when connecting to a partner. It
keeps saying busy and I can't find the button for trustworthy. Voiceover keeps
saying decline which I don't want to hit. Can someone please clarify if I need
to do anything after I click on connect to par
Hello All:
What is the best way to make a pdf that is a scanned image into something that
can be read with voiceover? I don't have programs like fine reader or the
like. Is there some other way to convert it?
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This is an image file of a document. Thanks for the robo Braille suggestion.
I will give it a try.
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Hello to the person who is thinking of making the switch to mac:
I did this about a year ago and here are my thoughts.
First of all, the reason I switched was similar to that of other people, my PC
became inoperable one to many times and it was at a time when I was to have
begun an online teachi
Hello All:
I have heard that the Bard mobile app can read brf files from other sources
than the Bard web site. If this is the case, how to you import those files
into the app?
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Ok, I understand putting the file in my dropbox then opening it on my i phone.
But wen I see the file in dropbox how to I get to a context menu from which I
can choose "open in?"
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"MacVisionaries" group.
Hello All:
When I copy a lot of files onto a backup drive it asks if I want to replace all
or keep newer. Can someone explain how these are different?
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Hello All and happy Friday:
I have read references to growl on this list before but have never understood
what it is. Could someone give an explanation especially its relation to
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"MacVisionaries" grou
Hello All:
It seems that in my mailboxes, messages that have been sent prior to a certain
date are disappearing. I know I have seen the setting for this but I have
looked in the preferences and other settings and can't locate it. Anyone know?
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Hello All:
Last Thursday my Mac got fried in a power surge in which my disk drive was
blown out. Yes I had a surge protector and yes Applle care paid for the
replacement of my disk drive. It took a week because they had to send to
Bangalore for replacement and it took time. Then the Time mac
Hello All:
Well, my problems restoring my computer are deminishing. The biggest problem I
have at present is that I followed the directions to find the voice called
Serena and she is not in the customise voices location. It is likely that she
bit the dust when everything else did. An internet
After my computer restoration, I have two gmail questions.
1. How do I put the bcc field in to messages I compose on a permanent basis?
2. I have several mailboxes I have added and I think they are in the gmail
folders. VO says these folders are collapsed. How do I expand them so
Hello once again,
I think I got most of my VO settings put back together correctly. However, VO
keeps telling me when something is misspelled in the middle of reading which is
very annoying. I remember fixing this last time but I have looked and looked
and can't find the setting in the voiceov
Hello All:
First of all, I want to thank everyone for your help on my various computer
restoration issues over the weekend. I am happy to report that everything is
now back to normal.
A big part of the reason why it is back to normal relates to the discussion on
external drives. I have them o
Max and All:
The restore process was ok for the most part. When you log into their web site
you can have your files appear in a browser format. You then choose to restore
all the files or selected files. I am a fairly new mac user and found the
process wasn't to difficult.
If you have to ha
Hello All:
Sorry for the off topic message. I believe there is at least one person on
this list who is either from or is living in Israel. If so, I would appreciate
it if you could contact me off the list at:
Many thanks,
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Hi Eugenia:
I have had the same problem. I thought it was due to the 2 g network being to
slow. I don't have a wireless to try it on at the moment but the next time I
encounter one I will try again. I also thought it was because I have a lot of
app updates waiting in the cue but since others
If there are any beta testers on this list for the upcoming release, the one I
most hope they fix is in Safari. Command left bracket and command left arrow
go back a page but you don't land in the place where you left off. This is
really annoying.
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Hello All:
Well I don't know what to think of this. All of a sudden Safari won't open any
google search pages. For example, I enter a search string for a search and
Safari says it can't open the page because it is unauthentic or some such
thing. It says something about certificates. I know t
I want to take some documents from my computer and read them on my i phone. I
am told that one way to accomplish this is to import the documents into pages
on the i phone where they can be edited etc. However, pages only gives two
choices for adding documents, one is from i tunes and the
Thanks all for your suggestions. I will stick with the I Tune option since I
don't always have good internet. Am I correct then that the documents remain
on my i phone somewhere within the pages app?
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Hello Theresa and All
Theresa, there are no boneheaded recommendations and yours was certainly one
that could be easily overlooked. I have tried it though to no avail.
Before I reset Safari, which appears to be necessary, what are the steps? I
opened up the dialogue to have a look and got as f
Ok I reset Safari twice but that hasn't solved anything. The warning says that
Safari can't establish a secure connection to whatever server belongs to the
web page I am trying to open. It also says things like certificates are
invalid or that site has no certificate.
This seems to me like
That fixed it, well done!
