Hello All:

Thank you for the responses to my question but I am still having trouble with 
choosing the disk drive to back up. In the settings of Backblaze you can choose 
which disk drives to back up. When I interact with the table where they are 
listed, I get an error message saying that I can’t exclude my computer hard 
drive. No other parts of this table appear to be accessible. When I look at the 
number of files that have already been backed up it doesn’t seem to match the 
number of files on my drives. 

I have given it full disk access through the security settings on my Mac but 
nothing has changed. If someone could walk me through this process either on or 
off list I would be most appreciative.


Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To 
available in ebook and hard-back

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