Hello All:

I am considering purchasing Backblaze and have some questions. I am a bit 
hesitant because they do not publish a customer support phone number and they 
don't say anything about accessibility on their web site. Thus, I would like to 
hear from the group about your experiences as follows:

1. I did the preliminary backup as part of the 15 day free trial. I found the 
interface to select drives tricky to use so I am not sure exactly what is 
selected for backup and what is excluded.

2. Naturally, the ultimate objective of having such a service is to be able to 
restore files in case of a problem. I went to the view and restore files 
interface but was also not able to find things like documents, desktop, 
downloads etc. How does this work and is the restore process accessible? If so, 
how is it done with voiceover?

3. What is people's experience with their customer support? Are they 
responsive? Do they have enough knowledge to be conversant about how to perform 
functions using voiceover?

Replying off list is fine in order to reduce clutter on the list. My email is:
radioforever @gmail.com

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Check out my book
“Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach To 
available in ebook and hard-back

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