You were correct, my date and time were not set correctly and I put it on
automatic. Sometimes things get a little weird when changing time zones. And,
since I had my disk drive replaced in India but the computer still thinks it is
in North America, I guess i
Anne and All:
Anne, thank you for your clear directions about transferring documents through
I tunes into pages on my i phone. I did it once but I can't seem to do it
I get everything selected but when I press ad it is dimmed. What am I missing?
Also, is there a guide to using pages o
Still no luck. I select everything correctly but the add button is not
available and I hear a sound from the computer meaning it is dimmed. Just to
be sure I checked in pages on my i phone and nothing is there.
Any ideas? As I said before, I was able to do it once but can't seem to do it
Hello All:
No I am not transferring them as spoken files.
I want to read them in pages on my I phone. When I go to the options to import
files it only gives i tunes and some other web service I never heard of as the
options for importing these files.
As I explained, I was able to do it once th
Hello All:
Well somehow it has happened again. I go to my bookmarks and they are hidden
somehow. The "new bookmarks" which is where they are is checked. If I stop
interacting with the left hand table and arrow to the right, the next thing is
a search field. Continuing to the right is a horiz
Hello Nick:
You've done it! I interacted with the splitter and hit vo up arrow. My
question now is what does that do exactly? In other words, what is happening
with that splitter to cause them to disappear? Where can I permanently fix
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Hi All:
You can use the hotspot as a wireless but you can also use it via the usb
cable. Depending on what speed your data connection is, using it this way
could make it faster.
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Hello All:
I have a new i pod shuffle and I want to put music on it which is contained in
my i tunes library. Since it is only 2 gb I want to choose which music I put
on it. So I played around with i tunes and somehow got music on the i pod but
not the selections I wanted. In fact, I don't k
Hello All:
My bookmark problem has returned but this time I can't get it unstuck. My
folder of new bookmarks is checked. Just to the right of the search box is the
horizontal splitter. When I wrote about this problem several weeks ago, that
splitter said zero when I interact d with it and hit
Yes I pressed vo space on that thing. I also pressed enter, command plus
enter, command option enter, up arrow, down arrow, left and right arrow, tab
and various combinations of the above.
Please help!
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I have also tried Louis but couldn't figure it out either. I could go through
the steps of translating a file I guess but could never find the translated
file. There didn't seem to be a place to specify where the output file should
go. So I gave up on it and went back to using Robo B
I do appreciate your sticking with me to try to figure out this problem.
I am using VO calendar because I find the it much easier to use than the one on
the i phone itself. However, it is attached directly to the native calendar.
All the events appear in the native calendar as if I had put
Hello All:
I want to know if anyone has experience with any of the Jawbone bluetooth
earpieces for the mac and i phone. I am interested in both positive and
negative comments.
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This was originally about the Jawbone earpieces.
Yesterday I was at the Apple store and they had some of the Jabra earpieces
there. I purchased a Jabra Clear and like it very much. There is no software
and pairing with either the i phone or mac is quick and uncomplicated. It has
a voice
Hello All:
I am having no end of trouble with the contacts manager on the i phone.
Finding a contact is ok for the most part although trying to slog through the
letter headings is annoying.
My current problem is how to add a contact. When I open up the add contacts
thing the first thing it wan
This was very helpful but it is still a pain. Is there a way to just ad a
mobile number without going in to the labels thing and back out? Somehow I am
not seeing the field for the phone number unless I go into the label thing
Also, I am written to the people who made VO Calendar
Tim and All:
I think I've got it! Maybe.
Navigating on the right side of the screen is clearly one key. I was having
trouble scrolling through the alphabet because if I didn't scroll in exactly a
straight line I would end up somewhere else. Also, being able to choose the
fields on the right s
Hi Nick:
I have not used it with the mac that extensively so I don't know if I can
answer your questions. I have mostly used it with my i phone.
I have only begun experimenting with sound input and output in system
preferences. I know that I turn on bluetooth and connect the earpiece it
Hi Nick:
Assuming that bluetooth is already turned on, as soon as you connect the
earpiece voiceover and all other audio come through the earpiece. It is
necessary to disconnect it properly to get voiceover to resume coming through
the speakers of the computer. Otherwise you get a bluetooth er
I need to purchase a battery pack for my i phone. Which one's do people on
this use?
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I want to use time machine to back up my computer. I opened it up and it wants
a disk drive connected. I have an external disk drive for backup files. What
is the procedure from there? What else do I need to know?
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Hi Neil:
Yes this helps a lot.
A couple of questions:
How much does it weigh, what are the approximate dimensions and how much does
it cost?
Many thanks,
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Ok this helps a lot. So to be clear, I can partition my drive for time
machine. Then once it is backed up I can use the rest of the drive as usual?
In other words, time machine doesn't prohibit me from backing up and retrieving
files from the rest of the drive, right?
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I have made a terible mistake. I accidentally deleted a folder in the finder
and urgently need to get it back. Surely there must be a way to retrieve it?
All help welcome!
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Re: deleted folder
I can't believe it, I actually figured how to get my folder back. Maybe there
is hope for me yet.
Now, a followup question. If a file or folder is deleted how long does it
remain in the trash? If I do this again as I surely will, how much time do I
have to correct
Karen and all:
For the possible benefit of anyone thinking about switching to the i phone, I
am happy to explain my experience.
I purchased my i phone in mid April but did not change my mobile provider until
early May. I did this so that I could become used to how the i phone
functioned and
Hello All:
So I went to the app store for the mac for the first time thinking that I would
download dropbox and see if I can figure it out. I did a search for it but all
that the results showed appear to be some programs that work with drop box.
I am thinking perhaps it must be downloade
Ok I have the document referred to but the instructions are quite old. It says
to go in the context menu and select view package contents. When I do vo shift
m for the context menu but there is nothing there about viewing contents. I
opened dropbox directly but it went director
Thank you so much for the dropbox help. I installed it with problem.
Now, I have also put it on my i phone. Where do I find the folder where the
documents are? Also, how to I initiate an upload to dropbox from my I phone?
I am making more progress each day thanks to all of you.
Thanks Alex for your reply.
What I want to do for now is to be able to upload and download files from my
drop boxes on both i phone and mac. So I opened a document that was in my
dropbox on my i phone and tapped actions. It said I had to do something in
settings to allow it to access my photos
Hi All:
My question for today, one of them anyway.
When I am in finder, how do I rename a folder or file?
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Ok hopefully this has a simple answer. When I am in text edit and I want to
save a file I do command S. The problem is that sometimes it saves and
sometimes I get the save as dialogue. How do I get the save as dialogue
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Suddenly when I open an email message I am not going directly into the body of
the message. Instead I land on the message headers. This is annoying because
I have to interact with the text which isn't a big deal but it is just one more
step in what should be a simple matter of hitting e
Several weeks ago someone posted a document from the BBC on making web sites
accessible for screen readers. I saved that document at the time but try as I
might I simply can not find it. Could the person who posted it either repost
it or tell me where I can find it on the internet?
Hello All:
If I am on an active call on Skype using my i phone, how can I add more
callers? I don't find any share button. What am I missing?
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I have looked and can't find it. How do I get a page count in text edit? I
have seen it for documents I have opened from other sources but can't find it
for a document I am writing.
Also, the word counter web site someone posted before is very helpful.
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Hello Nick and All:
Nick I believe it was you sometime ago who wanted info about the Jabra Clear.
I have a users manual that I can send you, or anyone else who wants it.
Let me know,
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Hello All:
I am in need of a simple audio editing program for the mac. What I need to
accomplish is to be able to cut and paste audio clips, convert from wav to mp3,
and possibly some simple mixing. For example, I would like to be able to put
two audio files together and have them both play ei
What is the main difference between Amadeus light and Amadeus Pro? Aside from
the price I mean.
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I know a number of people on this list are using text grabber. I am trying to
use it but I am getting a "fail to auto focus" message. I have tried switching
combinations of settings like flash etc but I am not getting consistent results.
Any advice?
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So the question is which is easier to use and the most accessible, keynote or
powerpoint for Mac?
All experiences welcome.
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Dear all:
After listening to Mike Orego's podcast on using google maps I decided to give
it a try. As it turned out I am very glad I did.
Last Saturday evening, middle of the night really, I was returning to Pasadena
from Urvine California where I had been attending a conference with some
About using google maps solo I had no problem. This is with the new up-date so
perhaps the version you were using was an old one?
The podcast done by Mike Orego where he compared several gps apps was very
helpful. The only difficulty I found was that sometimes the directions came to
I think the update was about a month ago or so. Download it and give it
another try.
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Anne Robinson and others:
Thanks for the info about Keynote.
Now a question. Is there any way to read the slides while in play or slideshow
mode? Also, what is the best way to review the slides with voiceover. I
notice they do read in the editor after some complicated navigation I can kind
Hello All:
I am responding to the thread about Carbonite. At present, there is no
facility for backing up external drives. However, I am told this will change
with a new release.
Also, I have to say that they have excellent customer service and have saved my
butt a time or two. I would not
Hi Sherrie:
That is a great story. For me, gps is an equalizer. Especially when the
driver is in an area they don't know, it is difficult for them to use gps and
drive safely at the same time. It gives us an important role to play instead
of just being along for the ride.
You receiv
Hi All:
I have noticed a change in voiceover lately which is most annoying. In the
email program, when I hit enter to open a message, voiceover used to
automatically interact with the text of the message. Now that doesn't happen.
Instead, it lands on the message headers and I have to specifi
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